Who are the god-tier characters in DMC 5?
DMC 5 has top-notch voice actors, face models, and character designs, even 11 years after its predecessor. Everyone looks gorgeous - from one strand of hair to how they attack. Their moves are crisp, clear, and concise.
The problem now is having to look at all these DMC 5 characters and decide which one might rank higher than the other. To solve this problem, here are the best DMC5 characters - ranked. This ranking will be based on design, skill list, and where they are on the badass scale.
Don’t worry, since this list will rank them from good to best.
I’ll only be including characters who have had the most impact on the overall story and beyond that - sorry Patty lovers (and maybe Morrison too).
And be warned - major spoilers ahead.
7. Trish [NPC]
Trish's emerald eyes and immaculate skin up close
Trish has always been a staple in the Devil May Cry franchise - ever since she was introduced in Devil May Cry 1. She was purportedly a demon resembling Dante and Vergil’s mother, Eva. She’s a blonde bombshell that can look stunning as she takes names and kicks ass.
In Devil May Cry 5, Trish is taken captive by Urizen. As she goes on a job given by Morrison, she sets out for the Qliphoth with Lady. Unfortunately, she is taken down by Urizen and is placed inside a demon body known as Cavaliere Angelo.
She is rescued by Dante and has multiple heartfelt conversations with V.
Storywise, Trish played a large role. She found out a lot about V’s nature and what he was. Her inherent demonic background helped uncover several secrets. But the real kicker was her relationship with Dante. It sure made everything better.
This tall, beautiful woman is nothing short of gorgeous. Her long legs and lean arms make for some of the most fluid melee combat visuals. When she uses her sword, Sparda, she is as fast and fleeting as lightning.
As badass as Trish is, she didn't have much to do this time around. I would’ve loved to have Lightning Kicked enemies, but sadly, she isn’t playable.
What’s awesome about Trish?
- Extensive demon knowledge - what’s great about Trish is that she knows a lot about demons and the demon world, which is beneficial for our crew
- Empowered female - she’s gorgeous, tough, and can handle any demon or man
Character Score: 6.5/10
6. Lady [NPC]
Close-up of Lady's gorgeous heterochromatic eyes
Lady made her bombastic entrance in Devil May Cry 3 and has earned her right as one of the baddest ladies in all of gaming. She was the daughter of a priestess and a demon-obsessed Joker. Fortunately, that didn’t hinder her growth as a gun-wielding baddie.
She appears in DMC 5 almost suffering the same fate as Trish. Instead of a Cavaliere Angelo, she is put in an enemy Artemis. Eventually, she is found by Nero and Nico and brought back to the RV.
Lady spends most of her time - and the game - with Nero and Nico, assisting both as they go through the Qliphoth in search of Dante. The only reason she’s slightly higher than Trish is that she had more to do with the main storyline.
Even her signature weapon, Kalina Ann, had something to do this time around.
What’s awesome about Lady?
- Gunsmith of your dreams - who doesn’t love a woman who can hold her own with a gun?
- Caring yet spunky - Lady is a kindhearted soul with ass-kicking for a middle name
- Carries insane firepower - she comes in handy when you need explosive firepower, which Dante did near the end
Character Score: 7/10
5. Nico [NPC]
Portrait of Nico and her signature glasses and smile
One of two lovely new introductions to the franchise. Nico is a new character in Devil May Cry - and most possibly the freshest addition. Although she is the daughter of a not-so-cool villain, Nico goes above and beyond that.
Nico is one of, if not, the most important characters in the entire game. She helps Nero out with his Devil Breakers but does almost any weapons job. She is responsible for fixing up Kalina Ann and even creating those Devil Breakers we love so much.
In a way, she also acts like a save point. Her RV becomes a place where our boy, Nero, can rest and catch a breath.
Her quirky attitude and top-notch humor make her the girl of a lot of guy’s dreams. She’s a mechanic and weapons-expert to boot. I mean, who wouldn’t want to take this lovely woman out on a date. The catch is: you don’t get to drive.
