[Top 10] D&D Best One-Handed Weapons

D&D Best One-Handed Weapons
14 Jun 2022

Part of the fun of playing a character in D&D 5e is using a weapon to ward off and defeat monsters in encounters. Advantages to using a one-handed weapon include the ability to carry a shield (if your class permits it) and the ability to do more damage using two hands on the one-handed weapon. Through gameplay and research, I have discovered 10 stellar one-handed weapons to use in your next adventure!


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Topping the list is the club. Clubs are considered as melee weapons; they are versatile because any class can wield a club in combat! Also, there are magical clubs: +1, +2, +3, and variations of Greatclubs (which are two-handed). Read on to find out why clubs are essential to have as a one-handed weapon!

Why Club Is Great

  • Clubs are easy to learn and easy to use in combat—not much training needed to use.
  • This is a good weapon to pick up if the PC has a high Strength score.
  • Clerics are able to use clubs as weapons because they do not have edges like daggers or swords.

Club details:

  • Clubs are cost-effective at only 1 sp., so they are good weapons for lower-level PCs with a limited budget.
  • Damage from clubs is 1d4, not including modifiers.
  • The PC will have to use a Strength modifier when using clubs.

9. Dagger

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The dagger is a staple for most classes to use. Although the dagger is considered a simple weapon, it can be used in melee combat or thrown at an opponent. Also, there are magical daggers that are listed in the D&D Player’s Handbook: +1,+2, +3, Vicious Dagger, and Dagger of Venom. Read on to find out why this weapon is great to have on hand!

Why Dagger Is Great

  • A dagger only weighs one pound, so it is easy to carry.
  • Daggers are great to use in self-defense and can be used as a secondary weapon.
  • This weapon can be easily concealed.
  • Daggers also can be used for other purposes besides combat, like cutting rope.

Dagger details:

  • Daggers are inexpensive, only costing 2 gp.
  • Wielders of this weapon will do 1d4 piercing damage, not including magical properties or modifiers.
  • The PC can use either a Dexterity or Strength modifier in combat.

8. Handaxe

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Considered as a simple and lightweight weapon, handaxes can be used in melee or thrown. Fighters, Rangers, and Paladins tend to favor Handaxes, probably because of the Strength modifier, but most classes can use them. Read on to find out more about Handaxes and why they are useful to have!

Why Handaxe Is Great

  • This weapon has a lot of versatility in combat.
  • PCs can use a shield or another weapon with a handaxe.
  • Handaxes can be thrown at a range of 20/60.

Handaxe details:

  • A Handaxe will do 1d6 slashing damage, not including modifiers or magical properties.
  • This weapon is still reasonably priced at 5 gp.
  • PCs will have to use a Strength modifier for damage.

7. Javelin

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Javelin is next on the list and tends to be both overlooked and underestimated. However, the javelin is great to use in combat because it can be used in hand-to-hand combat or thrown at a distance. This simple melee weapon is thrown (range 30/120) at an opponent. Read more to find out why the javelin is a great weapon to have!

Why Javelin Is Great

  • Depending how the javelin is used, the PC can use either Dexterity or Strength modifiers.
  • Fighters and Paladins would do well with this weapon because of the versatility.
  • The javelin is light, only weighing two pounds. A PC could easily have one per hand, or use two different weapons.

Javelin details:

  • Javelins can do 1d6 piercing damage, not including modifiers. If rolls and modifiers are high, this weapon can do serious damage.
  • These weapons are also inexpensive, costing only 5 sp.

6. Longsword

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The longsword is one of the most popular weapons used in combat. They are versatile, can cause significant damage in battle, and are easy to carry. There are also amazing magical Longswords such as Acheron Blade, Corpse Slayer Longsword, Flame Tongue Longsword, Frost Brand Longsword, Longsword of Vengeance, and Weapon of Certain Death Longsword. Read on to find out more about why longswords are an excellent choice of weapon!

Why Longsword Is Great

  • The versatility aspect is awesome! If the longsword is used with one hand, it can cause 1d8 points of damage. If the PC uses the longsword as a two-handed sword, it can cause 1d10 points. For that reason alone, a longsword is great to have.
  • The longsword only weighs 3 pounds, so the weapon will not bog down the PC.

