[Top 3] Eternal Return Best Fiora Builds That Are Great

13 Apr 2022

Welcome back everyone, this time we will continue the trends of character builds and now we will be going over Fiora. She's better than average but with recent changes not exactly standing at the peak of the tier list but she does place quite high on it.

Fiora is a duelist through and through, armed with either a Spear, Rapier, or Two-Handed Sword she has a decent range with her skills, two dashes on her E, and an ultimate that does tons of damage. She has many different builds that allow her to either kill someone near instantly or whittle away at them until they are ground to dust. 


3. Aggro Fiora by SKSLASIS


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This build is meant to fight and continue fighting, you build pretty fast completing your weapon in the third zone. Combine that with Fiora’s naturally aggressive skills and you can chase down most people before they can complete even 1 item. 

With the recent changes to the game, it truly pays off to be aggressive in the early game for both duos and squad games. This build focuses on Fiora’s high damage output through the use of her passive and skills. You aim to keep activating the bonus damage on her passive while using your auto attacks to increase the pressure on your enemy. 


Build Path

You want to get Volticletto + Rocker’s Jacket  + Crystal Tiara + Sheath of Shah Jahan + Bucephalus + Hawkeye 

You do this by going through Avenue> Forest> Hotel> Beach> Uptown> Pond in doing so you will have to go through a lot of areas that are usually populated so do not be afraid to start a fight either with the intention to win or just get some damage levels because Fiora attacks often and needs those weapon levels. 

Skill Tree

You start with your E then get a point into W and Q then max passive>R>W>E>Q this allows you to get the most out of your passive as you attack often and deal massive amounts of bonus damage in a 1 vs 1. 

For Augments, you go Havoc and Support. Taking Frenzy as the Core augment along with Quench, Stopping Power, Assembly, and Thorn Shackles. You want to activate the third part of your ultimate to deal maximum damage, hence the thorn shackles. 




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While his name may be funny his build design is anything but. The spear is an interesting choice of weapon because it is the least picked weapon on Fiora, and until recently the least picked weapon in the game. This gives her a decent attack range while maintaining attack damage and losing a little attack speed, 

Personally what makes this build different from the others is that it is even tankier than the last build as well as barely losing any damage. The small amount of cooldown given by this item set lets Fiora basically keep cycling through her skills until the opponent is dead so it is ideal in a 1 vs 1 situation since you can outrun the enemy and dash to keep up with them. 

Build Path

You want Eighteen Foot Spear + Rocker’s Jacket + Fallen Pegasus + Sheath of Shah Jahan + Bucephalus+ Aether Fringe 

To get these you have to go through Alley> Avenue> Hotel> Forest it may be short as a 4 zone build but you go through 3 densely populated zones so be sure to go fast and build faster. 

Skill tree

You want to start E and get a point into all abilities then max Passive> R> E> W> Q. you will be spamming skills often so be sure to have beverages ready to drink. 

For Augments you want Havoc and Support going Vampiric Bloodline as your Core Augment and taking Spirit Culling, Quench, Thorn Shackles, and Assembly as your Sub Augments.  


1. Horrific1’s “New Fiora”


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This is a skill amplification build, which surprisingly works exceptionally well, Looking at Horrific 1’s stream it is aggressive, able to farm fast, and move around the map swiftly. It is interesting to see that all of Fiora’s skills passive included scale with amplification even if they are attack damage based, 

Personally, this build provides an interesting playstyle for me. You must land every skill so that you can activate your passive more often, and with the cooldown provided by this build, you can go through your skill rotation surprisingly often. However, you do need to kite more often as you aren't meant to trade blows, but rather hit and run. 

Build Path 

You build Mistilteinn+ Rocker’s Jacket+ Imperial Crown + Sheath of Shah Jahan + Straitjacket Sneakers + Laced Quiver 

To do this you have to go Temple> School>  Forest> Beach> Hotel just remember to pick up a short rod from Pond, Dock, or Chapel along the way. 

Skill Tree 

You start with your E then max Passive>R>W>Q>E use your ult to give yourself some space to get your cooldowns back or to execute the enemy as each skill provides a different effect towards her passive

For Augments, you take Diamond Shard as your Core Augment. Embolden, Steadfast, Thorn Shackles, and Assembly. These are in Fortification and Support by the way. 



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