[Top 10] Dota 2 Best Killing Heroes That Wreck Hard!

Dota 2 Best Killing Heroes
12 Dec 2022

Who doesn’t like killing their enemies? In dota some heroes require farm , certain items and a bunch of other level ups to become a killing machine, however other heroes already have this from the get go. These heroes usually have high damaging spells and one or two abilities that can instantly kill their enemies, these heroes require precise ability knowledge to pull off what they are good at.

These are some of the best heroes to play when you are in a mood to kill your enemies :

10) Zeus

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Kneel before your god.

Zeus is an intelligence hero that dominates the mid lane, all of his spells deal massive damage and can kill any hero in seconds during the early game. He is one of the few intelligence heroes that can scale well into the late game, with increasingly damaging abilities and talent tree that help with those abilities zeus can become a monster, however he is also a weak one with low hp pool and defense he can be killed easily, that is why knowledge about positioning and his limits is a must.

Zeus throws a single bolt of lightning that leaps through his enemies bouncing from one to another dealing damage and with only a cooldown of 1.6 seconds you can spam this spell to basically farm the whole wave of creeps again and again, Arc lightning is usually used in lane as a harassing spell to throw off enemies while they try to farm.

Lightning bolt is zeus’s penultimate spell excluding his ultimate, it deals 350 damage with 6 seconds of cooldown and also a ministun, this spell can basically take more than half hp of any support hero in the late game it can also be used to detect wards and sentries as it provides true sight around the are where it is cast.

Zeus is best played at mid with high levels and farm he can stomp any hero in other lanes with only a few spells, one caveat of zeus is that he needs a lot of mana like a lot with low cooldown spells and high damage you would want to spam them and with this in mind correct build is necessary.

Why Zeus is a great killing hero:

  • High damaging spells ensure that you get kills.
  • Ultimate is global and can be used from anywhere.
  • Aghanim’s upgrade that gives you a new spell, Nimbus when cast, creates a storm in an area that casts lightning bolts around the storm.

9) Ursa

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You can't outrun.

Ursa warrior is an agility hero that relies on physical damage to turn his enemies into a pile of meat, with every hit Ursa's damage increases until his enemy is dead, ursa warrior is one of the best carry heroes to play if you are relatively new to game or just want to stomp your way through it, he is the best hero for doing roshan as he can kill it as soon as level 6. Ursa is easy to play and you feel like nothing can kill you, obviously that is not true as every hero comes with its own caveats, his caveat is that he can get kitted during battles, that is when a blink dagger comes in and you can catch enemies running from you.

Overpower gives ursa maximum attack speed for the next 6 attacks on the same hero/creep, pair this with fury swipes that increases every next hit’s damage with 36, that means with 6 attacks and maximum attack speed with increasing damage you can easily kill any hero in early to mid game.

Earthshock helps Ursa when he wants to go in the battle, Ursa leaps forward and slams the ground slowing enemies for 4 seconds.

Ursa’s ultimate Enrage gives him damage reduction (80%) and status resistance (50%) . Enrage is used when Ursa is being killed or he wants to debuff something.

Why the Ursa warrior is a great hero:

  • Can easily kill support heroes in 2-3 hits.
  • Easy to farm as people fear to fight with you, giving you space.
  • Fastest Roshan potential.

8) Pugna

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Your health is mine.

Pugna is probably my favourite hero in the game, he can kill enemies in seconds, save his allies, take towers, push lanes, he can do everything, only one downside is that he is extremely weak and can die in 3-4 hits or 1-2 spells. Mostly played at mid-lane as it requires high levels to deal damage and kill people, it is susceptible to damage, pugna must be played with careful positioning and hit and run tactics dealing damage and going back.

Nether blast deals damage in an area with low cooldown this spell can be spammed to your will provided you have enough mana, pugna is a great hero to play if your teams have one or two nukers with high damaging abilities as his decrepify convert enemies into a ethereal state and they take 60 % more magic damage, combo this with the likes of tiny or lina and enemy instantly dies.

Using spells around pugna? This is a bad idea as his Nether ward deals damage to enemies around him if they use any of their spells; it also leeches their mana if they are around the ward itself. Pugna is a great hero against heroes that like to spam their spells.

Lastly Life Drain; Pugna drains his enemy’s health about 300/second and takes it as his own, pair it with decrepify and see the enemy hero die before your very eyes.

Why pugna is a great hero:

  • High damaging abilities equal easy kills.
  • Fast push and siege potential.
  • Can combo with other heroes for a sure kill.

7) Shadow fiend

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Nevermore is here!

