[Top 10] Diablo 3 Most Fun Builds That Wreck Hard!

Diablo 3 Most Fun Builds
28 Sep 2021

10. Savage Frenzied Barbarian

No true Barbarian is truly complete without his signature Frenzy skill! This build brings Frenzy to the max with an insane amount of stacks! It’s melee at its finest! Make good use of the Horde of the Ninety Savages armor set to increase the potency of your stacks and doubling the effectiveness of all shouts. Note that, without AoE damage, this Barbarian build is not a crowd controller and might need to be careful around large mobs.

  • Great if you want to get right into the thick of it to make them pay!
  • Easy to play
  • Very high damage to single targets
  • Super fast-paced playstyle
  • Well suited to groups thanks to good buffs

Full build details: https://maxroll.gg/guides/savage-frenzy-barbarian-guide / https://youtu.be/wfKNxpkmQc0

9. Mirror Ball Magic Missile Spamming Wizard

This Wizard build is literally a blast! Equip the Mirror Ball Legendary Source Orb and send endless barrages of Magic Missiles into the hearts of the enemy packs and use teleport to remain agile and ahead of them. The only downside is that you’ll be stationary when attacking, but that really shouldn’t pose a problem.

  • It’s pure, unadulterated fun!
  • Good damage output
  • Agile if combined with teleport

Full build details: NA / https://youtu.be/dn3jliTJ4xA

8. Delsere’s Magnum Opus Frozen Orb Wizard

Drawing enemies with Black Hole into a bubble of Slow Time and then blasting them to oblivion with a Frozen Orb is a hugely satisfying experience! It also pretty much describes the fun principle behind this fun build.

  • Very rewarding playstyle
  • Really satisfying explosions add to the fun
  • Massive crowd control AoE, if used properly
  • Handy for farming
  • Easy to play

Full build details: https://maxroll.gg/guides/dmo-frozen-orb-wizard-guide / https://youtu.be/Dk6_m-y3PYY

7. Masquerade Bone Spear Necromancer

Do you like active, simple, fast, and especially fun playstyles? Then this build is for you! Utilizing the Masquerade of the Burning Carnival armor set and the brilliantly uncomplicated Bone Spear skill, this build lacks the waits for cooldowns that usually are such a bother. Use Simulacrum to multiply the damage output and you’ll be able to clear most areas in no time!

  • Active and fun playstyle
  • Good AoE (but low single target) damage
  • Uses easily found gear
  • Did I say no cooldowns?
  • Simple to master

Full build details: https://maxroll.gg/guides/masquerade-bone-spear-necromancer-guide / https://youtu.be/vZBD4RWSM1g

6. Patterns of Justice Tempest Rush Monk

The Pattern of Justice armor set gives incredible boosts to the combination of Sweeping Wind and Tempest Rush, the two signature skills of this build. Tempest Rush’s Flurry turns you into a swirling ice machine!

  • Smooth playstyle
  • Incredible damage output
  • Great against bosses
  • All-rounder
  • Giant icy flurry bombs

Full build details: https://maxroll.gg/guides/patterns-of-justice-tempest-rush-monk-guide / https://youtu.be/_S1ZrKjXr_g

5. Roland Sweep Attack Crusader

Take a Crusader, pop him into Roland’s Legacy armor set, and away you go! The insane attack speed bonus that this set bestows makes this build incredibly fun to play! As Sweep Attack or Shield Bash are enough to trigger the bonuses, this build can be customized by freely choosing

  • Incredibly high attack speed
  • Does not require support skills
  • Flexible; frees up two skill slots
  • Nicely tanky
  • Sustained damage

Full build details: https://maxroll.gg/guides/roland-sweep-attack-crusader-guide / https://youtu.be/hSPAB_WpcjE

4. Natalya Rapid Fire Demon Hunter

Want more bang for your buck? Natalya has you covered! Her set will turn your demon hunter into a walking artillery piece. Alternate between raining arrows and grenades down on your enemies, causing havoc wherever you go.

  • So many explosions
  • Massive AoE damage
  • Speedy recovery
  • High scalability

Full build details: https://maxroll.gg/guides/natalya-rapid-fire-demon-hunter-guide / https://youtu.be/FRqXp2NOD2w

3. Angry Chicken Witch Doctor

This is probably one of the wackiest and fun builds out there! Use Hex to transform into Angry Chicken, a chicken whose explosive power has been boosted to tremendous heights with the Spirit of Arachyr set. The set also lets you spawn a giant toad and, as if that’s not enough, a giant spider!

  • You’re an angry chicken...
  • … with homing chickens...
  • … and a giant toad...
  • … and a giant spider!
  • There is just nothing else like it!

Full build details: https://maxroll.gg/guides/angry-chicken-witch-doctor-guide / https://youtu.be/NCQZKutmTK8

2. Mundunugu Spirit Barrage Witch Doctor

This Witch Doctor build is challenging but very rewarding and fun to play. Mundunugu's Regalia boosts this build’s Spirit Barrage skill, allowing for insane amounts of AoE damage if a certain Ceremonial Knife, The Barber, is equipped.

  • Very rewarding explosions
  • Very nice AoE damage
  • Very unique playstyle
  • Very rewarding gameplay
  • Very, very cool, nuff said

Full build details: https://maxroll.gg/guides/mundunugu-spirit-barrage-witch-doctor-guide / https://youtu.be/3z5R46hKyNA

1. SotL Blessed Hammer Crusader

One word sums this Crusader build-up: Hammers. Insane numbers of them, all blessed. Yes, this build pumps the Crusader’s Blessed Hammer skill up to the max. It sounds kind of silly really, but spamming out hammers can be incredibly fun. Make sure that you equip items that boost Blessed Hammer’s attack speed. Boost its damage using the Seeker of Light armor set.

  • Hammers, everywhere!
  • Incredible attack speed
  • Very straightforward
  • Good area coverage
  • Incredibly silly

Full build details: https://maxroll.gg/guides/sotl-blessed-hammer-crusader-guide / https://youtu.be/uaoQmukb9T8

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