Dragon Age 4: What We Know

29 Mar 2018



The Story So Far

Fans of Bioware's epic RPG series Dragon Age, have fallen in love over the years with the immersive gameplay and story that leave even the most seasoned RPG fans begging for more. The series started with Dragon Age Origins placing players into the land of Ferelden for the first time. A medieval, fictional world filled with demons, dragons, darkspawn, and the familiar struggles faced by characters living in a magical fantasy universe. The player is put into the perspective of a Warden recruit, trying to find their place in the world during the mass invasion of a darkspawn army, known as the Blight. The game was an enormous success, being released in early November 2009 and achieving triple platinum sales by 2010. It was also awarded “RPG of the Year” by Game Informer. The game had undeniably captivated players’ imagination and thirst for a player-decision influenced story like never before.

Fast forward to Dragon Age II where players are brought into the city of Kirkwall, taking on the role of Hawke. A character thrown into the middle of growing tensions between mages and templars while battling familiar and unfamilar enemies alike. DA2 introduced an almost completely different combat style, much to the dismay of many fans of the original game. It did however, perfectly succeed in setting the stage for Bioware's next true masterwork. Following the exploits of Hawke, Dragon Age Inquisition put us back into the ever familiar fantasy world, but ascends the immersive experience to an astonishing new level. The game is absolutely beautiful, with by far the largest play area in the series and an environment that really pulls you in to the Dragon Age world with all of its sounds and scenery. The player is given the opportunity to take on the position of the Inquisitor, who partakes in conflicts and makes decisions that will “shake the world” of DA. All while being put up against a being that is just within reach of obtaining powers that could “rival the gods themselves.”


The Setting

Dragon Age 4 rumors really took off after the final moments of the Trespasser DLC for Dragon Age Inquisition seemed to open the door to another sequel. Right before the credits roll [spoilers ahead] a dagger is shown being stabbed into the words "Tevinter Imperium" on a world map. Tevinter is one of the few places in the DA World that players have yet to venture, but is a location often mentioned throughout the series and its lore. One of the main protaganist’s allies from Inquisition, Dorian, actually hails from Tevinter as does the antagonist of the game. These subtle connections bring us even closer to the rival power of Ferelden, that is known for its slavery, high class society, and controversial views regarding magic.

Also confirming that Tevinter will most likely be the next location of focus for DA, was an epilogue displayed after completing the Trespasser. The epilogue states that a great war has broken out between Tevinter and the Quanari. Notably, the latter of the two powers has consistently alluded to launching a conquest intent on forcing its influence upon the entirety of Thedas throughout the series. This was a massive hint, accompanied by the Solas reveal, towards the high likelihood of another addition to the series. Players should also be ready to possibly find themselves back in the middle of the familar conflict between mages and templars, that may finally find resolution or be even further expanded upon in the next chapter.

Even after the few teasers Inquisition awarded players, Bioware continued to drop hints about the upcoming game. Releasing concept art, and even going as far as executive producer Mark Darrah confirming a Dragon Age game being worked on with a tweet he posted in late January of this year. Though the actual name and release date of the game is currently unknown [most likely 2020 at the earliest due to the planned release of Anthem next year], fans can rest assured that it is definitely a reality.



What We Want To See

For many fans, the entire series has been one of the most enjoyable RPG franchises ever released. Each game has its pros and cons, though among players Origins appears to be the clear classic favorite. It is safe to say that players ​want an even more decision influenced play experience/world from the new DA. Along with developing a deep connection between NPCs and the player character, which Origins excelled at across the board while the rest of the series has fallen short in comparison. This would include but not be limited to more party related quests and funny banter between the characters.

Fans will also expect an even more immersive world than DAI, which means a bigger play area as well. Something that may be hard to obtain, given how well the world of Inquisition was received by players and critics alike. Another nice addition would be a revamped combat system with a lot more specialization sets, and maybe a new class for players to choose from. However the biggest item on the wishlist is a sastisfying resolution to the enormous cliffhanger left by Trespasser. All things considered, Dragon Age 4 should be another amazing installment in one of the most impactful RPG series ever released.

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Dragon Age Inquisition
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Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Blood and Wine , Dragon Age: Origins, Fallout: New Vegas