Shadow fiend is an agility hero that is played at the mid-lane, with high damaging spells and combos this hero is a killing machine, however it is a hard hero to play with more than 4 spells at his arsenal and low hp pool only the most experienced player can play this hero to its full potential.

Shadow razes provides SF with three different razes, all of them have different ranges and is casted at a different distance from shadow fiend, the first raze is closest to sf, the second one is at mid-range and the third one is far from the hero, each raze increases the damage of the next, if sf combos these three razes and it connects consider the enemy hero dead at the spot.

With Necromastery whenever SF kills any enemy hero or creep he steals their soul and converts it into physical damage; however if shadow fiend dies these souls are released in a burst of damage around him. SF needs to have souls with him all the time as his ultimate releases them in a burst that deals insane damage.

Requiem of souls Sf’s ultimate releases captured souls into a demonic energy burst that deals massive damage, the closer the target is to sf the more the damage they receive, that is why eul sceptre is an essential item for sf. Whenever you see an enemy hero alone just eul him and use your ultimate under him as soon as he comes down from eul sceptre he dies.

Why Shadow fiend is a great hero:

  • High damage razes can kill any hero in the early game plus they can be used to flash farm.
  • Requiem of souls provides easy and sure kills.
  • Presence of the dark lord goes hand in hand with necromastery as it reduces enemy armor.

6) Viper

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Spit on you.

Viper is a ranged agility hero that is the embodiment of poison, he spits poison, anything that touches it gets poisoned, it is very hard to deal with him. Viper is usually played at mid-lane with fast levels this hero can slowly burn down any hero in the early to mid game, increasingly damaging poison and an ultimate that further damages and slows you; this hero is not to be taken lightly.

Poison attack deals increasing damage per hit, also slowing enemies movement speed by 12%, it stacks up to 5 attacks and deals around 80 damage but it decreases the armor by 1 per hit so it is more than that. Poison attacks also deal damage to buildings.

Nethertoxin; Viper spits poison in an area that deals damage to enemies standing in that area, the more time enemies stand in that pool of poison the more damage they will take. It deals 140 damage per second for 4 seconds at max. Pair this with his talent that also silences anyone standing in that pool; it becomes a deadly ability and did I mention? It also applies a break that debuffs the enemy heroes.

Viper strike slows move and attack speed by 80% and deals 160 damage over 5 seconds, pair it with other poison spells and say the enemy goodbye.

Why viper is a great hero:

  • Easy to win lane.
  • Early game high kill potential.
  • Anyone that touches the viper also receives corrosive damage.

5) Skywrath Mage

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For my love!.

Skywrath mage is a ranged intelligence hero that has tremendously damaging spells, he is able to enhance his magical damage and also scales well into the late game, however he is a weak hero, he is what is said a glass cannon can only dish out damage but is vulnerable to everything else.

Skywrath launches an Arcane bolt, a slow moving spell that deals damage to the target in relation to the current intelligence of skywrath, 135 x 1.4/per intelligence, with a cooldown of just 2 seconds this hero can harass like there is no tomorrow.

Concussive shot; Skywrath throws a long range spell that hits the nearby enemy hero within the range of the spell, dealing 280 damage and slowing its movement speed by 45%, with just 12 seconds of cooldown this spell combined with arcane bolt can easily help kill any support hero in the early game.

Mystic flare; Skywrath mage burst down stars upon his enemies dealing a whopping 1600 damage and with only 20 seconds of cooldown that’s an enemy dead every 20 seconds, however the downside is it requires 800 mana at max level.

Why skywrath mage is a great hero:

  • Low cooldown, high damaging spells.
  • With ancient seals enemies are silenced and receive bonus magical damage,
  • Mystic flare allows skywrath to solo kill enemies every 20 seconds.

4) Morphling

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Can't drink this water.

Morphling is an agility ranged hero that excels at killing enemy heroes in a few seconds, the timing of this hero depends on the timing of Ethereal blade, the faster you make that time the faster you can start killing the enemy heroes, morphling can change his strength and agility attributes at will that works in relation to his adaptive strikes, either to deal damage or to knock back enemies.

Waveform Allows morphling to hurl in a direction in a shape of wave dealing damage, it is a potent spell to flash farm waves of creeps but can also be used to escape the enemy as this spell goes over and under the hills.

If your agility is at max after using attribute shift(agility) and you use Adaptive strike (agility) it deals 100+2.5 x current agility of morphling, pair it with ethereal blade that reduces enemy’s magic resistance and they receive extra magical damage it can instantly one shot any hero in early to mid game.

However, with changing agility and strength at will, it makes morphling an easy target in the early game and you have to know your positioning to survive. Morphling is a hard hero to play with a high skill ceiling and only the best of the best can master this hero.

