[Top 10] Dota 2 Best Disabler Heroes (7.33b)

10 Jun 2023

In Dota, with new heroes and mechanics introduced every patch, the need for disabler heroes has become even more important. With the rise of highly mobile heroes and escape mechanics, it has become crucial for a team to have a reliable way to lock down and disable their enemies. Disabler heroes are the backbone of any winning team, as they can single-handedly turn the tide of a team fight with a well-placed stun or silence. Their ability to shut down key enemy heroes and prevent them from using their abilities can often mean the difference between victory and defeat.

Choosing the right disabler hero from a vast pool can be overwhelming. To ensure you pick the right disabler hero, we bring you the Best 10 Disablers which are deadly in the 7.33b patch. We hope you find success with these heroes and climb up the MMR ladder.

10. Disruptor

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The devastating and electric force of Disruptor is too heavy for his puny foes to handle. Disruptor is by far the most obvious support counter to spell-casting heroes regardless of the meta. This electrifying hero has all the right abilities in his toolkit. Disruptor’s low cooldown spells and surprisingly high damage make him a perfect fit in most matchups. He is an exceptional hero to lane with, as he can ensure his enemies get interrupted and annoyed. As most heroes are highly privy to magic damage in the laning stage, they are the number one target of Disruptor before they can even get their Black King Bar. 

Disruptor is a level-reliant hero, making him prone to a team fighting more, as he does not rely too much on items. Disruptor can change the direction of the game if he manages to separate enemies from the team fight by Glimpsing them back or silencing them, rendering them highly useless. The Static Storm ultimate is further amplified by Aghanim’s Scepter that not only silences them but mutes his items as well. Disruptor should be your go-to hero if your enemies have agile and slippery heroes.

What makes Disruptor a great disabler?

  • Disruptor has immense crowd control spells, allowing him to separate people in fights.
  • He is a deadly nuker as his spells also deal an immense amount of magical damage right from the get-go.
  • Highly effective hero right from the laning phase with his annoying spells.
  • Disruptor is easy to play, making him a perfect fit regardless of the MMR pool.
  • Does not fall off in the late game, unlike certain other support heroes.

Top 5 Best Endgame items for Disruptor

  • Aghanim’s Scepter - Causes ultimate to mute enemy items.
  • Aeon Disk - Saves him from getting burst quickly from enemy damage and also applies a basic dispel, has a hefty cooldown of 180 seconds.
  • Glimmer Cape - Provides invisibility upon cast, and can be used to escape or set up to gank enemies.
  • Eul’s Scepter - It can be used to sweep the Disruptor or the targetted enemy into the air for 2.5 seconds, making them unable to use spells or move. This can be used to lock them down or set up for teamfights.
  • Force Staff - Allows the Disruptor to force himself or the targetted unit 600 units ahead in the direction they are facing, it can be useful to catch or initiate on enemies.

Disruptor is strong against

  • Primal Beast - Disruptor forces Primal Beast to buy a Black King Bar much earlier than he might like but becomes a major threat to Disruptor once he does.
  • Io - Disruptor can always Glimpse the Io back or his target after he Relocated nearby.
  • Slark - AoE silence and the ability to mute Black King Bar is deadly to Slark at all stages of the game.

Disruptor is weak against:

  • Viper - Corrosive Skin minimizes the damage Viper takes from all of Disruptor's skills.
  • Kunkka - X Marks the Spot allows Kunkka or his teammates to fight back under the effect of Glimpse.
  • Juggernaut - Blade Fury allows Juggernaut to simply move out of Kinetic Field and dodge Glimpse.

9. Winter Wyvern

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Winter Wyvern is a cold and dreadful dragon, often ruthless in her ways to devastate the entire enemy team. Her icy abilities send a chill down the spines of her enemies. Right from the laning phase, she annoys her foes with her spells, shoving them out of the lane or even killing them if they overstay their welcome. She also offers heals to her allies, sustaining them through the laning phase. Her ultimate, Winter’s Curse is a threatening spell that stops enemies from grouping, proving to be an effective way to control the crowd.

A great Wyvern player knows how to position properly, ensuring she isn’t caught by the enemies before she makes full use of her toolkit. Winter also has various skill builds, making her an effective hero even in the late game. Her spells also stand the test of time, as they’re relevant through the late game. Wyvern is a great fit, regardless of the heroes she is picked against, but she can be used to her optimum when she is facing illusion-based heroes.

