[Top 10] D&D Best Simple Weapons For Killing Foes

D&D Best Simple Weapons
27 Jul 2021

I'm not sure why D&D put simple weapons in the game when nobody wants to use it, but it is what it is.

Simple weapons. It’s so simple that even a Wizard can effectively use a crossbow to kill a goblin. And you know that crossbows are not that simple to use in real life.

No matter.

Simple weapons are not meant to be used in serious combat (except for the dagger), but it’s meant as a fallback when worse comes to worst.

Down below are the Top 10 best simple weapons you can use to kill monsters.

10. Club

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Do you see how simple this weapon looks like?

The club. Probably the simplest of weapons that even a kid can safely wield without harming itself. It’s very simple to use, too! Just ‘whack’ ‘em! And your job is done!

In Dungeons and Dragons, a club is a simple weapon that deals 1d4 bludgeoning damage and has the Light keyword. That means that a character can wield this as an off-hand weapon if they so choose to fight with two weapons.

What’s interesting about this weapon is that the ‘club’ can be anything that a character can hold as long as it fits the shape and size, like a chair’s leg, a table leg, a piece of wood or iron, or even a shin bone.

What makes the club great:

  • The simplest weapon anyone can have
  • Almost anything can be turned into a club
  • Even a wizard can pretty much whack a mole with this

Club details:

  • Cost (1 silver)
  • Damage (1d4 bludgeoning)
  • Weight (2 pounds)
  • Properties (Light)

9. Sling (Slingshot)

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I never knew that a child's toy can be so deadly.

Remember the greatest critical hit in real-life human history? You know, the Israeli story of young King David who slew a giant with a pebble through its forehead? Yeah! The boy used a sling for a weapon.

Slings are rarely chosen as a ranged weapon for D&D characters because of its 1d4 damage when a shortbow or a light crossbow can kill better, but it’s never a bad idea to carry one with you if you happen to run out of arrows. The beautiful part about the sling is that it can use anything as ammunition as long as it fits the weapon. You have to remember that ‘rocks’ can be stones, chipped cement, or rubble found in dungeons or the wilderness. So, basically, you have an ‘endless’ supply of ammunition.

What makes slings great:

  • Can fit in your pocket
  • Can pass through a metal detector (if your campaign has one)
  • Can pretty much use anything for ammo

Sling details:

  • Cost (1 silver)
  • Damage (1d4 bludgeoning)
  • Weight (0 pounds)
  • Properties (Ammunition, Range 30 feet/120 feet)

8. Mace

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In Diablo, the mace is really strong against the undead. I'm not so sure here in D&D.

The mace is a symbol of royalty. I don’t know why. I haven’t really read too many histories to know that much. In fact, I’ve always thought that the sword was the symbol of reality.

In any case, the mace is a good bludgeoning weapon to wield especially when you’re a paladin or a cleric who battles the undead. It doesn’t really provide any bonuses against the undead (except against skeletons), but it’s iconic since a lot of fantasy tropes portray it. Sadly, most paladins and clerics would prefer a war hammer because it deals more damage. But you can always ask your DM to reskin a war hammer into a mace. I mean, I’m very sure he’s not a killjoy.

What makes maces great:

  • Better than a club
  • It is the cleric’s go-to weapon
  • Effective against skeletons

Mace details:

  • Cost (5 gold)
  • Damage (1d6 bludgeoning)
  • Weight (4 pounds)
  • Properties (None)

7. Javelin

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Can you imagine if this Olympian 'accidentally' throws the javelin off-course?

Javelins are iconic when you imagine your character as a Greek Olympian throwing the weapon against a hydra.

As a simple throwing weapon, javelins are the most logical choice for barbarians, fighters, and paladins who need a ranged weapon since these said characters usually have higher Strength score than their Dexterity. At least they have some way of fighting flying creatures and not feel useless about it. Plus, it can be used like a spear.

What makes javelins great:

  • A go-to ranged weapon for Strength-based characters
  • Can function as a pseudo-spear
  • You will look like an Olympian when throwing one

Javelin details:

  • Cost (5 silver)
  • Damage (1d6 piercing)
  • Weight (2 pounds)
  • Properties (Thrown, Range 30 feet/120 feet)

6. Spear

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If you think about it, even a shovel can be a spear.

The spear is the king of all weapons (but that’s just according to real-life history).

