[Top 10] D&D Best Wizard Feats That Are Excellent

D&D Best Wizard Feats
05 Oct 2023

In the vast and intricate world of Dungeons and Dragons, few classes are as captivating and intellectually demanding as that of the Wizard. Known as the masters of arcane knowledge, you harness the very fabric of magic, wielding spells with well thought out precision and unleashing devastation upon your foes. 

As your adventuring party traverses through your perilous journey, you have the opportunity to acquire feats that further enhance your magical prowess. With feats, you can grant your wizard new abilities, bolster your defenses, and even gain the power to reshape reality itself.

Whether you seek to build your wizard as a specialized master in their chosen school of magic, fortify your party against hostile spells, or become a versatile master of none with a large repertoire of arcane tricks, have a look at these feats; specifically curated to build the best wizard ever.

Here is a list of feats to transform your wizard from a self-study arcanist to a savant with the power to reshape reality as they see fit.


10. Resilient (Players Handbook)

A steady mind must come with a steady body; increase your wizard’s fortitude by getting the Resilient Feat! (Wizards of the Coast. Art by Marta Nael)


Choose one ability score. You gain the following benefits:

  • Increase the chosen ability score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You gain proficiency in saving throws using the chosen ability.

Wizards are notorious for being feeble. Let’s face the truth shall we. As one of the classes with the lowest Hit Die (the other one being sorcerer), the resident spell nerd has a hard time surviving most low level encounters. It would only take 2 hits, or 1 really good hit, from normal weapons to down a wizard.

Known for their low constitution, all that knowledge and cosmic power would mean nothing if your wizard’s survivability rate is subpar. By taking the Resilient feat, your wizard gains vital defensive capabilities that would increase their survivability and better their concentration skills.

The Resilient feat allows you to weather the storms of battle, maintain control over your spells, and emerge victorious even when facing the hardest and smartest of foes. Resilient would be a great feat for your wizard, no matter what specialization you want to build.

Why your Wizard needs the Resilient Feat

  • Better Concentration Checks. As long as you pick to increase your Constitution, you gain proficiency on its Saving Throw. Which means increasing your modifier for Concentration Checks. And trust me, as a wizard, you’re going to need it.
  • Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by +1 if you take the Resilient feat. Which is just awesome as you don’t have to fully miss out on the Ability Score Increase despite taking a feat.
  • Survivability Goes Up. Along with a higher Constitution comes more Hit Points. You’ll be able to take more hits, and the threat of death won’t be as looming as before.


9. Telekinetic (Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything)

Enhance your wizard’s mastery with magic by taking the Telekinetic feat. (Wizards of the Coast: Hard Cover by PINDURSKI)


You learn to move things with your mind, granting you the following benefits:

  • Increase your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You learn the mage hand cantrip. You can cast it without verbal or somatic components, and you can make the spectral hand invisible. If you already know this spell, its range increases by 30 feet when you cast it. Its spellcasting ability is the ability increased by this feat.
  • As a bonus action, you can try to telekinetically shove one creature you can see within 30 feet of you. When you do so, the target must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + the ability modifier of the score increased by this feat) or be moved 5 feet toward or away from you. A creature can willingly fail this save.

Imagine yourself as a master of manipulation, wielding the invisible threads of telekinesis with finesse and precision.The very fabric of the physical world becomes your playground; the battlefield your canvas for extraordinary feats of magical prowess.

With the telekinetic feat, you will possess the power to reshape the ebb and flow of combat to your advantage. Imagine the awe-inspiring sight of objects floating weightlessly at your command, gracefully soaring through the air. 

Manipulate the environment to your advantage. Turn the tide of combat. Confound your enemies and bolster your allies' defense by showing your tactical supremacy by taking the Telekinetic feat. 

Why the Telekinetic feat would be fun to have

  • Puppet Master. You learn the mage hand cantrip, or, if you already know it, increase the range from the regular 30 ft. to 60 ft. You can even cast it silently, and make the hand invisible. Oh the opportunities this provides. The amount of chaos can only be limited by your imagination.
  • Ability Score Increase pt. II. With the Telekinetic feat, you get to increase your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma by +1. I highly suggest increasing Intelligence of course, but whatever works for you.
  • Master Versatility. You can even use a bonus action to shove someone towards or away from you. Useful for sneaking around or dealing with enemies you don’t want to fight. Just push them off the cliff. Hilarious to use among your party mates… Just, don’t do it near a 1000 feet high cliff.