What makes Winter Wyvern a great disabler?

  • Provides decent healing right from the early game, sustaining her allies through the early game.
  • Immense crowd control ability with her ultimate can essentially turn the game around if used on the right target.
  • She is an effective laner as she can harass and shove enemies out of the lane with her magic damage spells.
  • Illusion heroes are highly ineffective against her as all her spells are AoE.

Top 5 Best Endgame items for Winter Wyvern

  • Aether Lens - Provides increased cast range on both spells and items and can be used to catch enemies off-guard with your ultimate.
  • Holy Locket - It can be used to heal allies upon usage, based on the charges which are granted based on enemy hero casting spells, basically a glorified Magic Stick. This provides WW a tiny bit of sustain and healing required to withstand damage, it can also be used on allies.
  • Ghost Scepter - Upon usage, it makes Winter Wyvern immune to physical attacks while making her unable to attack at the same time. She also takes increased magical damage under its duration. 
  • Aeon Disk - Saves Winter Wyvern from getting burst quickly in teamfights, and also applies a basic dispel, although it has an extremely high cooldown of 180 seconds.
  • Blink Dagger - Blink transports Winter Wyvern 1200 units in the distance she is facing, it can’t be used for 3 seconds if she takes any damage. Blink is used to close the gap and initiate on enemies.

Winter Wyvern is strong against:

  • Enigma - Cold Embrace can be used to save any ally Enigma initiates with his Black Hole, while she can also cancel Black Hole with Winter’s Curse, it even pierces Black King Bar!
  • Meepo - All of Winter Wyvern’s spells ensure Meepo can’t escape alive due to her immense AoE damage.
  • Legion Commander - Cold Embrace is highly effective against Duel.

Winter Wyvern is weak against:

  • Ancient Apparition - His Ice Blast disables the healing component of Cold Embrace, making it essentially a 4-second stun on an ally and a perfect setup for Ice Blast
  • Omniknight - Guardian Angel completely counters Winter's Curse, allowing his team to survive Winter Wyvern's initiation.
  • Pugna - Winter Wyvern finds it hard to use Cold Embrace as it is a death sentence against Pugna since it's the perfect setup for all his abilities, especially Life Drain.


8. Bane

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Bane is the culprit of endless nightmares in the shadow realm, He remains a solid counter to various heroes in the game, especially escape heroes. He can quickly disable them by applying debuffs, and locking them down for a good duration! The late stages of the game bear witness to utter control by Bane if he manages to use Fiend’s Grip on his foes without getting caught! A skilled Bane will also save his allies from potentially lethal damage by using Nightmare on them at the right time. 

Bane's ability to disable enemies is unmatched, making him a must-have hero for any team composition. His debuffs can render even the strongest enemies helpless, allowing his team to secure kills or escape from a dangerous situation. Along with that, Bane's Nightmare can be used to save allies from danger, making him a versatile support hero that can contribute to the team in multiple ways. With the right items and skillful play, Bane can be a nightmare for the enemy team to deal with.

Why is Bane a great disabler?

  • Fiend's Grip pierces spell immunity, allowing him to disable enemy carries from the team fight.
  • Nightmare sets Bane's team up for chain disables on foes
  • Enfeeble lowers the enemy’s status resistance and magic resistance, making them more vulnerable to disables and magic damage.

Top 5 Best Endgame items for Bane

  • Aether Lens - Provides increased cast range on both spells and items and can be used to catch enemies off-guard with your ultimate.
  • Aeon Disk - Saves Bane from getting burst quickly in teamfights, and also applies a basic dispel, although it has an extremely high cooldown of 180 seconds.
  • Force Staff - Allows you to force yourself or the targetted unit 600 units ahead in the direction they are facing, it can be useful to escape or initiate on the enemies.
  • Glimmer Cape - Provides invisibility, and can also be used on allies to escape or to initiate on the enemies.
  • Aghanim’s Shard - Causes Brain Sap to become a 550 AoE spell. Secondary targets only heal for 30%. It provides Bane with the much-needed AoE in the late game, which he can now get with Tormentor drops.

Bane is strong against

  • Faceless Void - If Bane is outside Chronosphere, he can use Nightmare or Fiend's Grip to cripple Faceless Void inside.
  • Shadow Fiend - Enfeeble can be used to decrease Shadow Fiend's already abysmal level one damage even further, preventing him from getting farm and Necromastery stacks.
  • Legion Commander - Bane has powerful single-target abilities that can help his allies win Duels, or at least cripple Legion Commander for the duration.

