The Batrider is quite the favorite of most initiators and harass heroes in the current meta, as he is picked to provide great early game domination and control potential. His laning phase is quite impeccable due to the sheer amount of magical damage output that he provides, shoving the enemies out of the lane.
To help you counter this bat bandit, we bring you the Best 10 Heroes against Batrider. These heroes are devastating to Batrider in all stages of the game.
10. Nyx Assassin
Despised with pleasure by his opponents. Nyx Assassin is known to be one of the most annoying heroes in the game, regardless of the patch, he is the most relevant support in the game. Especially against high INT and damage heroes, Nyx can do wonders with his powerful toolkit. One Spiked Carapace is enough to lock him down, and the best part is that it does not break invisibility from your ultimate! Heroes with AoE damage consider him to be a nightmare to play against!
Why is Nyx Assassin a great counter to Batrider?
- Mana Burn generally deals more damage to intelligence-based heroes like Batrider
- High movement speed and armor right off the bat
- Nyx can walk into Firefly with Spiked Carapace and stun Batrider if he has no Spell Immunity.
Items to buy as Nyx Assassin
- Blink Dagger - Great for gap closing or initiating
- Force Staff - Another great tool to close gaps or escape from Batrider
- Aghanim’s Scepter - Allows Nyx to burrow beneath the ground, increasing his cast range and making him invulnerable
- Aether Lens - Increased cast range, can catch Batrider off-guard
- Lotus Orb - Reflects targetted spells hence can also be used to dispel the silence
- Spirit Vessel - Immense DPS and heal reduction to Batrider when used
9. Tidehunter
Tidehunter does exceptionally well against melee heroes, especially against the squishy ones with low armor. With little to no damage being dealt by his laning carry due to Anchor Smash and high base armor, they have no choice but to ignore this melon man during teamfights! But this does not mean that Tide ignores them, he ferociously pounces on him to ravage and decimate his carriers and eventually wipe off the entire team.
Why is Tidehunter a great counter to Batrider?
- Kraken Shell and Anchor Smash make it very difficult for Batrider to damage Tidehunter.
- Kraken Shell can dispel Flaming Lasso.
- If Batrider drags Tidehunter back towards his team, it can be set up for a well-placed Ravage.
Items to Buy on Tidehunter
- Blink Dagger - Great for gap closing or initiating
- Shiva’s Guard - Can effortlessly push lanes and provides increased armor which is essential against Bat
- Lotus Orb - Reflects targetted spells hence can also be used to prevent Lasso
- Aghanim’s Scepter and Shard - Makes Gush AoE and allows him to use Anchor Smash on Towers
- Force Staff - Another great tool to close gaps or escape from Bat
8. Legion Commander
Tresdin, the Legion Commander is a melee hero, which may discourage most players from playing her against Bristleback, but little do they know that she can heavily counter him with her high physical damage. You can dispel Nasal Goo, and whenever you Duel him, you hit him in the front, allowing you to deal more damage! If you win enough Duels, you may just eviscerate BB in just a few hits!
Why is Legion Commander Great against Batrider?
- Press the Attack dispels Flaming Lasso.
- Batrider is unlikely to win a Duel at any stage of the game.
Items to Buy Against Bristleback
- Silver Edge - Provides invisibility and damage on the first hit, which can be used to escape or set up on Batrider
- Blademail - Reflects back Bat’s damage upon activation
- Aghanim’s Shard - Provides magic immunity on allies or herself with Press The Attack
- Black King Bar - Provides spell immunity
- Desolator - Increased damage and armor corruption
- Assault Cuirass - Immense armor gain, also reduces Bat’s armor at the same time
7. Slark
This lethal creature of the deep sea knows no bounds! Slark is one of the stealthiest and deadly carry heroes in the game. His lethal skills make him quite popular in the current meta to counter the deadly Wraith King. Diffusal Blade makes him immensely strong as it causes his foes to lose mana quickly. He can also purge off Wraith Blast, allowing him to chase him effortlessly. Slark also farms faster compared to his counterparts and is capable of dodging spells.
Why is Slark a great counter to Batrider?
- Slark sometimes carries Diffusal Blade to burn mana in an attempt to shut down Batrider.
- Dark Pact can dispel Flaming Lasso if is used in anticipation, but a Blink initiation from fog can catch the Slark off guard.
- Slark can also take off any Sticky Napalm stacks with Dark Pact in the lane.
Items to buy on Slark
- Silver Edge - Provides invisibility and damage on the first hit, which can be used to escape or set up on Bat
- Aghanim’s Scepter - Provides two charges to Pounce, along with increase the range of it
- Eye of Skadi - Great for reducing Bat’s regen while also providing stats.
- Butterfly - Increased evasion, agility, and movement speed
- Black King Bar - Provides spell immunity
6. Venomancer
The most toxic hero in Dota! Venomancer is quite hated because of how well his abilities can synergize with literally any other hero. He is known for dealing immense magical damage and DPS to his foes. Venomancer can counter most strength heroes due to the damage output which is further amplified by items. Having AoE damage spells, Venomancer can farm quickly and efficiently.
Why is Venomancer a great counter to Batrider?
- High DPS and magic damage that can further be amplified with items.
- Plague Wards are very hard for Batrider to play against as they provide a lot of vision as well as disable Blink Dagger for a long duration.
- Low CD on spells, allowing more damage dealt.
