What is the most powerful armor in Fallout: New Vegas and where can you find it?
Hello again! I’m back with another Fallout: New Vegas list. Today, I’ll be answering the question, “What’s the most powerful armor in New Vegas and how can I find it?” It can be hard to pick the best unique armor in a game specifically known for its unique items and wide variety of armor. But whether your preference is light, medium, or heavy power armor, I included a little bit of everything.
As with all the unique items in the Wasteland, what ultimately makes the best armor is subjective to the individual player and build, but here are my choices for New Vegas’ Top 10 Most Powerful Armor Sets. Read on to see if your favorites made the list!
10. Explorer’s Gear
With so much exploration to do, this is a solid early game choice.
The Explorer’s Gear has to have a spot on this list simply for its Damage Threshold (DT) to weight ratio. With 8 DT and only 3 weight, along with +2 Melee Weapons and Guns, this armor is a solid choice for those who like light armor early in the game until they can access some of the more advanced armor.
Why Explorer’s Gear is great:
- Excellent DT/Weight ratio
- Repairable with any type of Merc outfit
- Easy to obtain and useful early in the game
Explorer’s Gear Full Details:
- Class: Light Armor
- Weight: 3
- Damage Threshold: 8
- Item HP: 100
- Effects: +2 Melee Weapons, +2 Guns
- Drawbacks: None
- Value: 150
How to get Explorer’s Gear:
A unique variant of the Merc Troublemaker Outfit, the Explorer’s Gear is worn by Orion Moreno. He can be found in a house north of the NCR Sharecropper Farms. Either reverse pickpocket Orion or loot it from his corpse.
Check it out here.
9. NCR Salvaged Power Armor
Tank your way through New Vegas in this powerful tin can.
The insanely high Item HP of the NCR Salvaged Power Armor earns it a spot on the most powerful list. It boasts an impressive 1000 while no other Combat Armor goes over 650. It does not require Power Armor Training and I find it to be the most protective NCR disguise available for the majority of the game.
Why NCR Salvaged Power Armor is great:
- Serves as a disguise for the NCR
- Does not require Power Armor Training
- Highest Item HP of any Combat Armor
NCR Salvaged Power Armor Full Details:
- Class: Heavy Armor
- Weight: Armor— 40, Helmet— 5
- Damage Threshold: Armor— 20, Helmet— 4
- Item HP: Armor— 1000, Helmet— 75
- Effects: Does not require Power Armor Training, NCR Disguise
- Drawbacks: -2 Agility
- Value: Armor— 3000, Helmet— 1200
How to get NCR Salvaged Power Armor:
You can get the NCR Salvaged Power Armor from NCR Heavy Troopers at the 188 Trading Post, Camp Forlorn Hope, Camp McCarran, Hoover Dam, NCR Ranger Safehouse, and the Long 15 in the Lonesome Road DLC.
Check it out here.
8. Joshua Graham’s Armor
This armor is a great choice for vigilantes on a mission.
This armor makes the list mainly for its 3% critical chance boost, but it also looks great on just about any character. Joshua’s armor offers the same protection as combat armor but at less than a third of the weight. It may not have the highest DT among light armors, but it is close to the top.
Why Joshua Graham’s Armor is great:
- Excellent DT/Weight ratio
- Repairable with Powder Gang Guard Armor and Light Armor
- An interesting and unique look
Joshua Graham’s Armor Full Details:
- Class: Light Armor
- Weight: 8
- Damage Threshold: 15
- Item HP: 200
- Effects: +3% Critical Chance
- Drawbacks: None
- Value: 2000
How to get Joshua Graham’s Armor:
Joshua Graham’s Armor is located in the footlocker which appears at the end of the Honest Hearts DLC. It can also be looted from Joshua Graham’s corpse.
Check it out here.
7. T-51B Power Armor
Strong power armor that can take the hits and keep on kicking.
The T-51B Power Armor is an excellent set for players who invest in Power Armor Training. It offers an impressive 31 DT total, as well as multiple bonuses and no penalties. With the possibility to obtain a set for free by fighting your way through deathclaws, it also has added value for the especially brave Courier.