Bane is weak against

  • Abbadon - Aphotic Shield applies a strong dispel on the allied target and can be used to remove both Fiend's Grip.
  • Broodmother - Bane's single-targeted arsenal of abilities makes him an easy target for Broodmother and her Spiderlings.
  • Jakiro - Jakiro relies entirely on dealing damage through his area-of-effect abilities, making  Enfeeble less effective against him, although it will still reduce his cast range.

7. Rubick

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Rubick is known to be an evergreen pick as he never seems to go out of fashion, he can essentially be picked against any hero with crowd control abilities or high damage abilities. It does not take a master-tier Rubick to be excellent at stealing the right spells or spellcasting, all you need is a little practice to shine bright on this arcane thief. Rubick can disable his foes with the help of Telekinesis, allowing him to disable his foes. Rubick loves enemies a taste of their own medicine if he successfully uses their spells on them!

In 7.33, Rubick is frequently picked because of the flexibility he provides, along with the impact he has in the game. You can also ideally outfarm and kill certain heroes if you play a slightly greedy Rubick. He can also dominate effortlessly in the late game if he acquires his items, especially his Aghanim’s which allows him to steal an extra spell, which could lead to mind-boggling combos! Rubick is an essential hero if your team lacks a team-fighting support hero.

What makes Rubick a great disabler?

  • Deals immense magic damage right from the early game with the help of Arcane Supremacy.
  • Has increased status duration on the spells he steals, allowing him to stun-lock his enemies while his allies beat them down.
  • Makes enemies use their spells wisely as the arcane thief can be quick to steal them.
  • He can also farm rather quickly, allowing him to translate into a more aggressive core-like playstyle if he acquires his items.

Top 5 Best Endgame Items for Rubick

  • Aghanim’s Scepter and Shard - Decreased cooldown on Spell Steal and allows him to use Aghs upgraded version of stolen spells, exceptional if he can steal big ticket spells, which is the core reason for picking this hero.
  • Aether Lens - Increased cast range, can catch enemies off-guard with the increased range by using Telekinesis from a significant distance or even from the fog.
  • Aeon Disk - Saves him from getting burst quickly from enemy spells and also applies a basic dispel, although it has an extremely high cooldown of 180 seconds.
  • Force Staff - Allows you to force yourself or the targetted unit 600 units ahead in the direction they are facing, it can be useful to escape or initiate on the enemies.
  • Glimmer Cape - Provides invisibility, and can also be used on allies to escape or to initiate on the enemies.

Rubick is strong against

  • Enigma - Enigma's ultimate Black Hole can be devastating if being stolen and dropped on multiple heroes.
  • Phoenix - Phoenix's signature Supernova, if cast successfully, can turn a team fights around if being stolen.
  • Shadow Fiend - Shadow Fiend's Requiem of Souls allows Rubick to output enormous crowd damage and control the enemy team.

Rubick is weak against

  • Anti-Mage - All of Rubick's spells are single targets and can be reflected by Anti-Mage’s Counterspell.
  • Bristleback - Rubick deals little damage on his own, and Bristleback can simply shrug off all his spells and chase Rubick down with his Quill Spray and the damage bonus from Warpath.
  • Nightstalker - Crippling Fear silences nearby heroes and cannot be dispelled, which hinders Rubick's way to retaliate when being jumped on.

6. Silencer

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The mechanic of Silence is one lethal mechanic that counters all spell-casting heroes in the game! And well, Silencer… you know it’s self-explanatory. Silencer is an exceptional pick if the enemy team has spell casters with big ticket crowd control spells (think of Black Hole, Echo Slam, Reverse Polarity) These spells can decimate your team if you do not have the right hero against it. Silencer decimates heroes right from the laning stage with his annoying damage over time with Arcane Curse which ensures they do not use their spells. He also steals their intelligence with his glaives, further crippling their mana pool. His ultimate, Global Silence disables all the power his foes have, rendering them useless in teamfights.

Heroes with low intelligence do not enjoy laning against Silencer as his spells will pretty much ruin their early game with the DPS if he keeps on spamming his spells. Silencer not only does that, but he also deals high physical damage, giving him the potential to translate into the core role in the late game. Silencer is overall a solid counter to spellcasting heroes as he does not let them do the one thing they’re designed to do!

