Gear up your club members to sell illicit goods
In the essence of GTA IV: The Lost and Damned, you can assemble a Motorcycle Club and gather prospects in GTA Online to extend your ventures for acquiring ill-gotten wealth.
With the Motorcycle Clubhouse, you have the liberty to passively operate multiple businesses that will produce narcotics, counterfeit cash, and forged documents in full swing while you run around town and take care of other matters. Plus, as of early 2022, the original payouts of these businesses have been buffed too.
All the businesses run on the same exact principle; you fill your supplies, wait for them to process into product, and sell them by running delivery missions once you have enough product stock.
This article ranks the five MC businesses, you can run as an MC President, based on their earnings.
Just a few points to note in order to maximize business productivity:
For time’s sake, it’s recommended you buy your supplies rather than steal them, so you can spend your efforts to earn more money elsewhere.
Always sell your product far from your business location, as the payout is higher.
For a full stock of product, make sure you have active members in your MC club to help you out, as multiple vehicles will spawn for a full stock sell mission.
5. Document Forgery Office
The Document Forgery Office
Price: GTA$ 650,000 – GTA$ 1,235,000
Staff Upgrade: GTA$ 195,000
Equipment Upgrade: GTA$ 550,000
With the Document Forgery Office, you’ll be setting up a facility to fabricate fraudulent papers. Don’t worry, you won’t be doing anything yourself. Your staff will be taking care of all the operations. Just make sure your staff and equipment are fully upgraded, so you can make the best profits.
Assuming you bought your supplies and fully upgraded your business, you can earn a profit of:
- GTA$ 20,400 per hour.
- GTA$ 51,000 with a single purchase of supplies (2hrs and 30mins).
- GTA$ 61,200 by selling an entire stock of product (3hrs).
To start the business:
- Purchase a Counterfeit Cash Office through your Motorcycle Clubhouse laptop.
- Complete the setup mission through the laptop at the business’s location.
4. Weed Farm
The Weed Farm
Price: GTA$ 715,000 – GTA$ 1,358,500
Staff Upgrade: GTA$ 273,000
Equipment Upgrade: GTA$ 990,000
GTA Online caters to your green thumb and allows you to set up your farm and grow plants. How cool is that!
There’s just one catch, the plant you can grow is weed. Yes, by setting up a Weed Farm, you’ll be fulfilling the “medicinal needs” of the residents of Las Santos. Additionally, you’ll be turning reasonable profits.
Assuming you bought your supplies and fully upgraded your business, you can earn a profit of:
- GTA$ 34,200 per hour.
- GTA$ 114,000 with a single purchase of supplies (3hrs and 20mins).
- GTA$ 182,400 by selling an entire stock of product (5hrs and 20 mins).
To start the business:
- Purchase a Weed Farm through your Motorcycle Clubhouse laptop.
- Complete the setup mission through the laptop at the business’s location.
3. Counterfeit Cash Factory
The Counterfeit Cash Factory
Price: GTA$ 845,000 – GTA$ 1,605,000
Staff Upgrade: GTA$ 273,000
Equipment Upgrade: GTA$ 880,000
Unsurprisingly, there’s a huge demand amongst the citizens of Los Santos to acquire fake cash and live beyond their means. By running a Counterfeit Cash Factory, you’ll not only be meeting the people’s demand but also earning hefty sums of real cash yourself.
The Counterfeit Cash Factory is a must-have business.
Assuming you bought your supplies and fully upgraded your business, you can earn a profit of:
- GTA$ 38,000 per hour.
- GTA$ 101,400 with a single purchase of supplies (2hrs and 40mins).
- GTA$ 202,800 by selling an entire stock of product (5hrs and 20 mins).
To start the business:
- Purchase a Counterfeit Cash Factory through your Motorcycle Clubhouse laptop.
- Complete the setup mission through the laptop at the business’s location.
2. Methamphetamine Lab
The Meth Lab
Price: GTA$ 910,000 – GTA$ 1,729,000
Staff Upgrade: GTA$ 331,500
Equipment Upgrade: GTA$ 1,100,000
We’ve all watched Breaking Bad and have wondered how profitable it would be in real life for us to start selling that blue rock candy. Well, let’s just leave the real-life scenario behind and focus on starting your own Meth Lab in GTA Online instead.
The profitability of owning a Meth Lab is something that wouldn’t disappoint you.
Assuming you bought your supplies and fully upgraded your business, you can earn a profit of:
- GTA$ 41,400 per hour.
- GTA$ 103,500 with a single purchase of supplies (2hrs and 24mins).
- GTA$ 240,900 by selling an entire stock of product (6hrs).
To start the business:
- Purchase a Methamphetamine Lab through your Motorcycle Clubhouse laptop.
- Complete the setup mission through the laptop at the business’s location.
1. Cocaine Lockup
The Coke Lab
Price: GTA$ 975,000 – GTA$ 1,852,500
Staff Upgrade: GTA$ 390,000
Equipment Upgrade: GTA$ 935,500
The most profitable of all the MC businesses is the Cocaine Lockup. With it, not only will you be earning a great deal of money, but the downtime of processing supplies to product is also quite attractive. Just make sure you hire extra security for the lockup, as getting raided by the cops and failing to defend your business is bound to leave you heartbroken.
Assuming you bought your supplies and fully upgraded your business, you can earn a profit of:
- GTA$ 63,300 per hour.
- GTA$ 126,600 with a single purchase of supplies (2hrs).
- GTA$ 316,500 by selling an entire stock of product (5hrs).
To start the business:
- Purchase a Cocaine Lockup through your Motorcycle Clubhouse laptop.
- Complete the setup mission through the laptop at the business’s location.
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