[Top 10] Dota 2 Best Nuker Heroes That Wreck Hard!

Best Nuker Heroes in Dota 2
26 Aug 2021

Nukers, heroes known for killing enemies in a few seconds either with a single blow or with a combination of skills and abilities in their arsenal. These heroes are important, every team must have a nuker or two, it will be hard to deal with enemy heroes in late game without nukers to disable them during battles.

Some of the best Nukers in the game are :

10) Lion

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Back from Hell.

Lion is an intelligence hero that provides the ultimate gank potential for his team, he can be used to initiate, burst or to even kill an enemy hero in an instant. Every spell that lion has can be considered a disable, with this lion is helpful not in the early game but in the late as well.

Earth spike allows lion to stun an enemy target in a line as spikes from earth rises stunning and damaging enemies, with 260 damage and 2.6 seconds of stun and only 12 seconds of cooldown this spell allows lion to not only harass in lane but find opportunities for kills.

Lion turns his target into a frog using hex for 4 seconds, during this the enemy target cannot use any spells or items they just stand there and look at you, with the movement speed set to 120 they can't even run. This spell is used to disable enemy carry during the battles.

Lion sucks the mana of his enemy target with mana drain slowing its movement speed, however lion stands still during this making him an easy target. With great positioning this spell can be used to harass enemies in the lane.

Lion's ultimate is one of the most damaging abilities in the game, with an insane 850 damage at max which also increases when lion gets a kill.

Why lion is a great hero:

  • One of the best nukers in the game.
  • Aghanim's sceptre decreases the cooldown to 20 seconds. A kill every 20 seconds.

9) Lina


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Something's Burning!

Lina is an intelligence hero that is very diverse in nature as she can be played in any role, you can go mid or become a soft support and even an offlaner, this hero scales very well in the late game. Lina is a solo killing machine, with her eul sceptre build she kills an enemy hero every time her ultimate is off cooldown.

With dragon slave lina sends out a wave of fire that burns enemies dealing 310 damage, with only a 8 seconds cooldown this spell allows lina to flash farm or even harass enemies in the lane.

Lina stuns her enemies with a light strike array for 2.5 seconds dealing 230 damage , this allows lina to catch enemies and set up a gank, also with a 7 seconds of cooldown this spell combined with dragon slave allows lina to easily farm enemy waves.

Laguna blade; Lina throws a bolt of lightning dealing an insane 900 damage, with aghanim's upgrade this ultimate becomes pure damage, meaning it will also damage enemies in BKB.

Why Lina is a great hero:

  • Everytime she casts a spell her movement and attack speed increases 
  • Pure damage dealing ultimate.
  • Eul's sceptre combo is always a kill.

8) Tiny


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Tossed You around.

Tiny is a strength hero that excels at ganks and taking out enemy heroes with only 2 spells, tiny requires practice with his toss, with right toss target and back toss technique this hero can become a gank monster, with low mana, attack speed and armor it is hard to play but with right build and positioning you can dominate early to mid game easily.

Tiny throws rocks at enemies using avalanche, deals damage in small intervals that stuns the enemies, also avalanche deals 2.5x more damage to the enemies that are tossed. This ability is great to catch enemies or to disable any channelings, and can also be used to farm creep waves as it deals damage in a radius in front of tiny.

With toss tiny grabs an ally or enemy around him and tosses them either in the air or at the target creep or another hero, enemy hero takes 300 damage and combine this with avalanche no hero can survive this combo in early-mid game.

Grow allows tiny to gain mass, as his size increases so does his armor and damage, however it also slows his attack speed. Damage gain is significant enough to make carry items for this hero.

Why Tiny is a great hero:

  • Tiny can solo kill any hero in the early to mid game with a toss avalanche combo.
  • Can easily gank enemies with wrap-around and back toss.

7) Kunka


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Bring me the horizon.

Kunka is a strength hero but also is a versatile one with a bunch of nukes and disables this hero can be played as a carry, offlaner, mid laner or as a support. Kunka's x-mark and torrent combo makes him a very good ganker and disabler. This hero can flash farm easily with his tidebringer cleave ability, and Kunka is one of the few heroes in the game that can literally one-hit the entire enemy team.

Torrent allows kunka to summon a rising water flow which, after a short delay, shoots any enemy hero or heroes in that area to the sky, dealing damage and slowing their movement speed. Torrent has to be carefully placed, predicting where the enemy will be as it shoots after a delay.