What makes Silencer a great disabler?

  • Silencer deals immense AoE damage over time right from the early game.
  • Global Silence is a highly valuable spell, as it can silence heroes regardless of their position on the map, it is the core reason behind picking Silencer.
  • Silencer does not fall off in the late game, even if he does not have sufficient items, he can rely on his spells to the damage.
  • He is an effective counter to intelligence heroes as he does not allow them to cast spells while also stealing their intelligence.

Top 5 Best Endgame items for Silencer

  • Glimmer Cape - Provides invisibility, and can also be used on allies to escape or to initiate on enemies. It prevents the rather squishy Silencer to escape from the enemy heroes trying to eliminate him first from the teamfight.
  • Scythe of Vyse - Disables the targetted hero and removes him from the fight, as they can’t use their spells or items, making them useless in teamfights. Scythe also slows their movement speed.
  • Aeon Disk - Saves him from getting burst quickly from magic or physical burst damage and also applies a basic dispel, although it has an extremely high cooldown of 180 seconds.
  • Force Staff - Allows you to force yourself or the targetted unit 600 units ahead in the direction they are facing, it can be useful to escape or initiate on enemies.
  • Aghanim’s Scepter and Shard - Global Silence pierces spell immunity, making it impossible for spell-reliant enemies to escape alive from teamfights, making it impossible for them to get rid of Global Silence with the Black King Bar on.

Silencer is strong against:

  • Enigma - Silencer can easily ruin Enigma's initiation, as Global Silence cancels Black Hole, even through Black King Bar and Linken's Sphere.
  • Bristleback - Arcane Curse slows Bristleback down and lasts longer the more abilities he uses. On the other hand, if he doesn't use any abilities, he will begin to lose Warpath charges.
  • Timbersaw- Timbersaw is heavily reliant on his abilities for damage and escape, allowing Silencer to effectively disable him and make him useless in both team fights and 1v1 scenarios.

Silencer is weak against:

  • Broodmother - Broodmother relies less on abilities and more on right clicks, allowing her to deal immense damage back to Silencer without worrying about her skill usage.
  • Dragon Knight - Dragon Blood's armor bonus and health regeneration allow Dragon Knight to stay in the lane against Glaives of Wisdom. He also has immense magic resistance which is essential against Silencer.
  • Nyx Assassin - Silencer is generally squishy and has poor mobility without items, making him an easy target for Nyx.

5. Nyx Assassin

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The nefarious Nyx Assassin is an extremely annoying hero to play against heroes who have no way of escaping his clutches. Nyx has various ways of disabling his foes with his extensive toolkit. Nyx can stun them, mana burns them, stun them again, and finally hit them down with the impressive damage from his ultimate, Vendetta. He is active right from the laning phase, as he can acquire a few levels and wander off into other lanes to catch unsuspecting enemies. If he gets a follow-up from his team, there is no way his enemies escape alive!

Nyx is often picked instantly against squishy spell-casting heroes. His abilities are just too good to be ignored if you’re looking to expand your hero pool as a position 4 support player. A well-timed use of spells can catch enemies off guard and turn the trajectory of the game in Nyx’s favor. He is highly useful right from the get-go, hence he is ranked so high up on our list. He can be the enemy carry’s worst nightmare if you let him have the chance!

What makes Nyx Assassin a great disabler?

  • Mana Burn generally deals more damage to intelligence-based heroes.
  • High movement speed and armor right off the bat.
  • Spiked Carapace can stun enemies without breaking invisibility from his ultimate, Vendetta.
  • His stun lock potential can allow his allies to follow up with immense damage to beat down his foes.
  • He can freely scout around the map with Vendetta which renders him invisible for a decent duration.

Top 5 Best Endgame items for Nyx Assassin

  • Blink Dagger - Blink transports Nyx 1200 units in the distance he is facing, it can’t be used for 3 seconds if he takes any form of damage. Blink is used to closing the gap and getting on top of his enemies and following it up with Impale.
  • Force Staff - Allows Nyx to force himself or the targetted unit 600 units ahead in the direction they are facing, it can be useful to catch or escape from the foes.
  • Aghanim’s Scepter - Allows Nyx to burrow beneath the ground, increasing his cast range and making him invulnerable to any damage.
  • Lotus Orb - Upon usage, it reflects targetted spells to the caster. Along with that, it can be used to dispel any enemy debuffs. It can be used to dispel the effects of certain spells inflicted by enemies.
  • Spirit Vessel - Immense DPS and heal reduction to the foes when used. This item can be used to reduce enemy lifesteal. It can render heals and Satanic useless.