In Dungeons and Dragons, the spear is a simple versatile weapon when you don’t have a long sword. Due to its simple nature, the spear is not usually chosen because of its low damage (1d6) when in real life, warriors wield a spear together with a shield and they look badass. Also, the javelin and the spear have the same damage die and the javelin is more useful because it is a better thrown weapon. The only saving factor for the spear is its versatile property that makes his damage go up by one step when held with both hands.

What makes spears great:

  • A simple weapon to create during camping
  • Can be held with both hands to increase damage
  • You will look like a Spartan holding one

Spear details:

  • Cost (1 gold)
  • Damage (1d6 piercing)
  • Weight (3 pounds)
  • Properties (Thrown, Range 20 feet/60 feet, Versatile 1d8)

5. Handaxe

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I rather have a handaxe than a throwing hammer anytime.

The hand axe is a great simple weapon to pick up if you are a wilderness type of guy since it is a slashing weapon. Therefore, it can cut pesky underbrush and cobwebs when traveling. It’s also great for chopping firewood.

What makes hand axes great:

  • Can be used like a tomahawk
  • Can be wielded for two-weapon fighting
  • Look like a badass

Hand axe details:

  • Cost (5 gold)
  • Damage (1d6 slashing)
  • Weight (2 pounds)
  • Properties (Light, Thrown, Range 20 feet/60 feet)

4. Quarterstaff

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Either he's using the staff as a threat or he's just measuring it.

Every monk I know wields a quarterstaff (even Avatar Aang wields one). What makes this weapon great is that it is a versatile weapon and can hurt like a long sword. This is especially good if your class features can make this weapon more effective, like the monk.

What makes quarter staffs great:

  • Everybody wants kung-fu fighting
  • Those kicks as fast as lightning
  • Can function as a walking stick

Quarterstaff details:

  • Cost (2 silver)
  • Damage (1d6 bludgeoning)
  • Weight (4 pounds)
  • Properties (Versatile 1d8)

3. Shortbow

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I wonder what the old man is trying to shoot

The shortbow is the legit hunting tool you will ever have. No, it’s not the longbow. Longbows are too unwieldy in real-life hunting. It’s a good tool to hunt small game and even fish.

What makes the shortbow great is that if you’re a Rogue, you can use this to attack and apply your Sneak Attack feature.

What makes short bows great:

  • A really great simple hunting tool
  • Can be used to deliver sneak attacks
  • You look like Legolas

Short bow details:

  • Cost (25 gold)
  • Damage (1d6 piercing)
  • Weight (2 pounds)
  • Properties (Ammunition, Range 80 feet/320 feet, Two-handed)

2. Light Crossbow

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I think using a crossbow is really not that simple, in my opinion

There’s only one reason why you will use the light crossbow over anything. It’s 1d8 damage dice. This weapon is really great for Level 1 characters who need a reliable long-range weapon. The only downside to this is its Loading property that surprisingly prevents you from using this weapon when doing Extra Attacks. I know, right?

What makes light crossbows great:

  • The best long-range simple weapon there is
  • It hurts like a long sword
  • Has really long range

Light crossbow details:

  • Cost (25 gold)
  • Damage (1d8 piercing)
  • Weight (5 pounds)
  • Properties (Ammunition, Range 80 feet/320 feet, Loading, Two-handed)

1. Dagger

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In modern times, the dagger is the only blade you can 'freely' bring in the streets (because bringing a longsword would be obvious and weird)

The dagger. The only weapon that a rogue brings to a dragon fight. As weird as it sounds, the dagger is actually and probably the most powerful simple weapon there is due to the fact that it can deliver massive damage due to Sneak Attack with the addition that it is a Finesse weapon, meaning Rogues can use their Dexterity score to attack with this in melee. Plus, the weapon is so small that it can be easily palmed or hidden in your person when going through security.

What makes daggers great:

  • The best weapon a Rogue can hold
  • Fighting with a dagger looks more badass than fighting with a sword
  • Can function like a shuriken

Dagger details:

  • Cost (2 gold)
  • Damage (1d4 piercing)
  • Weight (1 pound)
  • Properties (Finesse, Light, Thrown, Range 20 feet/60 feet)


Even though simple weapons are not as powerful as martial weapons, remember that it’s still a weapon. It can still kill monsters.

But as much as possible don’t use them in your D&D games.


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