[Top 5] Hearthstone Battlegrounds Best Naga Builds That Are Powerful

11 Aug 2023

Scary fish creatures from underwater regions of Azeroth might not sound friendly. And well, they aren’t. But turns out, if you’ve got them as a part of your build, they can dish out a ton of damage and help you compete your way to the top. So why wait?

Here are the best Naga builds to secure a good ranking in your next Hearthstone: Battlegrounds game.

5. Lava Lurker Naga

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Time to lurk some lava.

Let's be real, the Naga tribe has some impressive members, like the Critter Wrangler and Tidemistress Athissa, who can go toe-to-toe with the best minions out there. But here's the twist - Spellcraft is throwing a bit of a wrench into the Naga plans. Yeah, it's that pesky mechanic that makes running Nagas a bit of a risky business.

But wait, don't lose hope just yet. Our shining star, Lava Lurker, is here to save the day. This Tier 2 minion is the beacon of light for Nagas in the meta. The best part? You can snag one early on in the game, so you don't have to wait too long to unleash the Naga fury.

What Makes This Build So Great:

  • Lava Lurker is a common Tier 2 minion, making it easily accessible early in the game.
  • The card is crucial for Naga-based strategies, holding the hopes and dreams of Naga users in the current meta.
  • The efficiency of Naga Spellcraft cards, particularly Shoal Commander, complements Lava Lurker's power, creating potent combos.
  • Lava Lurker serves as the backbone of the Naga tribe, offering a strong and reliable presence on the battlefield.
  • The build allows players to unleash the wrath of Queen Azshara's army when the time is right, turning the tide of the game in your favor.

Build Details

Now, let's talk about efficiency. The Naga Spellcraft cards, especially the magnificent Shoal Commander, are the secret sauce to your Naga success. They're like the perfect one-two punch that keeps your opponents on their toes. You can set up those combos and build your army until it's time to bring out the big guns - Queen Azshara's army. The Nagas are a force to be reckoned with, and with Lava Lurker leading the charge, there's no stopping them.

So, if you're looking to spice up your gameplay and add some fire and brimstone to your Naga strategy, Lava Lurker is your go-to pal. Just remember, hope and dreams ride on this little guy's back, and he won't let you down. Keep your Naga army in check, utilize those efficient Spellcraft cards, and prepare for an epic showdown on the battlefield.

4. Silent Swarmer Build

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Loud swimmers beware.

Alright, so at first glance, the 3/5 stats might not seem like much, but hey, it's comparable to the Reef Riffer's buff at the same Tavern Tier. Not too shabby, right? Well, here's the catch: unlike Reef Riffer, the Swimmer's stats don't level up. So, while it's great when you find it, it might get outclassed by bigger fish later on.

What Makes the Build So Great:

  • Stealthy Savior: The Silent Swimmer grants Stealth to your key minions, protecting them from enemy attacks during regular combat.
  • Combo King: It's a fantastic combo enabler, especially for minions with powerful on-death effects like Titus Rivendare or Banana Slamma.
  • Unpredictable Strategies: With Stealth on your side, opponents won't be able to predict your moves easily, giving you the element of surprise.
  • Minimizing Damage: Keeping crucial minions alive longer means they can trigger multiple times in combat, boosting your overall damage output.
  • Board Protection: By having Stealthed minions, you can strategically shield vulnerable units and ensure they survive longer to impact the battle.

Build Details

Here’s the real fish and chips about this build. It's not the stats that make this card truly intriguing—it's the ability to grant Stealth. Now, minions with Stealth can be real sneaky sneks in combat, 'cause enemy minions can't target them directly. Sometimes, that's not ideal, 'cause you want your beefy minions to take hits and secure better trades.

BUT, and this is a big but, Stealth can be a lifesaver for your MVPs. Imagine protecting your precious Titus Rivendare or Banana Slamma from nasty enemy attacks. Nothing's worse than seeing Rivendare go belly-up early in a fight when you're playing a juicy Deathrattle build.

Of course, there's a trade-off (no pun intended). Silent Swimmer takes up a precious slot on your board, and outside of its Stealth talent, it's just chilling, not contributing much. So, fitting this aquatic ally into your build can be a tad tricky, even with all its potential power.

In the end, the Silent Swimmer can add some serious stealthy spice to your strategies. It might not always be the perfect pick, but when the stars align and it guards your key minions, you'll be thanking the watery wonders of Battlegrounds.

3. Zesty Shaker Build

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Shake it till you make it.

Now, this little fella is quite the unique character on our list. Why? Well, it's the only one without its own Spellcraft spell. But fear not, because it has a clever trick up its sleeve.

What Makes This Build So Good:

  • Zesty Shaker can duplicate Spellcraft spells from other minions, giving you powerful bonuses and effects for free.
  • With the ability to copy spells, you can get extra Divine Shields, Stealth, or boost your minions' stats, creating a formidable army on the battleground.
  • When you triple the Zesty Shaker, you get two copies of the spell played on it, allowing you to double down on those sweet bonuses for your minions.
  • It synergizes exceptionally well with the Deep Blue Crooner, making it a key component of Crooner builds and amplifying the power of your board.
  • It adds an element of surprise and versatility to your strategy, adapting to the situations and spells available on the battleground.