Nyx Assassin is strong against:

  • Crystal Maiden - Spike Carapace easily interrupts Freezing Field ultimate. 
  • Enigma - Black Hole can be easily interrupted by Impale or Spiked Carapace.
  • Sniper - Assassinate is easy to reflect with Spiked Carapace for massive damage.

Nyx Assassin is weak against:

  • Bounty Hunter - Track hinders Nyx Assassin's ganking attempts with Vendetta, making him an easy kill for gold as well.
  • Bloodseeker - Thirst is always a threat to Nyx Assassin, hindering his attempt to escape using Vendetta on low HP.
  • Slardar - Corrosive Haze hinders Nyx Assassin's ganking attempts with Vendetta, as well as reducing his armor and making him very vulnerable due to his low health pool.


4. Shadow Demon

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Shadow Demon has to be one of the most picked support heroes in the current meta. The terrifying magic damage dealt by him is lethal for heroes with low magic resistance. Laning against a Shadow Demon is not fun for the dino as he is constantly getting harassed with Shadow Poison, as enough stacks can quickly make him disappear from the lane due to his low magic resistance and lack of immunity in the early game. Most enemies with low-status resistance absolutely hate facing the likes of Shadow Demon, his spells disable them, annoy them, and pretty much make them useless if he is caught off-guard. 

Shadow Demon can be played both as a core and as a support against squishy enemies. The late game boils down to positioning and ultimately the pure mechanical skill of the players involved. Shadow Demon can effectively disable enemies if he isn’t caught out first in teamfights. An excellent player will always keep his eye out on the map, ensuring he isn’t getting ganked by the Shadow Demon.

Why is Shadow Demon a great disabler? 

  • Disruption can banish enemies, making it easy for Shadow Demon to disrupt TPs or channeling abilities. 
  • Casting Disruption after releasing Shadow Poison charges will make enemies unable to use their spells effectively
  • Shadow Poison is a good way to deal damage as the initial damage and the release damage can't both be purged t the same time.
  • Demonic Purge is a great slow, useful to force enemies out of the lanes while actively chasing and dealing damage to them

Top 5 Best Endgame items for Shadow Demon

  • Aether Lens - It provides increased cast range on both spells and item and can be used to catch enemies off-guard
  • Force Staff - Allows Shadow Demon to force himself or the targetted unit 600 units ahead in the direction he is facing. It can also be used to escape or set up enemies.
  • Ethereal Blade - Upon usage, it transforms the targetted enemy or ally into ghost form, making them unable to attack or get attacked, while taking increased magic damage. 
  • Aghanim's Scepter - It applies to break with two extra charges which are well worth the cost, and you should always consider it at one point or another, as it disables powerful enemy passives.
  • Scythe of Vyse - It can be used to hex enemies, essentially making them unable to use spells or items, along with reducing their movement speed for 3.5 seconds. Highly useful to shut enemies down, making them useless in teamfights.

Shadow Demon is strong against:

  • Huskar - Shadow Poison can quickly stack up on Huskar, And with his naturally low health you don't need as many stacks to be effective.
  • Juggernaut - Spawning Juggernaut's illusions is a great deal, as his base attack time is low and he has a critical strike. Illusions will benefit from both.
  • Windranger - Shadow Demon can waste precious seconds of  Windrun with Disruption.

Shadow Demon is weak against:

  • Leshrac - Pulse Nova makes quick work of any illusions with amplified damage and deals damage even if Leshrac is in Disruption.
  • Lion - All of Lion's abilities are active making Demonic Purge break from Aghanim's Scepter useless.
  • Puck - Shadow Demon will find a hard time catching a Puck, as he can get away with  Illusory Orb or even  Waning Rift.

3. Lion

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Lion is one of those support heroes who fit any matchup, his versatility is highly unparalleled in the current meta. Lion is played by both beginners and professionals, as he works in every single skill bracket. He has multiple spells which can be used to disable his enemies while allowing him to deal damage to them at the same time. He is strong right from the early game as his lockdown followed by some damage from his team can neutralize enemies

Lion cripples enemies right from the laning phase. He can also drain their mana, turn them into powerless frogs, and all in all, make them highly useless. Lion also has very lethal nuke damage with his Finger of Death ultimate, which can further be amplified with the number of kills he gets with it, allowing a possibility of one-shotting his foes in the later stages of the game. Most heroes are essentially melee or ranged creep against Lion if they do not have a good start in the game.