Kunka marks his ally or an enemy hero with x-marks the spot; whenever an enemy is marked it returns to the place after a short while. Kunka can also call back any marked hero for the duration himself; using x-mark with torrent allows him to set up ganks easily. Marking a hero setting a torrent underneath the x-mark then calling the hero back on it when the torrent is about to rise is great for solo kills as well.

With his ultimate kunka calls a ghost ship that sails through the battle and smashes at a point any enemy at that point is stunned  1.4 seconds and receives 600 damage. Ghost ship can also be combined with the torrent and x mark combo.

Why Kunka is a great hero:

  • Can solo kill every time his ultimate is off cooldown.
  • Tidebringer allows him to flash farm enemy waves and also do insane damage to enemy heroes.
  • X-mark allows him to set up battles.

6) Earthshaker


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Earthshaker is a strength hero that is mostly played as a soft support, he provides stuns upon stuns for his teammates, allowing them to jump on enemies. Blink dagger is a must for this hero as it needs to go in and initiate the battle; newer patches have made it easier to fight without blink dagger but still it is a must. Early game rotations and gank potential make Earthshaker one of the best.

Earthshaker slams the ground with his totem, dealing damage and making a wall of rocks that stuns the enemy and block the area. The fissure remains there for 8 seconds, you have to go around it, it stuns for 1.75 seconds and deals 260 damage. Fissure can be used to block enemies from going back to their tower or catching a lone wolf that is away from his team.

Enchant totem allows Earthshaker to power up his totem and deal 400% more attack damage on his next hit; it is useful for taking towers or killing supports with fissure and totem combos. Some players play earthshaker as an offlaner with damage build, using enchant totem to take out enemies in one hit, however this cancels out the reason for which earthshaker is picked.

Aftershock shakes the ground whenever earthshaker casts a spell stunning enemies around him for 1.5 seconds, this works with all of his abilities.

Echo Slam is the most powerful spell earthshaker had in his arsenal and the reason for which he is picked, Earthshaker slams the ground making shockwaves that travel through the ground and each enemy hero hit with these makes an echo that travels to another hero in the same place. The more units and heroes are present at one place the more damage it deals.

Why Earthshaker is a great hero:

  • Every ability of his stuns the enemy.
  • Ultimate that can wipe out the entirety of the enemy team.

5) puck


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This Dragon is OLD.

Puck is an intelligence hero that is mostly played at mid, with high damaging spells and the unpredictability of this hero Puck is a mess to deal with. Puck is incredibly slippery to catch with high range spells and going invisible/immune. This hero is great for solo kills and setting up ganks for his team, however it is incredibly hard to play and needs quite a lot of practice and knowledge.

The Illusory orb allows Puck to throw an orb in a straight direction that deals 300 damage to anyone who is in its way; Puck also gains an ability called ethereal jaunt for this orb allowing her to emerge at any time during the journey of the orb. The Illusory orb is great to flash farm creep waves and deal damage to enemies or to escape.

With waning rift, Puck teleports to a short distance dealing 250 damage and silencing the enemy for 3.5 seconds, this ability combined with an illusory orb is a deadly combo that can easily kill support heroes in the early game.

Dream coil is Puck's ultimate; Puck throws a coil of magic that latches on to enemy heroes around it and deals  275 damage on impact and a stun of 0.5 seconds; if an enemy hero moves too far from the coil it takes additional 400 damage and is stunned for 3 seconds. This ability is insane in catching 3-4 enemy heroes at once, basically wiping the enemy team if they are caught.

Why puck is a great hero:

  • Hard to catch.
  • Ultimate that can catch 5 heroes at once.
  • Phase shift allows her to go into another dimension for 3.25 seconds during which she is immune to everything.

4) Queen of pain


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Nothing to be gain without pain.

Queen of pain is an intelligence hero that is mostly played at mid lane, with high damaging spells this hero is great at controlling the flow of the game with going lane to lane finding kills. With the ability to flash farm, this hero scales very well in the late game and can play the role of carry if necessary. Qop has insane mobility with a blink strike; she can travel a large distance in a small amount of time, helping her fellow team  members win their lanes.

With Shadow strike, Queen of Pain throws a dagger at her enemy that deals 120 damage on impact and then deals 90 damage for 5 seconds. This spell is incredible for harassing enemies and also it slows movement speed by 65%, So it is good for catching enemy heroes that are trying to run. It has a duration of 15 seconds and a cooldown of only 4 seconds. Queen of Pain can use this spell multiple times during a single battle.

Blink strike allows her to travel very fast around the map, making plays, helping her team, paired with shadow strikes you are not able to run from QOP. Blink strike can be used to initiate the battle or to escape when you are in a pinch.

