[Top 5] FF14 Best Professions for Money (and Usefulness)

FF14 Best Profession
14 Jan 2021

Final Fantasy 14 has no shortage of ways to earn gil from quests to duties to treasure maps, but if you haven’t tried your hand at crafting and want to rake in more gil then now might be the time. Many of the crafting classes work in tandem with each other and certain items may need materials from a class other than your own, so it’s always good to level up more than one. To maximize crafting profit, you’ll always want to keep an eye on the Marketboard and what items sell the most for your crafting class. Keep in mind, however, that some of these ludicrous selling items may cost more to make than they’re actually worth, and sometimes it’s more profitable to sell lower level materials in bulk for a lower price. Overall, if you keep a diverse stock of items alongside of reading the Marketboard, then you’ll be cashing in the gil in no time. Now, let’s take a look at which five crafting classes are the best choices.

5) Alchemist

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An Alchemist crafting potions

If you’re looking for a good starting class, Alchemist is a great option. Alchemist will teach you the ins and outs of crafting, as well as make a fair amount of gil selling potions in bulk on the Marketboard. Potions have the tendency to sell well since everyone uses them and they’re in demand for players who focus on raid content. The one downside to Alchemist is that other than potions there aren’t as many popular items that the class can craft. However, if you have Botanist as a gathering class, you’ll be able to source a fair amount of materials for crafting an easy couple of gil.

Pick Alchemist if…

  • You’re interested or have Botanist as a gathering class
  • Want to make profit through bulk crafting easy to make potions
  • Would also like to craft and sell other useful materials (glues, rubbers, oils, etc.)

4) Blacksmith

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A joyful Blacksmith

With Blacksmith, you’ll be able to make a fair amount off of crafting high quality (HQ) items and tools for other crafters. If you’re willing to put in more effort and gil into finding the materials, you can also craft weapons for glamours, which, depending on the Marketboard prices, can sell fairly high. Paired with the gathering class miner, you’ll have access to a fair amount of materials without having to buy them yourself. 

Pick Blacksmith if…

  • You have Miner as a gathering class
  • You would rather craft HQ materials (ingots, rivets, nails) and tools for other classes
  • Crafting in bulk and selling low prices for profit
  • You want to craft weapons for glamours

3) Culinarian

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Culinarians mainly craft food items

Culinarian heats up the competition among the crafting classes as a fairly self-sufficient class that can sell food items to any player regardless of their class in the game. If paired with the Botanist gathering class, Culinarian makes a great amount of gil by crafting food items from those materials gathered as a Botanist and then simply selling the items in bulk or stacks. Culinarian can benefit from the Fisher gathering class as well, but it isn’t necessary.

Pick Culinarian if…

  • You’d prefer a simpler crafting class
  • You have Botanist and/or Fisher as a gathering class
  • You don’t mind selling cheap and easy to make items in bulk or stacks

2) Goldsmith

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A Goldsmith at his crafting table

Goldsmith typically has the second highest selling ratio of items on the Marketboard, landing it in second place. Since Goldsmith makes primarily accessories, their items sell to everyone regardless of their class, opening up the pool of potential buyers. Additionally, Goldsmith is able to desynth the widest range of items of the crafting classes, giving it access to more valuable materials. Paired with Miner as a gathering class, and Goldsmith will have you swimming in gil.

Pick Goldsmith if…

  • You have Miner as a gathering class
  • Want to craft either cheaper materials or items in bulk or higher priced items
  • Want a wider pool of buyers
  • The ability to desynth more items

1) Carpenter

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Two Carpenters crafting in the Carpenters guild

Carpenter currently has the highest selling ratio of items on the Marketboard, and when used alongside of other tips and tricks, can bring in massive amounts of gil. Like Goldsmith, Carpenter can sell its accessories to any player, increasing the chance of your items being bought quickly. Carpenter pairs well with Botanist as its gathering class, and Carpenter can desynth Primal weapons for some very rare and expensive materials. Sell these items on the Marketboard and your Warrior of Light will be a Gillionaire in no time.

Pick Carpenter if…

  • You have Botanist as a gathering class
  • You want to make cheaper items and HQ materials to sell in bulk or more expensive furniture and accessories
  • Want to be able to desynth Primal weapons and other items that drop rare materials

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