What makes Lion a great disabler? 

  • Lion is known to have a decent cast range for spells, which is further amplified with the items he gets.
  • Multiple disables, can be used to chain stun and cripple his enemies right from the early game.
  • High burst damage and magical output that scales well in the later stages of the game.
  • Highly relevant in any matchup due to his spell combinations.

Top 5 Best Endgame items for Lion

  • Aether Lens - Provides Lion with increased cast range along with providing decent stats and mana. It can further be upgraded into Octraine Core which reduces spell and item cooldowns by 25%.
  • Blink Dagger - On cast, Blink transports you 1200 units in the distance you are facing, can’t be used for 3 seconds if you take any form of damage. Blink is used by Lion to close the gap and to get on top of enemy heroes to chain disable them.
  • Force Staff - Allows Lion to force himself or the targetted unit 600 units ahead in the direction they are facing, it can be useful to escape from enemies or initiate on them.
  • Aghanim’s Scepter - AoE damage from Finger of Death ultimate, also reduces its cooldown. It prevents enemy heroes from grouping up together, as multiple kills can provide increased charges to Finger, making it deal more damage!
  • Aeon Disk - Saves Lion from getting burst quickly in teamfights, and also applies a basic dispel, although it has a high cooldown of 180 seconds.

Lion is strong against

  • Phantom Assassin - Agreed, Phantom Assassin has immense damage but she can get locked down quickly with all of Lion’s spells. She also has low magic resistance.
  • Void Spirit - Considered to be a slippery hero, Lion’s instant cast point can ruin Void’s momentum by locking him down.
  • Medusa - Medusa severely lacks mobility, Lion takes advantage of this and cripples her further, allowing his teammates to beat the serpentine warrior down in no time. Lion also steals all of Medusa’s mana which she so desperately requires to stand her ground in teamfights. 

Lion is weak against

  • Rubick - The arcane magician can steal Lion’s spells and give him the taste of his own medicine, but with increased status duration and magic damage!
  • Tidehunter - Tidehunter has immense HP as well as high armor, allowing him to withstand Lion’s harassment in the early game. Kraken also dispels all of Lion’s spells inflicted on him.
  • Nyx Assassin - Nyx can deal immense damage to Lion with the combination of all of his spells, while also nullifying the Finger of Death damage dealt to him with the help of his Spiked Carapace.

2. Shadow Shaman

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Many have come and gone but none can withstand the cursed abilities of this Shaman. Shadow Shaman is a great addition to your team against escape heroes as he offers you insane disable potential allowing your team to follow up with damage and spells. Apart from disabling, he is also known to push out lanes effortlessly and deal damage to buildings with his ultimate. He can also rat well in the late game if he has all the right items. Not every hero has the same disabler impact as Shadow Shaman in 7.33. 

Along with abilities, Shadow Shaman relies heavily on the right items to have a long-lasting impact in the game. Aether Lens provides a longer range on his abilities, making it easier for him to catch enemies off guard and initiate fights from a safer distance. Blink Dagger allows him to quickly reposition and get into a better position to cast his disables or escape dangerous situations. Force Staff, on the other hand, offers more versatility by allowing him to push enemies or allies in and out of danger or into better positions for his disables.

Why is Shadow Shaman a great disabler? 

  • Shadow Shaman has multiple disables in his kit, making him a powerful disabler hero. 
  • His Shackles ability can hold an enemy hero in place for up to 5.5 seconds, giving his team plenty of time to follow up with damage. 
  • He can also trap enemies in his Serpent Wards, dealing significant damage while they are disabled. 
  • Shadow Shaman's Hex can turn an enemy hero into a harmless critter for up to 4 seconds, making them unable to use their abilities or items.

Top 5 Best Endgame items for Shadow Shaman

  • Aether Lens - Provides increased cast range on both spells and items and can be used to catch enemies off-guard with your spells.
  • Blink Dagger - On cast, Blink transports you 1200 units in the distance you are facing, can’t be used for 3 seconds if you take any form of damage. Blink is used to close the gap and to get on top of enemies, or it can also be used to escape away from them.
  • Force Staff - Allows the Shadow Shaman to force himself or the targetted unit 600 units ahead in the direction they are facing, it can be useful to catch or initiate on enemies.
  • Glimmer Cape- Upon cast, it turns Shadow Shaman or the targetted ally invisible, allowing him to escape or help his allies escape.
  • Aeon Disk - Saves Shadow Shaman from getting burst quickly in teamfights, and also applies a basic dispel, although it has an extremely high cooldown of 180 seconds.