Items to Buy on Venomancer
- Spirit Vessel - Immense DPS and heal reduction to Batrider when used
- Lotus Orb - Can reflect Lasso back to Bat
- Force Staff - Another great tool to close gaps or escape from Batrider
- Eul's Scepter - Provides a basic dispel, can be used to dodge spells or interrupt Batrider
- Veil of Discord - Amplifies all magic damage
- Scythe of Vyse - Disables Batrider and removes him from the fight
5. Vengeful Spirit
You may think you have closed the chapter by killing her, only to see she has come back stronger to strike you down! Vengeful Spirit is notorious for being a great gap closer, and the best part is that she is level reliant as opposed to the farm! Tinker is often scouted out by Wave of Terror and if he is in range, he may be swapped out into his death! Not all heroes, especially in the support roles are seen to have such great initiating powers!
Why is Vengeful Spirit a great counter to Batrider?
- A wave of Terror can give vision and reveal Batrider if he is hiding in the trees
- Nether Swap breaks Flaming Lasso when used on ally and can break if used on Batrider.
- Vengeful Spirit can disable Batrider's Blink Dagger before a fight with Wave of Terror.
Items to buy on Vengeful Spirit
- Aghanim’s Scepter and Shard - Creates an illusion of Venge upon death, while she can still use spells as well as respawn on the illusion if it survives
- Force Staff - Another great tool to close gaps or escape from Bat
- Glimmer Cape - Provides invisibility, can also be used on allies to escape or to initiate on Batrider
- Aeon Disk - Saves her from getting burst quickly from Bat and also applies a basic dispel
- Lotus Orb - Reflects targetted spells hence can also be used to prevent Lasso
4. Oracle
The forsaken Oracle is a great addition to your team if you are lacking a healer. Oracle is extremely great against both magic and physical damage heroes as he provides your allies with both resistance and heals to support them. With Purifying Flames and False Promise, there is no way your teammates can die if you time the spells properly. Oracle is also great in the late game, where the fights are long and dragged out.
Why is Oracle a great counter to Batrider?
- False Promise dispels Flaming Lasso.
- Fortune's End can root Batrider after he uses Flaming Lasso. It can also dispel Sticky Napalm and Flamebreak.
- Fate's Edict when used on a Lasso'd target will leave them immune to magical damage, making it difficult to burst them quickly before the Lasso ends.
Items to buy on Oracle
- Glimmer Cape - Provides invisibility, can also be used on allies to escape or to initiate
- Aether Lens - Increased cast range, can catch Batrider off-guard
- Force Staff - Another great tool to close gaps or escape from Bat
- Aeon Disk - Saves him from getting burst quickly from Bat and also applies a basic dispel
- Eul's Scepter - Provides a basic dispel, can be used to dodge spells or set up on Bat
3. Abbadon
The Lord of Avernus, Abbadon is destined to doom all his foes and shield his allies from the ungodly forces. Abbadon is a great support hero, though underrated, his spells can be extremely useful in making sure his allies are safe and protected. Pudge can’t fare well in the laning phase against him because of his extremely high movement speed and slow with his passive. Pudge also can’t dismember any target surrounding Abbadon due to his Aphotic Shield, making him extremely useless.
Why is Abbadon a great counter to Batrider?
- Aphotic Shield and Borrowed Time can both dispel Flaming Lasso.
- Batrider lacks mobility without a Blink Dagger, causing him to be easily chased with Curse of Avernus.
Items to buy against Batrider
- Holy Locket - Can be used to heal yourself/allies, amplifies heals, and gains charges when enemies use spells in a certain radius
- Mekansm - Heals allies in a small radius
- Glimmer Cape - Provides invisibility, can also be used on allies to escape or to initiate on Bat
- Lotus Orb - Reflects targetted spells hence can also be used to prevent Lasso
- Blademail - Reflects back Bat’s damage upon activation
2. Kunkka
The Admiral almighty himself! Kunkka is known to be a great tank hero due to his strength gain which is naturally high from the early levels. He can effortlessly survive ganks as his high-status resistance and HP pool come to the rescue. His ultimate proves to be of great use as well as it makes sure he and his allies take the least damage in fights, allowing the fight to be in their favor. The tanky nature of Kunkka is only amplified further by high armor and high HP items.
Why is Kunkka such a great counter to Batrider?
- High AoE physical damage with Tidebringer, which can kill waves in one hit!
- Ultimate that makes him and his allies tanky
- X Marks the Spot breaks Flaming Lasso when used on ally and can break if used on Batrider.
Items to buy on Kunnka
- Daedalus - Immense critical damage
- Assault Cuirass - Immense armor gain, also reduces Bat’s armor at the same time
- Armlet of Mordiggian - Increased damage and HP, can toggle through Bat’s damage
- Aghanim’s Scepter - Ghostship creates a fleet of ships that crash at the same spot
- Black King Bar - Provides spell immunity
1. Weaver
Weaver is the only unfixed bug in the game! Threading through the needle of time, Weaver arrives to devastate Batrider with his massive time-bending abilities, exceptionally countering him. Weaver is a great ranged hero as he can also escape the clutches of Batrider hence faring well in the laning phase. Shukuchi is a lifesaver and can be used to harass enemies as well. The Swarm and Germinate deal a great amount of damage and help neutralize him. Weaver can be quite unkillable in the late game as he acquires farm and gets tanky.
Why is Weaver a great counter to Batrider?
- Time Lapse with Aghanim's Scepter dispels Flaming Lasso when used on an allied hero.
- Linken's Sphere is a core item for a Weaver making him a hard target for Lasso during the entire game
Items to buy on Weaver
- Mjolnir - Exceptional for pushing lanes and farming quickly
- Eye of Skadi - Great for reducing Bat’s regen while also providing stats.
- Black King Bar - Provides spell immunity
- Daedalus - Immense critical damage
- Linken’s Sphere - Provides block from a targetted spell every 15 seconds, an unaware Bat may waste his Lasso!
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