Top 10] Fifa 22 Best Goalkeepers Who Are Amazing

FIFA 22, Defending, Football, Soccer, FIFA gameplay
20 Sep 2021

Best FIFA 22 goalkeepers

Goalkeepers are one of the most important positions in the game. I remember having Nick Pope in goal and him saving shots that went top and bottom corner all the time. But what keepers are the best in the game?

1. Jan Oblak

Best Saves By Oblak

Oblak is the highest-rated goalkeeper on FIFA. He is going to be 91 rated again on FIFA 22. He plays for Atletico Madrid and is from Slovenia. He’s an amazing goalkeeper on the game and in real life. Many people use him if they have a La Liga squad or a hybrid.


  • Diving – 87
  • Reflexes – 90
  • Handling – 92
  • Speed – 60
  • Kicking – 78
  • Positioning – 90

Why he’s amazing:

  • Plays in a top 5 league
  • Gets green and orange links to amazing centre backs in the game
  • Is very fast for a goalkeeper which is amazing to have in your team
  • All of his other stats are amazing except from his kicking
  • Will save a lot of shots that other keepers can’t


9. Alisson

Alisson's Best Saves

Alisson is the second highest-rated keeper on the game at 90 rated. He plays for Liverpool FC and is from Brazil. He’s one of the best keepers to use if you have a Premier league squad or a team with Brazilian centre backs.


Diving – 86

Reflexes – 89

Handling – 88

Speed – 47

Kicking – 85

Positioning – 91

Why he’s amazing:

• Has great Positioning so you are unlikely to concede from free-kicks or corners

• Good kicking so you will be able to clear the ball very far and start counter-attacks quickly

• There is a wide variety of players that link to him

• The rest of his stats are very solid except from his speed

• Will be very good in one-on-one situations with the opposition’s attacker

8. Ter Stegen

Ter Stegen's Craziest Saves

Ter Stegen is the third highest-rated goalkeeper on the game at 90 rated. He plays for Barcelona FC and is from Germany. If you have a La Liga squad or a squad with German centre backs, then he’s a great keeper to use.

Stats: Diving – 88

Reflexes – 90

Handling – 85

Speed – 50

Kicking – 88

Positioning – 88

Why he’s amazing:

• Has insane kicking stats so will be able to clear the ball really far when under pressure

• Very good at double saves on the game due to his reflexes

• Is a very easy keeper to link and get chemistry to

• Doesn’t have a bad stat on his card

7. Neuer

Brilliant Saves By Neuer

Manuel Neuer is the fourth highest-rated goalkeeper on the game at 89 rated. He plays for Bayern Munich and is also from Germany. He’s a great keeper to use if you have a Bundesliga squad or a squad with German centre backs. Stats:

Diving – 87

Reflexes – 89

Handling – 87

Speed – 60

Kicking – 91

Positioning – 87

Why he’s amazing:

• Has the second-best kicking for any high rated keeper so playing long balls and starting counter attacks will be easier

• Reflexes are amazing so he will be able to stop lots of shots in a row

• He is extremely tall so he won’t be beaten in the air by any player

• He’s fairly quick for a keeper so he will be able to come out and beat attackers to the ball

• Plays as a sweeper-keeper in real life and on FIFA

6. Courtios

Top Saves by Courtois

Thibaut Courtois is the fifth highest-rated keeper on FIFA at 89 rated. He plays for Real Madrid and is from Belgium. He’s another keeper that plays in La Liga and would link to any centre backs in that league as well as any Belgium defenders.


Diving – 84

Reflexes – 88

Handling – 89

Speed – 52

Kicking – 74

Positioning – 85

Why he’s amazing:

• He is the tallest keeper on this list at 199cm so he will win every aerial ball so they shouldn’t score from crosses, corners or set pieces

• For his size, his diving and reflexes are great and he takes up most of the goal

• He’s very good at saving top corner shots due to his height and arm length

• There’s a great variety of defenders that link to him

5. Ederson

Ederson's Best Saves

Ederson is the sixth highest-rated keeper on the game at 88 rated. He plays for Manchester City and is from Brazil. He’s the second keeper on this list to play in the Premier league and link to defenders from Brazil.


Diving – 86

Reflexes – 88

Handling – 82

Speed – 63

Kicking – 93

Positioning – 86

Why he’s amazing:

• He has the best kicking for any keeper on the game and can clear the ball far enough to play his strikers through on goal

• He’s got good reflexes so he can save multiple shots in a row

• He is fast for a keeper so he will beat some strikers in a foot race to the ball

• He links to some of the most over powered centre backs in the game

4. Handanovic

Handanovic's Best Saves

Samir Handanovic is the seventh-highest rated keeper on the game at 88 rated. He plays for Inter Milan and is from Slovenia. He’s the first goalkeeper on this list to play in the serie A and will link to defenders from this league and players from Slovenia.


Diving – 88

Reflexes – 89

Handling – 85

Speed – 55

Kicking – 73

Positioning – 89

Why he’s amazing:

• Links to a lot of over powered defenders in the Serie A

• Has great Positioning so is unlikely to be beaten by set pieces and one vs ones

• Is very tall so players won’t beat him in the air at a corner

• Has amazing diving and reflexes so he will save most shots he faces

3. Szczesny

Szczesny's Best Saves

Szczesny is the eighth highest-rated keeper on the game at 87 rated. He plays for Juventus and is from Poland. He’s the second goalkeeper on this list to play in the Serie A and will link with players from Poland as well as the league he plays in. Stats:

Diving – 86

Reflexes- 88

Handling – 82

Speed – 47

Kicking – 73

Positioning – 87

Why he’s amazing:

• One of the cheaper keepers on this list because of his rating

• Plays in a league where there’s a lot of cheap defenders available

• Has really good reflexes so he will be able to save a lot of shots in a row

• His positioning is great so he is unlikely to be beaten by set pieces and will have a better chance of saving one vs ones than other keepers

2. Navas

Navas Save Compilation

Keylor Navas is the ninth highest-rated keeper on this list at 87 rated. He plays for Paris Saint-Germain and is from Costa Rica. He’s the first goalkeeper on this list from Ligue 1 and will link to players from this league. He will also link to any Costa Rica players but there isn’t many in the game.

Stats: Diving - 90

Reflexes – 90

Handling – 81

Speed – 53

Kicking – 75

Positioning - 82

Why he’s amazing:

• He is from a league where there are some very pacey centre backs that he links with

• He has great Diving and reflexes so he will be able to save most shots

• He’s smaller than most keepers on this list meaning that he will be great at saving bottom corner shots

• He shouldn’t be too expensive because his rating is lower than others on this list

1. Lloris

Greatest Saves By Lloris

Hugo Lloris is the tenth highest-rated keeper on FIFA 22 at 87 rated. He plays for Tottenham and is from France. He’s the third goalkeeper on this list who plays in the Premier League and will link to players from this league as well as any French player.


Diving – 89

Reflexes – 90

Handling – 82

Speed – 62

Kicking – 68

Positioning – 84

Why he’s amazing:

• He has great reflexes so will be amazing at saving multiple shots from close range

• He is from a great league and nation that has some of the best players on the game that he will link to

• His diving is very good so he will save a lot of top and bottom corner shots

• He’s fairly fast so he will be able to beat some strikers to the ball when they are played through

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