Build Details

Instead of having its own fancy spell, the Zesty Shaker can duplicate the Spellcraft spells of other minions. How cool is that? Talk about being the ultimate spell copycat. And getting free Spellcraft spells is like hitting the jackpot in Hearthstone's version of a Vegas casino.

With those free spells, you can get all sorts of fun bonuses. Who doesn't love some extra Divine Shields or Stealth? Plus, you can beef up your minions with some impressive raw stats. But hold on, there's a small catch. You gotta play the first copy on the Zesty Shaker itself, so it's not as fantastic as getting a spell to use wherever you please.

But guess what? This little trickster shines like a star when tripled. Triple Zesty Shaker gives you two copies of the spell played on it. Yup, TWO. One for the Shaker, one for your original target, and even a bonus spell for an extra minion. It's like a three-for-one spell sale.

Now, brace yourselves for the ultimate combo: Zesty Shaker and Deep Blue Crooner. These two make the perfect pair. Duping the Crooner's Spellcraft spell is beyond exceptional, making the Zesty Shaker the second-most important minion in Crooner builds. It's like they were made for each other, destined to create havoc and fun on the battleground.

2. Deep Blue Crooner Build

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The deeper the better.

Now, hold your horses; I know what you might be thinking – "The first Crooner you buy is weak sauce." I mean, 3/3 stats on Tavern Tier 4? That's like bringing a feather to a sledgehammer fight.

But hang on, 'cause here's the magical part: this crooning cutie has the potential to scale infinitely. Yes, you heard it right – the possibilities are as limitless as my enthusiasm for chicken nuggets.

What Makes This Build Great

  • Infinite Scaling: The Crooner starts weak but can grow into an unstoppable powerhouse with 100/100 stats or more through Spellcraft spells.
  • Accessible on Lower Tavern Tiers: You can find the Crooner and Shaker on Tavern Tier 3 and 4, making them easier to acquire early on.
  • Triple Trouble: Triple the Crooner for even more impressive stat boosts and multiplying Spellcraft spells.
  • Potential for Insane Stats: With proper setup and some luck, your board can be filled with colossal minions that'll give your opponents nightmares.
  • Game-Winning Power: Once the build gets going, few strategies can match the sheer strength and dominance of the Deep Blue Crooner build.

Build Details

Picture this: with a little TLC and some lucky finds, your Crooner's Spellcraft spells can start dishing out monstrous 100/100 stats. Move aside, puny minions; we've got a heavyweight champ in town.

And the fun doesn't stop there. The more Crooners you collect, the merrier it gets. Triple that baby, and you'll unlock even juicier stats, like finding a hidden treasure chest full of chocolate chip cookies.

Now, here's the best part – Zesty Shaker comes to the party too. Those fantastic duplicates it makes? Yeah, they count towards the stat-stacking extravaganza. It's like an all-you-can-eat buffet of stat boosts. Grab a plate and fill it up.

The sheer synergy between the Shaker and the Crooner is off the charts. It's like watching two super-talented musicians jamming together, creating a mind-blowing masterpiece that leaves the audience begging for an encore. And guess what? These marvelous minions are easily accessible on Tavern Tier 3 and 4, so no need to go on a frantic tavern-leveling spree. They'll pop up like those darn pop-up ads, but in a good way.

However, like finding that last piece of a puzzle under the couch, if you don't gather all these elements early enough, the Crooner build can hit a few bum notes. Surviving can be as tricky as teaching a goldfish to juggle flaming torches. But once it hits its stride, oh boy, there's no stopping this stat-stacking extravaganza.

1. Glowscale Build

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Glow like the sea, fight like a bee.

If you're tired of your minions getting smacked down without a second thought, Glowscale is here to save the day.

Now, let's be honest; dealing with Divine Shield can be as tricky as deciding which pizza topping is the best (pineapple lovers, don't come for me.). But fear not, because Glowscale has your back. Besides a few Hero Powers and the not-so-cuddly Tunnel Blaster and Leeroy the Reckless, Divine Shields are hard to come by. But with Glowscale on your side, you can slap a shiny shield right onto your biggest, baddest minion, giving it the survival skills of a ninja in a rubber duck suit.

What Makes This Build So Great

  • Glowscale provides the coveted keyword, Divine Shield, making your biggest minion more survivable, especially against Poisonous minions.
  • Divine Shield helps protect your high-threat minions, giving them an edge in battles.
  • Glowscale's presence can catch opponents off guard and disrupt their strategies.
  • She allows for creative minion positioning and tactical plays to maximize her Divine Shield impact.

Build Details

Imagine this for a sec: you've got a monstrous, fearsome beast on your board, ready to wreak havoc. Your opponent sends in their Poisonous minions, thinking they've got the upper hand. But surprise, surprise. Glowscale's Divine Shield just laughs in the face of danger, making your minion nearly untouchable. Take that, Poisonous pests.

Now, here's the best part: Glowscale isn't just a one-trick pony. She's an all-rounder, like that friend who can slay at karaoke and win at trivia night. She fits like a glove in Naga-focused teams, giving them the extra oomph they need to dominate. But hey, don't stop there. She's versatile enough to fit into literally any other type of team too. Talk about an MVP.

So, if you want to add some divine pizzazz to your battlegrounds adventure, Glowscale is the queen you've been waiting for. She's got style, she's got power, and she's ready to turn your board into a formidable force. So, whether you're Team Naga or just want to level up your game, Glowscale is the one to watch out for. 

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