Why morphling is great:

  • E-blade allow morphling to one-shot heroes.
  • Can shapeshift into any hero using Morph and can use their abilities.
  • Easy to flash farm with waveform.

3) Tinker

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Tinkering about.

Tinker is an intelligence hero that is one of the most mobile and provides insane ganking and pushing to his teammates. One of the hardest heroes to play, playing Tinker can be a daunting task; however with practice and precise knowledge this hero becomes a fun one to play.

Tinker’s main thing is his ultimate Rearm that resets the cooldown of his spells including his items  (not bkb or refresher orb) as well, with this tinker can repeatedly cast missiles and lasers to kill enemies and use march to push lanes.

Laser deals 320 damage and blinds the enemy hero causing it to miss its physical attacks for the next 5 seconds, this is an important spell for the early laning phase used on enemy mid-laner making him miss his creeps.

Heat seeking missiles allows Tinker to launch 2 missiles for 2 targets in a 2500 range that does 350 damage each; you can only dodge these by using blink dagger or going invisible otherwise they are set to hit you. By using Rearm you can use these to harass enemies during the battle.

Tinker calls down his army of minions, dealing damage in an area; this ability is best used with Rearm to push lanes. Tinker can teleport in a lane using the boots of travel, use March, Rearm, use March again and teleport back to base.

Why Tinker is a great hero:

  • Hard to lane against.
  • One of the most mobile heroes, teleporting everywhere using Rearm and boots of travel.
  • Can kill enemies by resetting his cooldowns.

2) Storm spirit

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A mighty storm is coming!

Storm spirit is one the spirit brothers you find in the game and he wields the power of lightning, storm spirit is a high mobility ganker and a carry hero that excels at solo killing enemies by jumping on them from far using his Ball lightning.

Storm spirit’s abilities have very good synergy between them as they are used one after the other dealing damage and slowing enemies.

Storm spirit makes an image of himself in the shape of Static remnant  that explodes on enemy contact dealing 285 damage with only a cooldown of 3.5 seconds; you can spam this spell in lanes to flash farm and harass enemy heroes.

Storm Spirit pulls an enemy towards himself using Electric Vortex for 2.6 seconds that, when paired with his static remnant, makes a good combo. Overlord is the most important spell in Storm’s arsenal as everytime storm spirit casts a spell an electric charge is developed in his hands and with the next hit he deals 100 damage and slows move speed by 80% and attack by 80 this combined with electric vortex and static remnant can become a deadly combo.

Storm spirit’s ultimate Ball lightning allows him to hurl himself into a ball of lightning and zap anywhere he wants on the map provided he has enough mana, this deals damage in relation to the distance travelled; the longer the distance the more the damage enemies receive on impact or if storm spirit passes through them.
Why Storm spirit is a great hero:

  • High mobility allows him to farm anywhere on the farm and find solo kills.
  • Overlord paired with other spells can kill any hero in the early to the endgame.
  • Making orchid malevolence helps Storm Spirit to kill his enemies faster and effectively.

1) Arc Warden

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The World depends on me.

Arc warden is one of the hardest and weirdest heroes to play, it is extremely hard to master this hero and requires intense micromanagement to become a beast. He is also a good nuker using his spells to slow and damage enemies, the main thing about this hero is that his ultimate allows him to make a duplicate of himself that is basically the same as him and can use all of his spells. Using double spells and essentially 2 heroes at once this hero requires your utmost attention.

Arc Warden uses  Flux to envelope the enemy hero in an energy field dealing 60 damage for 6 seconds and slowing movement speed by 50%, however this spell stops working if any other enemy hero comes in contact with the target.

Magnetic Field allows Arc warden to make a circular field that protects his allied heroes and buildings from incoming attacks providing 100% evasion and lasts for 6.5 seconds, also giving 80 bonus attack speed.

Arc Warden summons a Spark wraith that patrols a specified area until an enemy passes by it then it fuses with the enemy hero slowing their movement speed by 100% for 0.7 seconds and dealing 310 damage, pair it with flux and enemy would not be able to move or do anything, if the come to fight you use magnetic field and protect yourself.

Tempest double  as mentioned before allows arc warden to duplicate himself , with all the spells at his arsenal no hero can stand and fight arc warden in mid to late game.

Why Arc Warden is a great hero:

  • Nukes that slow and damage enemies.
  • Can push fast and take towers with the duplicate.
  • Most of the time Arc warden doesn’t go out of the base himself but uses his duplicate to farm and kill.

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These are Top 10 dota 2 best Killing heroes that wreck hard!Let us know about your heroes and what do you guys play when you are in the mood to kill in the comments below!





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