Why T-51B Power Armor is great:
- Most durable armor in base game New Vegas
- The Brotherhood of Steel has a faction-specific version of T-51B
- Fantastic bonuses and no penalty
T-51B Power Armor Full Details:
- Class: Heavy Armor
- Weight: Armor— 40, Helmet— 4
- Damage Threshold: Armor— 25, Helmet— 6
- Item HP: Armor— 2000, Helmet— 100
- Effects: Armor— +1 Strength, +25 Radiation Resistance; Helmet— +1 Charisma, +8 Radiation Resistance
- Drawbacks: Requires Power Armor Training
- Value: Armor— 5200, Helmet— 2000
How to get T-51B Power Armor:
You can purchase the T-51B Power Armor from Knight Torres in the Hidden Valley Bunker armory. A free set can be found on a dead prospector in the Deathclaw Promontory east of Lucky Jim Mine.
Check it out here.
6. Armor of the 87th Tribe
Quite for reward for destroying Caesar's Legion.
Those players who choose to destroy Caesar’s Legion toward the end of the Lonesome Road DLC can discover a new location called Dry Wells. If you can best Gaius Magnus in battle, you can claim one of the best sets of heavy armor available late-game. With an impressive DT of 22 and 3000 Item HP, along with other bonuses, the Armor of the 87th Tribe is a solid choice.
Why Armor of the 87th Tribe is great:
- Not considered faction armor and can be worn anywhere
- Incredible bonuses and no penalties
- Painted with the Bull of Caesar’s Legion
Armor of the 87th Tribe Full Details:
- Class: Heavy
- Weight: 35
- Damage Threshold: 22
- Item HP: 3000
- Effects: +10 AP, +3 Charisma, +3 Critical Chance
- Drawbacks: None
- Value: 6495
How to get Armor of the 87th Tribe:
The Armor of the 87th Tribe is worn by centurion Gaius Magnus in Dry Wells. He appears after the completion of the Lonesome Road DLC.
Check it out here.
5. Sierra Madre Armor, Reinforced
When you need extra protection and low weight, this is an excellent choice.
Simple but strong. That’s my best description for the Sierra Madre Armor, Reinforced. It is the strongest light armor in New Vegas, with a whopping 23 DT from the helmet and body armor. While it’s not something I would use for the whole game, it certainly has its usefulness.
Why Sierra Madre Armor, Reinforced is great:
- On par with heavy armor for protection
- Most protective light armor in the Wasteland
- Useful to a variety of builds
Sierra Madre Armor, Reinforced Full Details:
- Class: Light Armor
- Weight: Armor— 17, Helmet— 4
- Damage Threshold: Armor— 18, Helmet— 5
- Item HP: Armor— 500, Helmet— 45
- Effects: None
- Drawbacks: None
- Value: Armor— 1000, Helmet— 850
How to get Sierra Madre Armor, Reinforced:
You can snag this armor throughout the Sierra Madre in the Dead Money DLC. Multiple sets can be found in the vault of the Sierra Madre at the completion of the DLC, but the Courier can obtain one early by picking the lock of the casino’s Executive Suite.
Check it out here.
4. Remnants Power Armor
Power your way through New Vegas in the Remnants Power Armor set.
The Remnants Power Armor’s claim to fame is an incredible 36 DT, making it the best power armor in the Wasteland. If you have the equipment to keep it repaired, expect this power armor to protect you through the worst the Wasteland has to offer.
Why Remnants Power Armor is great:
- Massive DT of 36
- Not faction-based and can be worn anywhere
- All human companions can wear this armor.
Remnants Power Armor Full Details:
- Class: Heavy Armor
- Weight: Armor— 45, Helmet— 5
- Damage Threshold: Armor— 28, Helmet — 8
- Item HP: Armor— 400, Helmet— 75
- Effects: Armor— +1 Strength, +15 Radiation Resistance, Helmet— +5 Radiation Resistance
- Drawbacks: Helmet— -1 Charisma
- Value: Armor— 6500, Helmet— 2800
How to get Remnants Power Armor:
Players can find the body armor portion of this set in the Deathclaw Promontory, east of Lucky Jim Mine. The helmet is located in Silver Peak Mine. The Courier can also get a set by killing Orion Moreno and taking it.