Shadow Shaman is strong against

  • Huskar - Mass Serpent Ward rips apart Huskar quickly due to his poor armor.
  • Weaver - Shadow Shaman's many disables can lock down Weaver. Even with Linken's Sphere, Weaver might not be able to escape should Shadow Shaman uses Shackles quickly enough following Hex.
  • Marci - Shackles keeps Marci stunned for an extended time, wasting her ultimate. A combo with Mass Serpent Ward only makes things worse for her, as her armor is low.

Shadow Shaman is weak against 

  • Luna - Luna's high magical damage burst from Lucent Beam and Eclipse can take advantage of Shadow Shaman's low health and strength gain.
  • Mirana - Mirana can disturb Shadow Shaman's channeling even if he is under the effect of invisibility thanks to Sacred Arrow.
  • Morphling - Waveform allows Morphling to escape from Mass Serpent Ward


1. Doom

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The harbinger of bad news, Doom is the ultimate disabler and a menace if you are playing a squishy carry hero. This demon has sent countless of his enemies to the realm of hell, and frankly, any hero in this patch is no exception! His abilities are highly lethal, as they deal high damage right off the bat. He is considered to be a great counterpick in the offlane regardless of the hero picked, due to the high early-game damage. The Infernal Blade damage and disable coming from his eponymous ultimate is the stuff nightmares are made of.

Doom’s high base armor provides him sustain while fighting or jungling. Doom is known to farm effortlessly right from level one, courtesy of Devour. He is regarded as one of the most deadly disablers in the current meta. Spell-casting heroes hate disabling as it makes them unable to cast any spells, rendering them useless in fights. All it takes is one Blink and Doom to get the puny enemy carry out of the fight, as most of them virtually have no way to counter Doom for a very long time. Doom ensures that his enemies get no spells off in a teamfight, it is such a powerful spell that it pierces Black King Bar!

What Makes Doom a great disabler?

  • The ultimate Doom is great against mobile/slippery heroes as it silences and mutes them while making them take damage over time.
  • Devour kills creeps instantly, granting gold and him the abilities of the creep.
  • High strength gain and base armor, making it easy for him to jungle without taking much damage.
  • Scorched Earth deals massive AoE damage which accelerates his farming speed.

Top 5 Best End-Game items for Doom

  • Shadow Blade - Provides invisibility on the cast which can be used to escape or set up on enemies with his ultimate, Doom.
  • Blink Dagger - On cast, Blink transports you 1200 units in the distance you are facing, can’t be used for 3 seconds if you take any form of damage. Blink is used to close the gap and to get on top of enemies, or it can also be used to escape away from them.
  • Shiva’s Guard - Upon activation, it deals damage in an AoE, slowing down the affected targets. It also provides increased armor and reduces enemy armor in an AoE.
  • Black King Bar - Provides spell immunity from all enemy magic damage spells, making him invulnerable in the fight
  • Refresher’s Orb - Can refresh spells and items and use them again in quick succession to delete enemies from the fight

Doom is strong against

  • Tinker - Tinker is heavily dependent on active abilities and Doom prevents him from using any of them.
  • Spectre - Doom can entirely disable Spectre from a teamfight. 
  • Arc Warden - Arc Warden relies on items and abilities, as well as his Tempest Double, to deal damage to enemies. Doom effectively denies that and makes Arc Warden useless in fights.
  • Doom is weak against 
  • Lifestealer - Rage allows Lifestealer to become spell-immune to negate the magical damage of Infernal Blade and Scorched Earth.
  • Medusa - Doom does not disable Mana Shield. As such, Doom's damage is largely mitigated by her mana shield. Additionally, Medusa is not reliant on her abilities to be effective during a teamfight, making Medusa an unproductive hero to target.
  • Phantom Lancer - Phantom Lancer's illusions can make it difficult to Doom the original. Should Doom figure out the original hero, the illusions can make it difficult to cast any abilities, as their hitboxes can be used to body-block the Phantom Lancer.


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