Longsword details:

  • Purchasing a longsword requires 15 gp, but the damage it can do is worth the investment.
  • Using a longsword will require the PC to use a Strength modifier; this is another reason why fighters choose them.
  • As a side note, rogues, especially elven rogues, have longswords as a  proficiency even though Strength modifiers are used.

5. Mace

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Because clerics are not supposed to draw blood with a blade, they are required to use blunt weapons to defeat opponents. Although any class can use a mace as a weapon, it is usually the weapon of choice for clerics. There are great magical maces in the D&D universe, including Mace +1, Mace +2, Mace +3, Mace of Disruption, Mace of Smiting, and Mace of Terror. Read on to learn more about why mace is a great weapon to use!

Why Mace Is Great

  • A mace, without magical properties or modifiers, will cause 1d6 bludgeoning points of damage.
  • This weapon weighs 4 pounds, so it is still lightweight and easy to use.
  • Clerics can cast spells with one hand (with exceptions) and use the mace in the other.

Mace details:

  • At 5 gp, purchasing a mace is still cost-effective.
  • The PC will need to use a Strength modifier when using this weapon.

4. Rapier

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My rogue, along with the party, discovered a magical rapier. I was the lucky person to use it and the rapier is my preferred weapon. The rapier is considered a melee weapon (meaning to attack a target at close range) and is lightweight. Read on to find out why the rapier is an excellent one- handed weapon to use in combat!

Why Rapier Is Great

  • At two pounds, this weapon is lightweight and will not be a burden to carry around.
  • A rapier, as a piercing weapon, will do 1d8 damage. That is good, especially for lower-level PCs.
  • This is a great weapon for rogues and other classes that have a high dexterity score to have on hand, because of the Dexterity modifier (see below for more details.)

Rapier details:

  • The rapier is considered a finesse weapon, meaning that you can use your Dexterity or Strength modifier.
  • Unless you find one on your adventure, a rapier will set you back about 25 gp.

3. Scimitar

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Scimitar (pronounced si-muh-tr) is a weapon that has a curved blade. This is a lightweight weapon that produces a punch, with 1d6 slashing damage not including magical items or modifiers. The scimitar is great for fighters or rogues to use because they are smaller but allows the freedom to use another weapon. There are different varieties of the scimitar: Scimitar +1, Scimitar +2, Scimitar +3, Scimitar of Speed, Vicious Scimitar, and Vorpal Scimitar. Read on to find out more about this formidable weapon!

Why Scimitar Is Great

  • As a finesse weapon, the PC can choose either a Dexterity or Strength modifier in attacks.
  • The scimitar tends to be faster than other weapons.
  • This weapon is lightweight, only weighing 3 pounds, so it will not bog down the PC.

Scimitar details:

  • The Scimitar costs about 25 gp, but the usefulness of this weapon justifies the expense.
  • PCs can either slash or stab with this weapon.

2. Shortsword

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Shortswords are light one-handed melee weapons and are popular among PCs. Fighters and Rogues will benefit from using shortswords, although most classes can use them. (Sorry, clerics.) There are different varieties: Shortsword +1, Shortsword +2, Shortsword +3, and Vicious Shortsword. Read on to find out more about why Shortswords are among the best weapons!

Why Shortsword Is Great

  • Damage for the shortsword is 1d6 piercing damage, not including magical weapons or modifiers.
  • The shortsword only weighs 2 pounds, so PCs can use another weapon or a shield in battle.

Shortsword details:

  • The Shortsword costs about 10 gp, so it is a small investment.
  • As a Finesse weapon, PCs can either use the Dexterity or Strength modifier.


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Last on this list is the formidable Warhammer! This melee weapon is lightweight but powerful, and popular with PCs. There are different types of Warhammers, if you are fortunate enough to find one: Warhammer +1, Warhammer +2, Warhammer +3, and Vicious Warhammer. Read on to find out more about Warhammers!

Why Warhammer Is Great

  • This weapon is versatile, so if the player uses one hand with the hammer, bludgeoning damage is 1d8. If both hands are used, the damage is 1d10, not including magical weapons or modifiers!
  • PCs can use an additional weapon or shield with a Warhammer.

Warhammer details:

  • This weapon costs 15 gp, but worth the cost.
  • The Warhammer only weighs 2 pounds.
  • As a melee weapon, Warhammers require the Strength modifier.



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