8.  Fey Touched (TCE)

Imbue your wizard with fey magic, gaining access to enchanting spells, otherworldly charm, and a touch of whimsy that will leave your foes bewildered and enchanted. (Image from Dice Cove)

Fey Touched

Your exposure to the Feywild's magic has changed you, granting you the following benefits:

  • Increase your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You learn the Misty Step spell and one 1st-level spell of your choice. The 1st-level spell must be from the Divination or Enchantment school of magic. You can cast each of these spells without expending a spell slot. Once you cast either of these spells in this way, you can't cast that spell in this way again until you finish a long rest. You can also cast these spells using spell slots you have of the appropriate level. The spells' spellcasting ability is the ability increased by this feat.

In the realm of magic, where arcane forces intertwine with mystic allure of the Feywild, the path of the wizard is an ever-evolving journey of exploration and discovery. Embracing the Fey Touched feat allows your wizard to forge a profound connection to the ethereal realm of the Feywild, where whimsy and enchantment reign supreme.

As a Fey Touched wizard, you are bestowed with a unique assortment of fey-themed spells. You gain access to a single 1st-level spell from the enchantment or divination schools of magic. Included with it is the Misty Step spell. You’ll be able to cast either spell once for free within every long rest. Or, if you’d like, you’ll be able to use your own spell slots to cast the spell again.

Furthermore, the Fey Touched feat gives you a point to increase your Intelligence score, or Wisdom or Charisma. An extra point to increase Intelligence is always good, as it’s the main spellcasting modifier for wizards. It makes sure your spells can pack an extra punch.

Why your Wizard will do well with Fey Touched

  • Ability Score Increase Pt. III.  The Fey Touched feat gives you a point to increase your Intelligence score. All the better for casting powerful spells.
  • No Thank You. You’ll be able to cast Misty Step for free to get out of possible pain or trouble. It doesn’t count among your known spells, and doesn’t need a spell slot to cast the first time in between long rests.
  • Extra Spells. Along with Misty Step, you get a free first level spell of your choice. You have your pick among the Divination or Enchantment school of magic.


7. Keen Mind (PHB)

Acquire a razor-sharp memory, deeper focus, and unparalleled mental prowess, transforming your character into a brilliant strategist. (Image from Dice Cove)

Keen Mind

You have a mind that can track time, direction, and detail with uncanny precision. You gain the following benefits.

  • Increase your Intelligence score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You always know which way is north.
  • You always know the number of hours left before the next sunrise or sunset.
  • You can accurately recall anything you have seen or heard within the past month.

Wizards are a fun class to play. You can portray the local Gandalf the Grey; long beard, pointy hat, long robes and all. Or, you can be the bright eyed Hermione Granger, learning about magic for the first time. The possibilities are endless, but the universal truth for wizards is that they’re book nerds, through and through.

With the Keen Mind feat, your character will be able to recall anything you noticed within the past month. Gameplay wise, you’ll have permission to pester your DM for information your party may have forgotten, as long as you were present in the scene of course. Keen Mind is useful for lore heavy campaigns, or lore loving players. 

Knowledge is power, especially in Dungeons & Dragons. You’ll never get lost (unless through magical means). You’ll never lose track of time. And, almost like a bonus, you’re able to increase your Intelligence score by +1, therefore making your Wizard’s spells extra powerful as well.

Why your nerdy Wizard needs Keen Mind

  • Ability Score Increase Pt. IV. Keen Mind increases your Intelligence Score by 1, therefore also increasing your spellcasting modifier. You won’t be missing out on anything if you take this feat, trust me.
  • Proud Know-It-All. If your DM allows, the Keen Mind feat works like Eidetic memory. You’ll always remember what you’ve read or heard (for the past month). Extremely in character for bookworm wizards. Extremely useful for forgetful players.
  • Human GPS. You always know your time and place. You’ll technically never get lost, unless teleported somewhere unknown. In essence, you’ll always know where you’ve been.


6. Alert (PHB)

Sharpen your senses, react with lightning speed, and remain one step ahead of your foes. Ensure you never fall prey to surprise attacks and grant yourself a tactical advantage in any encounter.(Wizards of the Coast: Annul by Caio Monteiro)


Always on the lookout for danger, you gain the following benefits:

  • You can't be surprised while you are conscious.
  • You gain a +5 bonus to initiative.
  • Other creatures don't gain advantage on attack rolls against you as a result of being unseen by you.

