Who doesn’t like a good boy? And I’m not talking about pets. I’m talking about those boys that make you go “he’s so cute!” and “he’s so nice!”. Well, Genshin Impact is a game that doesn’t lack any type of characters, there’re lots of good boys too. In this guide, we’ll show you ten of the best good boys in the game. Get ready!
10. Xiao
He may be a little “tsundere”, not showing his feelings because he doesn’t want to get hurt. However, he’s still nice and he will come to help you whenever you call him.
What Makes This Character Great:
- His Elemental Burst allows him to strike from the air and come crashing down on foes.
- Elemental Skill makes him suitable for exploration
- Close-range attacks are fast and easy to use.
- Able to deal massive damage without constellations unlocked.
- Plunging at any height with Xiao won't result in taking DMG.
9. Kazuha
In battle, you can lean on him for lots of reasons, elemental mastery increase, passive damage, swirl damage, crowd control, energy recharge… Whatever you want, this best boy can give you.
What Makes This Character Great:
- High Elemental Mastery buffs to support team
- Acts like a ''battery'' for Energy Recharge
- Powerful passive Swirl DMG as a Sub DPS
- Easy exploration with Skill and Passive Talent
8. Gorou
In battle, he’s helpful as well. Increasing defense within an area, and causing passive damage and other increases are some of the abilities he possesses. Moreover, his bow is not for show, he can launch Geo canons with ease.
What Makes This Character Great:
- Boosts DEF, interruption resistance, and Geo DMG.
- Buffs the entire party's DEF after using Elemental Burst.
- C4 can heal active characters during Elemental Burst.
- C6 can increase Geo CRIT DMG.
- Displays Inazuma Specialties on the minimap.
7. Albedo
Even so, his love for the protagonist and the rest of the characters from Mondstadt is extremely big, and he’ll do anything in his power to protect them. Most of all, Klee is his little sister, so he’ll protect her with his life.
What Makes This Character Great:
- Provides large AoE of Supplemental Geo DMG.
- Has one of the lowest Elemental Skill CDs at 4s.
- Gives an additional 125 Elemental Mastery after using Elemental Burst.
- Can use DEF % Artifacts like Noelle, lowering the building difficulty.
6. Razor
In his case, he’s a DPS. His Physical Damage is above most characters, so in battle, he can carry your team like your typical DPS. Just rely on him to destroy the monster that threatens your life.
What Makes This Character Great:
- Naturally high Physical DMG
- Combines Physical DMG and Electro.
- Elemental Burst gives large damage and defense boost.
5. Childe
If you’ve played his Legendary mission, you’ve learnt all about his life in Snezhnaya. His brothers all depend on him, with Teucer being the center of his attention. He even plays as a toy seller to hide his dangerous job from him!
What Makes This Character Great:
- Can swap from Melee to Ranged with Elemental Skill.
- Elemental Burst changes depending on combat stance.
- DMG spikes up on fights with multiple enemies.
- Melee attacks constantly apply Hydro.
4. Itto
What Makes This Character Great:
- High Base CRIT Rate.
- High Charged Attack DMG when enhanced with Super Strength Stacks from Normal Attacks & Elemental Skill.
- Elemental Skill taunts enemies.
- Elemental Burst increases overall DPS.
3. Chongyun
In his hangout stories, you’ll get to know more about him, what worries him, what is that he wishes for, and how to help him. And you will help him, because who wouldn’t? He’s definitely a good boy and they deserve all the help.
What Makes This Character Great:
- Elemental Skill converts melee damage into cryo for the team.
- Low Elemental Burst energy cost
- Elemental Skill allows him to move across the water.
2. Bennett
Why? Well, even though he’s cute and just wants to help, people don’t even want to be near him. Poisonous food, storms, and even empty treasure are what awaits his adventure team. But, what does it matter to you? He’s a good boy worth spending time with!
What Makes This Character Great:
- Provides powerful ATK buff and healing.
- Chargeable and spammable Elemental Skill.
- Can easily apply pyro to set-up reactions.
1. Thoma
How can he not be a good boy? He can be your stay-home husband that helps around the house, he’s able to defend himself from the Shogun, and more importantly, he has a dog called Taromarou that manages a tea shop!
What Makes This Character Great:
- Provide shields with Elemental Skill and Burst.
- Can apply off-field Pyro reactions with Elemental Burst.
- C6 provides a boost to the party's Normal, Charged, and Plunge Attacks.
As you can see, there’re boys for everyone, and all of them are really good. Old, young, cute, handsome… Whatever you want. But this isn’t just for show, they’ll help you in battle why giving off an aura of calmness that every good boy has. Just another reason to play Genshin Impact!