Also, fasten your seatbelts and make sure you have an oxygen tank ready.
She’s a jack-of-all-trades with a sick-looking tattoo and a cute pair of glasses. The way she goes insane on her wheels makes her a keeper. She’s a certified badass for sure - left, right, and center.
What’s awesome about her?
- Creative and badass - since she handles most of the creation of the Devil Breakers, she’s got a huge brain in that pretty little head of hers
- Oddly convenient - she pops up in that sick RV of hers whenever someone is in need of repairs or a pep-talk
- Tough as nails - Nico never takes no for an answer when someone needs her help, and we love that.
Character Score: 7.5/10
4. V
Close-up of V's signature smirk and jaw-dropping tattoos
The second newest addition to the cast and this list is the very mysterious V. No, I mean very mysterious. We know nothing about him until maybe the second half of the game.
Sometimes I think he’s the titular character - you know, DMC V. But alas, no, he is not the main character - just one of them. He plays such an important role since he is part and parcel of the root of everything (almost literally).
He serves as both an exposition and epic character. V is also a crucial plot device since he is most knowledgeable about what is happening in the game. He is directly related to the events that transpire.
His cool meter goes up when you see his luscious hair, fancy tattoos, and combat slippers. When you put all of these together, you’re sure to get an epic light-saber-wielding First Order Commander. I mean, no, V looks nothing like Kylo Ren. Not at all.
His design and whole demeanor become even more interesting when you find out what his tattoos are. I didn’t catch it the first time. But after playing through the game several more times I found it cool.
His demons come from his tattoos. I mean literal demons - not the demons in his head.
He’s a badass Shakespeare with cool hair and an even cooler walking stick. He even has a chicken for a gun, a cat for a sword, and Frankenstein for an OP hulking missile. All of these are what makes V so incredibly awesome.
What’s awesome about V?
- Overpowered puppeteer - the way he can control Griffon, Shadow, and Nightmare while wearing slippers makes him completely awesome
- Human-ish - out of the four men in the game, V seems to be the most human, which is a nice change of pace
- Knowledgeable about the situation - he knows exactly what is happening, and knows how to get to the root of the problem
Character Score: 8/10
3. Vergil [DLC]
Daddy Dearest with furrowed eyebrows, ready to kick ass and take names
The man of the hour and the most anticipated character. The second half of this entire franchise. The big brother. The power-hungry, precision-driven swordsman addicted to hair gel. The angsty man with a lot of regret and despair racked under his belt.
That is Vergil.
Disheartened by the death of his mother, Vergil decided the only way to gain power was to become a demon, like his father. He forsook his human side and resented his mother. This led to multiple battles - and even better - multiple Devil May Cry games.
Be warned by the next paragraph - there are major spoilers.
Vergil halves himself into two - one being our Fresh Prince of Darkness V, and the other the Demon King Himself, Urizen. This split serves as an invitation for a touching reunion between the two brothers. Eventually, they meet again, and we can tell there’s a lot of sibling tension pent up.
Although Vergil and Dante are twins, they almost have nothing alike - aside from some tragedies. They’re two very different peas in a pod. Vergil is this Bushido-abiding swordsman with an obvious disdain for guns.
Some traits make him so different from Dante, yet still so very endearing as a character. He thinks Dante is a pain in the butt, but in a sick, twisted way, you know they love each other. Having to look past all of these and accepting his humanity is what makes him so attractive.
The classics - judgment cut, summoned swords, and star fall, among others - are all there, with more flare. His Devil Trigger gets a snazzy upgrade while his swords become a brighter azure color. He even becomes more precise in his attacks, which makes his most iconic moves even more gorgeous.
Don’t deny it. You missed him. We all did.
What’s awesome about him?
- Big brother - despite being almost completely estranged, Vergil has a fondness for Dante and Nero
- Almost a samurai - the way he carries himself, as if he has a personal code that he abides by, makes him all the more alluring
- Precision and conciseness is key - If Dante is the butcher in demon slaying, Vergil is the surgeon - he has complete precision and calculation
Character Score: 9/10
2. Nero
A mouth-watering portrait of Nero and his fresh new haircut
Our Mr. Deadweight himself. The man who didn’t start strong but finished with all the medals in the race. Nero was a great addition to the franchise when they first introduced him in Devil May Cry 4.