Queen of Pain screams loudly releasing orbs that deal 300 damage to everyone around her, this spell is great for flash farming and to initiate the battle with. Blink strike in use Scream of pain and then shadow strike it deals a lot of damage, combined with her ultimate no hero can survive this combo. It also makes Qop a great solo killer.

Sonic Wave allows the queen of pain to create a big sound wave in front of her that deals 560 damage and also knocks back any enemy that is hit by the ultimate. Aghanim’s sceptre is perfect for QOP as it drops the ultimate’s cooldown from 125 to 40 seconds.

Why queen of pain is great:

  • Can control the map from the early game.
  • High flash farming potential with late game scaling.
  • Ultimate that can be used over and over again with agahnim’s sceptre with only a 40 seconds cooldown.

3) Skywrath mage


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Might of the stars.

Skywrath mage is an intelligence hero that is mostly played as a soft/hard support, with insane damaging nukes and an ultimate that can kill any hero in the game, Skywrath can easily solo kill every hero not only in the early game but also in the late, as he scales very well. However he is also a weak one, with low hp pool and movement speed you are an easy target, with great positioning and item build this hero is insane.

Skywrath throws an Arcane bolt that travels slowly and deals 135 damage on impact, but with only 2 seconds of cooldown you can spam this spell in the lane and can harass anyone out of there provided you have the mana for it. It also deals extra damage in relation to your intelligence, about 1.4x135 that is 1.4 times the intelligence into the base damage of the spell.

Concussive shot; Skywrath throws a shot that has very long range and hits the enemy that is closest to the skywrath mage, it deals 280 damage and slows movement speed by 40%. Combine this with an arcane bolt and you can spam these spells to your heart’s content.

Mystic Flare is skywrath’s ultimate and one of the most damaging abilities in the game, Skywrath brings down his wrath with this mystical field that deals 1600 damage an with a cooldown of only 20 seconds you can kill heroes left and right, however it requires 800 mana to cast.

Why Skywrath mage is a great hero:

  • Easy early game kills and ganks.
  • Ancient seal that silences the enemy and it also receives extra magical damage.
  • Ultimate that can kill any hero.

2) Invoker

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The Devil of the moon.

Invoker is an intelligence hero and is mostly played at mid lane, Invoker is a special one with over 14 abilities to master this hero is by far the hardest hero to play in the game. People take hours upon hours to master this hero and then still it is a challenge to figure out which build is the right one for the certain situation. With three elements in his arsenal and a single book, the invoker can conjure these spells by combining the elements.

Exort is the fire element, grants invoker high physical damage and every ability that is made with the combination of exort and others are damage based abilities, such as sun strike, meteor hammer and alacrity etc.

Wex is the wind element, grants invoker high movement and attack speed and every ability that is made with combination of wex and other are mostly wind/damage related such as tornado and emp etc.

Quas is the ice element, grants invoker high hp regeneration and every spell that is made with this element and others is ice based such as ice wall and cold snap etc.

Every spell is conjured using these spells and invoking them with the invoke ultimate. Hard to master and understand but not without satisfaction.

Why Invoker is a great hero:

  • 14 spells so the combinations are many and deadly.
  • With only a cooldown of 7 seconds you can swap spells very fast.

1) Leshrac

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Burn the Impurities!

Leshrac is an intelligence hero that is mostly played at mid lane but occasionally as a soft support, this hero has tremendous amounts of damage with his spells even taking towers solo, Leshrac can solo kill most heroes from early to mid game however it also scales well into the late game.

Split Earth allows Leshrac to split open the earth under his enemies to deal 300 damage and stun them for 2 seconds, with only a cooldown of 9 seconds this high damaging spell can be spammed in the lane to your advantage and to find opportunities for a kill.

With Diabolic Edict small explosions start to occur around Leshrac that deal 44 damage per explosion and lasts for 10 seconds, it does physical damage to both enemy heroes and structures. It does 40% more damage to structures like towers and barracks. Also combined with split earth it is a great combo.

Pulse Nova is one of the most dangerous spells in the game, Leshrac starts to pulse and with every pulse it deals 200 damage to the enemy unit, you can use this ability until your mana runs out or the enemy is dead. It takes 60 mana per pulse, so items that provide mana are recommended.

Why Leshrac is a great hero:

  • Early game harass potential with stun to find kills.
  • Pulse Nova that can shred enemies.
  • Can take towers solo.
  • Lightning storm that slows the movement speed of enemies by 75%.


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These are Top 10 dota 2 best Nuker heroes that wreck hard!Let us know about your heroes and what do you guys play when a Nuker is necessary in the comments below!


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