Check it out here.
3. Elite Riot Gear
It's elite for a reason.
The Elite Riot Gear is arguably some of the best armor in the game, and certainly the best medium armor. With lower weight and higher Item HP than most other armor with a similar DT, it would be valuable no matter what. But the numerous bonuses this set carries, including a +5 Critical Chance and Sneak Sight, make the Elite Riot Gear an excellent choice for multiple builds.
Why Elite Riot Gear is great:
- Incredible bonus effects
- Great DT/Weight ratio
- Highest valued armor in New Vegas
Elite Riot Gear Full Details:
- Class: Medium Armor
- Weight: Armor— 23, Helmet— 6
- Damage Threshold: Armor— 22, Helmet— 6
- Item HP: Armor— 750, Helmet— 100
- Effects: Armor— +5 Critical Chance, +10 Guns, +1 Charisma; Helmet— Sneak Sight, +5 Speech, +2 Perception
- Drawbacks: Expensive to repair
- Value: Armor— 12500, Helmet— 1500
How to get Elite Riot Gear:
To get this valuable armor, visit the Third Street Municipal Building. A ghoulified NCR Riot Control Officer’s corpse on the third floor is wearing it. Take the sewer pipe connecting the second and third floors. As a bonus, find a sniper rifle and a stash of .308 rounds nearby.
Check it out here.
2. Courier Duster
Who says you can't look good while tearing your way through New Vegas.
The Courier Duster gives the player a variety of bonuses depending on faction reputations at the completion of the Lonesome Road DLC. My personal favorite is the Blackjack variant, which grants +1 Luck and +30% Poison Resistance. Higher luck means more critical hits. The duster also looks great in-game and offers some variety to the often-drab clothing in the Wasteland.
Why Courier Duster is great:
- Fantastic DT/Weight ratio
- Easy to repair
- Useful bonuses and an overall great pick for multiple builds
Courier Duster Full Details:
- Class: Light Armor
- Weight: 3
- Damage Threshold: 13
- Item HP: 800
- Effects vary by type:
(Blackjack) +1 Luck, +30% Poison Resistance
(Fighting Chance) +1 Strength, +15 AP
(The Great Bear) +1 Endurance, +25 Carry Weight
(Old World Justice) +1 Agility, +30% Radiation Resistance
- Drawbacks: None
- Value: 1700
How to get Courier Duster:
After completing the quest The Apocalypse in the Lonesome Road DLC, the Courier will receive a version of Ulysses’ Duster. Which version depends on the Courier’s reputation with the various factions. Between the NCR, Caesar’s Legion, and The Strip, the faction with the highest reputation determines the version of the Duster you find in the footlocker at the entrance of the canyon wreckage. The only way to receive the Blackjack variant of the Courier Duster is to have a neutral or below reputation with all three factions.
Check it out here.
1. Stealth Suit MKII
Now you see me...
And we arrive at my number one choice for most powerful armor in Fallout: New Vegas. I award this spot to the Stealth Suit MKII found in the Old World Blues DLC. The snarky, sarcastic personality of the suit is endlessly entertaining, and the bonuses are incredible for any stealth-based character. While it is a must-have for stealth builds, it can be a game-changer for nearly any Courier in the Wasteland.
Why Stealth Suit MKII is great:
- Auto-injects Med-X and Stimpacks
- Incredible bonus effects, and effects stack with upgrades
- Overall great choice with playability in many situations
Now you don't.
Stealth Suit MKII Full Details:
- Class: Medium Armor
- Weight: 25
- Damage Threshold: 14
- Item HP: 500
- Effects Stack: +15 Sneak (Firmware v1.0), +10 Sneak (Firmware v1.1), +1 Perception (Firmware v1.2), +1 Agility (Firmware v1.3), +20% Movement Speed While Crouching (Firmware v1.4)
- Drawbacks: None
- Value: 7500
How to get Stealth Suit MKII:
Get this armor in the X-13 Research Facility at Big Mountain during the Old World Blues DLC. The suit is in three separate pieces, one in each of three labs in the first hallway. Upgrade the suit by completing four stealth tests.
Check it out here.
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