He went from an angsty, anime teenage boy to a more mature, witty, and kindhearted warrior. In this game, Nero gets the most development out of all the characters. The developers gave him a lot of character this time around. It was especially great how he bounced off of Nico.
Needless to say, Nero is the primary protagonist of Devil May Cry 5. At least, he is the one who gets introduced first. He is also the one we spend the most time with - which, if you ask me - isn’t enough time.
His gameplay this time is more refined and open to experimentation. He is no longer that one-trick pony who uses one weapon, one gun, and one arm. His new Devil Breakers make sure his style rivals that of Dante’s.
His signature white hair and bluish-red coat ensemble are back but more Nero-esque. It’s crazy how Nero in DMC 4 looks like a knock-off cosplay of this Nero. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciated the old anime-inspired Nero, but this one feels so much more genuine for me.
His design, from the outfit to the crew cut, all the way to his skill set, is outstanding at its very core. His skill set plays off Dante’s very well, and I think it’s a nice contrast to the other playable characters.
Red Queen and Blue Rose are back but with a vengeance.
His attacks are nothing short of powerful, heavy-hitting, and packed full of energy.
He serves as the perfect introductory character for the game. His wit and snapback attitude is one that never gets old. That makes him the embodiment of the rule of cool. I must say, Kyrie is one lucky girl.
What’s awesome about him?
- Go-getter attitude - Nero has a relentless attitude to get things done, that is beneficial to anyone
- Has more of a personality now - He’s a lot wittier, with fantastic one-liners that should be quoted in every dictionary
- Not afraid to experiment - he enjoys having to play around with his Devil Breakers, which by extension, the player enjoys as well
Character Score: 9.5/10
1. Dante
The man, the legend, the Uncle of the Year
Honestly, is this even a surprise at this point?
Jokes aside, Dante is the glue that binds both this game and the entire franchise together. He’s the main character of everything related to DMC, from the main games to the reboot, to even some anime, manga, and stories set in the universe.
He’s the fun-loving, outgoing, spunky uncle everyone wishes they had. Not to mention, he’s a complete and utter monster on the battlefield and the dance floor. He’s the jack-of-all-trades kind of guy you’ll never get bored of hanging out with.
We’ve followed Dante through a large portion of his life. We’ve seen him get smacked around, pick up stray demon dogs and women, get a snazzy new hat, and get swallowed by a large, flying snake.
Devil May Cry 5 is a beautiful love letter to Dante as a character and the relationships he had built over time. He unlocks his full power, both as a demon and as an uncle. Unfortunately, he hasn’t unlocked his businessman skills - but that might not be a problem.
His standard, complicated, flashy, and finger-straining move set is still there. He plays the same as he has in previous games. Nothing much changed technically, aside from a few upgrades such as his sword and new Devil Trigger.
Dante is already at the height of his badassery. I don’t know how Capcom will outdo themselves in the next game (if there is one). But I’d love to see them try.
It was lovely seeing Dante again after all these years. He’s been a household name for Capcom, and I think they did him well this time. Dante has always been a great character from every fiber of his being. But this game captured who he was and what he could accomplish.
Dante is the number 1 character in DMC 5. He is the pinnacle of style and badassery in any franchise.
What’s awesome about Dante? (a.k.a. Could Dante be any more awesome?)
- It’s Dante - It’s Dante.
- Mr. Style himself - he is the core of what style is - sick dance moves, and crazy call-outs in the middle of battle
- More refined skill set - Dante’s playstyle and battle stances are more refined and honed in this version
Character Score: 10/10 (Smokin’ Sexy Style!!)
This list does have elements of objectivity and subjectivity in it. You may agree or disagree, but I think this would be a good vantage point for those just starting the game. If you’re interested in reading up on more Devil May Cry / Hack and Slash stuff, you may also be interested in:
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