LoL Best Mordekaiser Skins - All Mordekaiser Skins Ranked

05 Mar 2020

Twice slain and thrice born, Mordekaiser is a brutal warlord from a foregone epoch, who uses necromantic sorcery to bind souls into an eternity of servitude. Few now remain who remember his earlier conquest, or the true extent of his powers, but some ancient souls do, and they fear the day when he may return to claim dominion over both the living and the dead.

Mordekaiser is a terrifying phantom knight that truly dominates the top lane. With one of the highest play and win rates of all top laners, this recently reworked wrecking ball has proven to kick ass and take souls.

Today, we’re going to take a look at the best skins Riot has made for the Iron Revenant, and rank them based on popularity, price, and overall bad-assery.

5. King of Clubs Mordekaiser

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Coming in at number five on our list is King of Clubs Mordekaiser. This version of the Iron Revenant features a golden version of him sitting at the throne accompanied by Syndra, Shaco, Ezreal, and Twisted Fate. Perfect for Mordekaiser players that want to reign in the top lane.


  • Very cool theme. Some of the best splash art for Mordekaiser.

  • Mordekaiser’s mace takes on a unique look as the playing card club suit. 

  • This skin is a bargain, very cheap.


  • Unfortunately, this skin is pretty lackluster in-game.

  • The green particle effects from his mace clash visually with the golden color of his armor.

  • Lost potential on this skin, Mordekaiser’s armor is missing the ghostly features making him appear more human than phantom.

The price for this skin is 750 RP.

See this skin in action :   

4. Lord Mordekaiser

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Lord Mordekaiser takes the number four spot on our list. This skin shows Mordekaiser as a human before his first encounter with death. With this skin, Mordekaiser mains can experience the Iron Revenant as a man of flesh and bone, while depriving their opponents of theirs.


  • Very neat particle effects.

  • The splash art is beautiful, great for flexing on your opponents in the loading screen.


  • The dripping water particles can throw off the aesthetic of the skin.

  • This skin is on the more expensive side for Mordekaiser.

  • Some spell effects are identical to the base skin.

The price for this skin is 975 RP.

See this skin in action :    

 3. Dragon Knight Mordekaiser

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Dragon Knight Mordekaiser takes the number three spot. Here, Mordekaiser is shown not as a possessed suit of heavy armor, but a ghastly dragon warrior. This skin is ideal for Mordekaiser mains ready to enter the dragon.


  • Incredibly unique skin, Dragon Knight Mordekaiser is a fresh re-imagining of the champion.

  • In-game, Dragon Knight Mordekaiser looks incredible, especially the new particle effects and animations.

  • Mordekaiser’s mace is replaced with a warhammer, further increasing the authenticity of this skin.


  • Some of the particles produced by this skin can look a bit messy and odd on lower graphical settings.

  • Lost the theme of Mordekaiser being possessed armor.

The price for this skin is 520 RP.

See this skin in action :  

2. Pentakill Mordekaiser

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Coming in at number two on our list is Pentakill Mordekaiser. What’s not to like about this skin? Heavy metal is brought to life as Mordekaiser, Karthus, Sona, Yorick, and Olaf tour Runeterra as the band Pentakill. Perfect Mordekaiser players ready to rock and roll with this heavy metal hellraiser.


  • Completely badass. 

  • In-game, Mordekaiser’s abilities look incredible with all new textures and particles.

  • Mordekaiser’s mace is replaced with an epic electric guitar. 


  • This skin is pricey.

  • Some may say it’s a less serious take on the character.

The price for this skin is 975 RP.

See this skin in action :  

1. Infernal Mordekaiser

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Coming in at number one on our list is Infernal Mordekaiser. This hellish version of the phantom knight is a stunning rendition of the champion. Perfect for Mordekaiser masters ready to doom their opponents’ souls until the end.


  • Mordekaiser takes on a more hellish form as all of his particles and ability animations go from ghostly green to a unique fiery orange-red.

  • In-game, Infernal Mordekaiser looks amazing and unique while maintaining the original character’s theme.

  • All of Mordekaiser’s abilities take on a new feeling as you now scorch your enemies with a flaming mace brimming with hellfire.


  • Some may say this is just a red recolor of the base skin.

The price for this skin is 520 RP.

See this skin in action :   

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