I’ll swear by this every time, but Alert is a feat that any class should get. As long as there’s a possibility for combat in your campaign, you’ll be benefiting so much from Alert that you’ll never regret getting it. It’s an awesome feat, and for Wizards, whose Hit Points and Armor Class tend to be in the lower side, it’s a vital feat that heavily affects their survival.

It ensures you’re never caught unaware when you're unconscious. The surprise round tends to be a very important round, depending if you’re the one getting hit or not. Avoiding attacks with disadvantage is also vital for your squishy Wizard, not getting hit means no need to cast Shield, which also means better spell slot economy.

Alert also gives you +5 on your initiative. Wizards tend to do crazy maneuvers, I must admit. With a plethora of powerful spells in your repertoire, how can you not be tempted to cast spells like Fireball or Melf’s Minute Meteors. Both of which are very fun spells, but with it’s area of effect, does have a possibility to damage your melee fighting teammates if not maneuvered correctly. Being higher in the initiative tracker ensures you get to let loose and be wild.

Why your Wizard needs the Alert feat

  • We hate surprises. Never be caught by surprise with the Alert feat. Infinitely useful for squishy wizards trying their best. Especially on the low levels. One good hit to a wizard will drop their Hit Points to half, maybe even lower depending on the enemy. 
  • At the Drop of a Hat. Your initiative increases by 5, an assurance that you’ll be higher up in the initiative tracker. Wizards have a long list of spells in their disposal at all times. Being higher in the initiative means you’ll be able to cast your area of effect spells before your martial allies move within your ideal range.
  • Eyes at the back of my Head. Unseen foes don’t get advantage on attack rolls against you. As mentioned before, you’d rather not get hit as a wizard. Every Hit Point matters when you don’t have a lot.


5. Strixhaven Initiate (Strixhaven: Curriculum of Chaos)

Harness the power of multiple magical disciplines, expand your spellcasting repertoire, and become a versatile force to be reckoned with by becoming a Strixhaven Initiate.(Wizards of the Coast: Arcane Endeavor by Justyna Gil)

Strixhaven Initiate

You have studied some magical theory and have learned a few spells associated with Strixhaven University.

  • Choose one of Strixhaven's colleges: Lorehold, Prismari. Quandrix, Silverquill, or Witherbloom. You learn two cantrips and one 1st-level spell based on the college you choose, as specified in the Strixhaven Spells table.
  • You can cast the chosen 1st-level spell without a spell slot, and you must finish a long rest before you can cast it in this way again. You can also cast the spell using any spell slots you have.
  • Your spellcasting ability for this feat's spells is Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma (choose when you select this feat).

Within the halls of Strixhaven, you will immerse yourself in the study of diverse magical arts, unlock the mysteries of evocation, abjuration, divination, enchantment, and more. Your wizardry will be infused with a newfound versatility, allowing you to adapt to any situation with grace and finesse.

Through the Strixhaven Initiate feat, you transcend the boundaries of a singular magical tradition, embracing the essence of multiple disciplines and schools of magic. This feat offers you the opportunity to broaden your spellcasting repertoire, empowering you to delve into spells  and techniques that were once beyond your grasp.

As a Strixhaven Initiate, you will become a true polymath of magic, seamlessly blending the strengths of various schools of magic into a coherent and potent whole. You can consider this feat a chance to multiclass without actually multiclassing. You’ll be able to access spells normally out of a wizard’s reach such as the Guidance cantrip or even Vicious Mockery.

Why Strixhaven Initiate would be great for your Wizard

  • Jack of All Mages. The Strixhaven Initiate feat offers your wizard the opportunity to go beyond the boundaries of a single magical tradition. Especially useful for spell nerds who want to be ready for every occasion.
  • Enhanced Utility. With your choice of Strixhaven’s college; you’ll be able to get spells outside the Wizard spell list. Access to the different classes’ spells is a great boon. 
  • Free Spell. You’re able to cast your chosen 1st level spell for free once every long rest. A useful feature, and an easy resource to track compared to the amount of spell slots you have to juggle in the higher levels.


4. Eldritch Adept (TCE)

Embrace the Eldritch Adept feat and tap into the eldritch mysteries that lie beyond mortal comprehension.(Blizzard Entertainment. Medivh, the Last Guardian by Marc Brunet, Phill Gonzo and Peter Lee)

Eldritch Adept

Prerequisite: Spellcasting or Pact Magic feature

Studying occult lore, you have unlocked eldritch power within yourself. 

