[Top 3] Eternal Return Best Jackie Builds That Are Great

Eternal Return, ERBS, Augments, Black Survival, new moba 2022, battle royale 2022, anime fighter 2022, anime game
13 Apr 2022

Welcome back everyone, we’ve talked about many characters and on our many lists, Jackie is mentioned plenty. This time we want to take a little bit of a closer look at what Jackie can do and which builds are the best. 

Generally, the items of the builds are what matter most, so in this list, I have taken the most used item builds and the items most commonly built on Jackie to get the highest win rate combination of items, not just singular items with the best win rate. This takes into account different modes of play as well so what you find here may surprise you. 

1. Researcham Axe Build  


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The first on our list is an Axe build that allows Jackie to fight anyone to her heart's content. It focuses on improving her critical strike chance of Jackie while relying on her innate attack speed increase to make sure that each swing hits like a truck. 

I am a fan of this build over the other two as it makes her tanky enough to trade well in fights and her lifesteal keeps her in fights for a lot longer than most people would suspect. As we can see from the video he fights often both animals and players as he wants to maintain that aggression and advantage over other players. 

It may require a lot of materials but most of them are either common enough that it should go fast or you can find them on opponents you meet along the way. 

What makes it good

  • Extremely high attack damage 
  • High critical strike chance
  • Radar does not require rare materials 
  • Fallen Pegasus is acceptable as  Crystal Tiara if meteorite is not secured 
  • Able to fight by Zone 3 

Build Path 

You need to build Scythe+ Optical Camouflage Suit + Fallen Pegasus + Radar + Feather Boots + Jolly Roger. 

To accomplish this you have to go to Beach>Uptown>Dock>Chapel> Factory>Cemetary. 

While it is a six zone build the items are mostly not the ones that can build into food and drink items, meaning that aside from a build there is no other purpose for those items, thus it is less likely to get taken up so long as there are not that many characters with the same build. 

Skill tree

You want to go Havoc and Support, taking Frenzy as your main Augment. Quench, Stopping power, Assembly, and Theia as your Sub Augments. Start with your E, then max out your R>W>E>Q>passive. 


2. EzLife Dual Sword Build


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While Dual swords hit fast and hit hard, they are a weapon type that specializes in fighting and winning you have a lot less health and trade that off for more damage. Dual swords' ability to dash while attacking helps improve their chase and kill potential as well. 

This build-in particularly wants to avoid fighting other players at the start to expedite its build. While it does not complete its purple weapon until the 4th zone it does have a blue weapon by the 2nd so in a pinch you can fight off enemies. You want to prioritize hunting animals and upgrading your build for maximum effect. 

I do not really like the playstyle of this build but I can see its effectiveness and how powerful it is in the right hands. It is easy to learn and can go very far in solo ranked games. 

What makes it good 

  • Gives Jackie enough mobility to chase anyone in the game 
  • Extremely high damage output due to high attack, and high attack speed
  • Gives her an absurd amount of life steal
  • Fantastic duelist 
  • Can fight at almost any point in the game but prefers later

Build Path 

You need to make Divine Dual Swords + Changpao + Fallen pegasus + Radar + Feather Boots+ Hawk eye.

This is done through Avenue> Hospital> Chapel> Uptown> Beach 

This is a 5 zone build with relatively common materials so long as you are fast enough to puck them up. Much like the previous build Fallen Pegasus is optional as Crystal Tiara is good enough. 

Skill Tree

You want to go Support and Fortification. Take Healing Factor as your Core Augment along with Assembly, Logistics as your Sub Augments. You take Embolden and Steadfast as your other Sub Augments. You start with your E then go R> W> Passive> E> Q for skill maxing. 


3. Reddlskrs Knife 


This build is the most recent, and the highest-rated. The recent changes to spawn locations and skills have led to a surge of Knife Jackie in the ranked scene. She does high damage, has high attack speed, and wrecks hard. 

 It's easy to pop off and fast to catch up with so long as you know what to farm and where to go. With the stealth from the weapon skill, this knife murderer can pop up anywhere and destroy most people one on one. 

Personally, It is a new build that does surprisingly a large amount of damage that heals Jackie while denying healing from her targets. It goes hard and wins harder, it also opens up many opportunities to upgrade with gold weapons or accessories. 

What makes this good 

  • Stealth lets her either escape or engage with ease
  • High attack speed and high movement speed lets her stick and attack often
  • Farms easily and can easily defend themselves from ambushes. 
  • Early game power can transition into late game strength 
  • Hard to kill yet easy to kill others. 

Build Path 

You are going to need Vibrodagger + Tuxedo Suit + Fallen Pegasus + Radar+ White Rhino + Hawkeye. 

Going from Chapel > Uptown> Factory> Temple> Hospital. You are going to be teleporting around a lot so make sure you pack some drinks and upgrade that water. 

Skill Tree

You are going Support and Havoc for this build. Healing Factor as your Core Augment with Assembly and Theia as your Sub-Augments. You are also taking Stopping Power and Quench. You Start with E then max R>Passive>W>Q>E.


And that is the list. Did you enjoy it? If you did, maybe check out these other articles too:

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