  • You learn one Eldritch Invocation option of your choice from the warlock class. If the invocation has a prerequisite, you can choose that invocation only if you're a warlock and only if you meet the prerequisite.
  • Whenever you gain a level, you can replace the invocation with another one from the warlock class.

Whether you seek to dabble in the forbidden arts, emulate the unique abilities of warlocks, or explore the boundaries of eldritch power; the Eldritch Adept feat allows you the opportunity to  do so without the need to fully commit to Multiclassing.

Taking the feat lets you customize your wizard into a different build. A mix between the wizard’s fountain of arcane knowledge and the Warlock’s spellcasting flexibility guarantees a fun time in combat. 

With Eldritch Invocations, you can cast spells at will, without using a spell slot, or augment your abilities like gaining or increasing your Darkvision. Even better, is that this feat allows you to try out a different Invocation everytime you level up.

Why becoming Eldritch Adept is Amazing for your Wizard

  • Fully Customizable. The Eldritch Adept adds an extra flavor to your wizard build. Whether you pick an invocation that allows you to cast a spell at will for free, or augment your abilities so that you’ll be able to play your wizard to their full potential.
  • Eldritch Invocation. You get your pick among the Warlock’s options for Eldritch Invocations. You even get to switch out your Invocation everytime you level up.
  • Versatile Spellcasting. Taking the Eldritch Adept feat adds an extra layer of gameplay to the Wizard’s regular spellcasting style. The use of Eldritch Invocations can be useful in spell slot management, or add another feature for your wizard to affect your playstyle for the better.


3. Metamagic Adept (TCE)

Harness the ancient art of metamagic, bending and shaping spells to your will.(Rise of the Overlords. Wizard Overlord by Grzegorz Rutkowski)

Metamagic Adept

Prerequisite: Spellcasting or Pact Magic feature

You've learned how to exert your will on your spells to alter how they function:

  • You learn two Metamagic options of your choice from the sorcerer class. You can use only one Metamagic option on a spell when you cast it, unless the option says otherwise. Whenever you reach a level that grants the Ability Score Improvement feature, you can replace one of these Metamagic options with another one from the sorcerer class.
  • You gain 2 sorcery points to spend on Metamagic (these points are added to any sorcery points you have from another source but can be used only on Metamagic). You regain all spent sorcery points when you finish a long rest.

Metamagic Adept is an amazing feat to pair with your magic slinging wizard. With a list of powerful spells at your disposal, what’s better than extending a spell’s effect or increasing your range. All with just one spell slot and a number of sorcery points, the latter a new resource you can use depending on your preference.

With 2 sorcery points that recharge every time you finish a long rest, Metamagic Adept adds an extra level of maneuverability for your wizard. Spell slot management is a skill you have to learn, especially for high level adventures, where long rests come fewer and further in between. 

Having an extra resource to augment your spells just makes every spent spell slot worth its weight in gold. Besides, your nerdy wizard would definitely benefit from some influences from the charismatic sorcerer.

Why your Wizard needs Metamagic Adept

  • The Meta of it. Learn to wield your spells to their fullest potential by learning Metamagic. Wizards would benefit well from the sorcerer’s instinctual way of spellcasting, and with 2 Metamagic options, you’ll be able to increase the effectiveness of your spells. Further making sure that every spell slot spent counts.
  • Sorcery Points. With Metamagic Adept, you’re able to use 2 sorcerer points every finished long rest. You can use these sorcery points as you’d like, together, or one by one. Just make sure to pick Metamagic options that cost less than 2 sorcery points.
  • Versatile Spellcasting. Pt. II. Taking the Metamagic Adept feat adds an extra layer of gameplay to the Wizard’s regular spellcasting style. Metamagic helps make sure every spell is cast at its fullest capacity. Therefore adding another resource for your wizard to utilize to your full advantage.


2. War Caster (PHB)

Become an unstoppable force on the battlefield, wielding arcane might with unrivaled finesse with the War Caster feat. (Wizards of the Coast. Designed by Billy Christian)

War Caster

Prerequisite: The ability to cast at least one spell

You have practiced casting spells in the midst of combat, learning techniques that grant you the following benefits:

  • You have advantage on Constitution saving throws that you make to maintain your concentration on a spell when you take damage.
  • You can perform the somatic components of spells even when you have weapons or a shield in one or both hands.
  • When a hostile creature's movement provokes an opportunity attack from you, you can use your reaction to cast a spell at the creature, rather than making an opportunity attack. The spell must have a casting time of 1 action and must target only that creature.

War Caster is an amazing feat for wizards optimized for combat. It gives a better use to Opportunity Attacks, allowing you to cast spells instead of making melee attacks. It also gives you proficiency in making Concentration checks to keep the spells up when receiving damage.

Wizards are heavy hitters, glass cannons when given access to higher level spells. If you want to optimize your wizard to the fullest, it’s almost a necessity that you take the War Caster feat. It’ll be a waste not to take it, when it gives you the chance to use your spells to their fullest potential while also making sure your reactions are useful against non-spellcasting enemies.

I love War Caster so much that it makes it to number 2 on this list. Wizards were made with the vision of spell slinging left and right. Every attack, or matter of convenience, made with the intention to cast spell after spell after spell. War Caster fits the bill. And I can’t recommend it enough.

Why War Caster is a necessity for Every Wizard

  • Better Concentration. War Caster gives you advantage on Concentration Checks, making your wizard durable despite not being proficient in Constitution Saving Throws. It guarantees that the next time you take a hit while concentrating, the chances of dropping the concentration spell is lesser, making the spell slot worth every second.
  • Reaction Upgrade. The next time an enemy triggers an attack of opportunity, instead of hitting them with a long stick, cast a spell instead. The image of an enemy running away just to get hit by a Fireball is hilarious. Or Banishment. Whatever works, works.
  • With Staff In Hand. Now, I highly suggest that your wizard is not a front line fighter. However, in cases the enemy rushes your wizard, wholly unprepared is the squishy mage, and to the sadistic glee of your DM, you’re going to have to deal. The next time you’re forced to hold up a rarely used shield or staff, don’t worry. With War Caster, you don’t need your hands to cast somatic components anymore.


1. Lucky (PHB)

Choose the lucky feat and manipulate fortune itself, bending luck to your advantage. (Wizards of the Coast. Frost Augur by Cristi Balanescu)


You have inexplicable luck that seems to kick in at just the right moment.

  • You have 3 luck points. Whenever you make an attack roll, an ability check, or a saving throw, you can spend one luck point to roll an additional d20. You can choose to spend one of your luck points after you roll the die, but before the outcome is determined. You choose which of the d20s is used for the attack roll, ability check, or saving throw.
  • You can also spend one luck point when an attack roll is made against you. Roll a d20 and then choose whether the attack uses the attacker's roll or yours.
  • If more than one creature spends a luck point to influence the outcome of a roll, the points cancel each other out; no additional dice are rolled.
  • You regain your expended luck points when you finish a long rest.

Within the realm of arcana and intricate spellcasting in Dungeons & Dragons, uncertainty is determined by the roll of the dice, always present. Failure looming over your shoulder. In the hands of a wizard, the Lucky feat becomes an invaluable conduit for the unexpected; a catalyst for astonishing triumphs and miraculous escapades.

With the Lucky feat, you possess an uncanny knack for avoiding misfortune and seizing fleeting opportunities. Gameplay wise, you have 3 luck points you can use to impose advantage or disadvantage on rolls. Anything that needs a check, a save, or a general d20 dice roll can use a Luck point. The best thing about this is that you can force your DM to reroll their dice, ergo, denying them their Critical Successes.

Furthermore, imagine the reactivity that’ll happen once spellcasters of higher levels start fighting. Counterspells after Counterspells after Counterspells will be the norm. You’ll have an advantage if you get the Lucky feat, using a Luck point is a free action. The chaos it’ll summon and the fun it’ll bring will be enormous. The Lucky feat is amazing. You’ll be missing out on a lot if you ignore it.

Why Lucky is a Must Have for Every Wizard

  • Make Every Roll Count. You can use Luck Points on any D20 dice roll you make. Every player has a sense of whether a roll succeeds or fails, even without the declaration of results. You can consider a Luck Point as a chance for advantage or disadvantage, depending on what result you’d want to have.
  • Pull at the Threads of Fate. The beauty of Luck Points is that you can technically impose disadvantage on your DM’s rolls. Deny them of their Critical Successes, to their ire, and the party’s survival rate increases. There are limitations in Lucky, of course, in that you can’t use it against or for your fellow players (unless they’re attacking you.) Nevertheless, the usability of Luck Points is endless as long as you have them.
  • Critical Help at Higher Levels.  The great thing about the Lucky feat is its versatility. You can use it on any roll you make. Impose it on any roll your DM makes in combat. As long as you have Luck Points available, you can technically use it as much as you’d like. The fact that it recharges every long rest is amazing as well.


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