Swords are a favorite power weapon among many players, their limited range is overshadowed by how powerful they are against groups of enemies and enemy players in PvE. Also, swords also have the passive effect of making you look cooler than all of your (non-existent) friends. So let’s impress them and cut up bad guys with our list of the top 10 best swords in Destiny 2 and how you can get them.
Our Top 10 Swords
- Falling Guillotine
- Black Talon
- Quickfang
- Crown Splitter
- Eternity’s Edge
- Steel Sybil Z-14
- Sola’s Scar
- Bequest
- Temptation’s Hook
- The Lament
1. Falling Guillotine
What won't be given must be taken.
Hey, do you like swords? Yes, you do. Look at this sword. It’s great for PvE and will make all your friends jealous if you have any that is. . It chops up bosses like they’re soft-baked veggies and is amazing at DPS thanks to its spinning attack. It’s a very nice sword, so get it if you want to be a cool kid.
Weapon Stats:
Swing Speed: 46
Impact: 58
Guard Resistance: 76
Ammo Capacity: 67
Vortex Frame: Launch a heavy spin attack. Heavy attacks are stronger with full energy. Attacks partially bypass elemental shields.
Heavy Guard: Sword Guard has high overall defenses, but lowers charge rate.
Energy Transfer: Guarding while receiving damage generates class ability energy.
Whirlwind Blade: Rapid sword strikes increase this weapon's damage for a short duration. Guarding also ends the effect.
What makes Falling Guillotine good?:
- Very good for DPS
- Decent defense
- Good ammo capacity
- Become a Beyblade with a heavy spin attack
Weapon Details:
How to get Falling Guillotine:
Falling Guillotine in Action:
2. Black Talon
"His life brought peace to the Reef. His death brings a sword." —Crows of the Black Hull
Black Talon lets you shoot void projectiles, which would be a bit superfluous given that swords are made for close-range combat. But I think we’ve gone past that point after deciding to use swords and space magic to fight aliens. Anyway, its catalyst lets you build up sword energy when you black attacks.
Exotic Weapon Stats:
Swing Speed: 46
Impact: 61
Range: 40
Guard Efficiency: 53
Guard Resistance: 76
Ammo Capacity: 62
Exotic Perks:
Crow's Wings: Fire a heavy projectile attack. Heavy attacks are stronger with full energy. Attacks partially bypass elemental shields.
Heavy Guard: Sword Guard has high overall defenses, but lowers charge rate.
Tireless Blade: Sword ammo granted for every other powered sword kill.
What makes Black Talon good?
- Ranged attack on a sword my dudes
- Good catalyst
Weapon Details:
How to Get Black Talon:
You can acquire this weapon from exotic engrams or buy it from Xur if he has it in stock for 29 Legendary Shards.
Black Talon in Action:
3. Quickfang
My smile is full of blades.
Quickfang is a Hunter-exclusive sword that has been brought back into the loot pool. It’s one of the few lightweight frame swords, meaning you will move faster with this weapon. It is also the first sword that can roll with the PvE perk One-For-All.
Weapon Stats:
Swing Speed: 82
Impact: 64
Range: 20
Guard Efficiency: 34
Guard Resistance: 54
Ammo Capacity: 70
Lightweight Frame: [Heavy Attack] Launch a heavy dash attack. Heavy attacks are stronger with full energy.
Swordmaster's Guard: Sword Guard has low overall defenses, but increases charge rate.
Tireless Blade: Sword ammo granted for every other powered sword kill.
Assassin's Blade: Sword Kills boost movement speed and damage.
What makes Quickfang good?
- Move faster
- Can randomly roll with One-For-All perk that increases damage on hitting 3 enemies.
- Kinda looks like Raiden’s sword from Metal Gear Revengance +100 style
Weapon Details:
How to Get Quickfang:
Quickfang in Action:
4. Crown Splitter
"Our enemies think themselves gods and kings. Show them the error of their ways." —Callisto Yin
Crown-Splitter is the Titan-exclusive sword that was brought back along with the Hunter and Warlock exclusive swords. While a bit slow this claymore-esque weapon is a solid weapon. Previously you could equip the Energy Accelerant mod which would give you arguably the most damage from a sword. However, the mod was disabled due to some bugs, so now all that’s left is a highly effective sword that also has good defense.
Weapon Stats:
Swing Speed: 10
Impact: 74
Range: 60
Guard Efficiency: 53
Guard Resistance: 82
Ammo Capacity: 50
Aggressive Frame: [Heavy Attack] Launch a heavy slam attack. Heavy attacks are stronger with full energy.
Heavy Guard: Sword Guard has high overall defenses, but lowers charge rate.
Relentless Strikes: Landing three light-attack hits within a short time grants Sword ammo.
Vorpal Weapon: Increased damage against bosses, vehicles, and Guardians with their Super active.
What makes Crown-Splitter good?
Still good without Energy Accelerant mod
Good guard resistance, take less damage when blocking
Good perk pool
Play space knights with your bros
Weapon Details:
How to Get Crown-Splitter:
Crown-Splitter in Action:
5. Eternity’s Edge
"A sword is a wand that casts two spells: parry and cut." —Tarsem Sauer
Someone thought it was a good idea to give the space wizards swords. It turned out to be a good one after all. This is the Warlock-exclusive sword that has returned to the game along with the other class-exclusive swords. It’s a vortex frame sword like the beloved Falling Guillotine which means your heavy attack will let you spin around like a dancer doing a pirouette but with a sword. It has great perks and is a nice match for Warlocks.
Weapon Stats:
Swing Speed: 46
Impact: 62
Range: 50
Guard Efficiency: 53
Guard Resistance: 70
Ammo Capacity: 62
Vortex Frame: [Heavy Attack] Launch a heavy spin attack. Heavy attacks are stronger with full energy.
Infinite Guard: Sword Guard has balanced defenses and maximized endurance.
Thresh: Killing combatants with this weapon generates a small amount of Super energy.
Whirlwind Blade: Rapid sword strikes increase this weapon's damage for a short duration. Guarding also ends the effect.
What makes Eternity’s Edge good?
- Haha spinning attack weeee
- Clears enemies quickly with spin attack
- Good stats
- Good perk pool
Weapon Details:
How to Get Eternity’s Edge:
Eternity’s Edge in Action:
6. Steel Sybil Z-14
"Everything I touch falls apart! I see the fragments on the floor!" "Well, isn't that a good thing? You know, if you're a sword?"
Steel Sybil Z-14 isn’t the perfect sword but it’s reliable and doesn’t take much work to get. The Season of Arrivals variant wasn’t power-capped and now that Sunsetting is gone you won’t have to worry about it. Overall I would recommend keeping yours if you were to find one. It can roll some good perks and saves you an exotic slot.
Weapon Stats:
Swing Speed: 46
Impact: 64
Range: 40
Ammo Capacity: 55
Adaptive Frame: [Heavy Attack] Launch a heavy uppercut attack. Heavy attacks are stronger with full energy.
Enduring Guard: Sword Guard has maximized efficiency and high endurance, but low resistance.
Assassin's Blade: Sword Kills boost movement speed and damage.
Whirlwind Blade: Rapid sword strikes increase this weapon's damage for a short duration. Guarding also ends the effect.
What makes Steel Sybil Z-14 good?
- Reliable
- Good perk pool
- Decent stats
Weapon Details:
How to Get Steel Sybil Z-14:
You can acquire this weapon from legendary engrams and world drops.
Steel Sybil Z-14 in Action:
7. Sola’s Scar
Digging leaves a mark.
Do you like Trials of Osiris? If you said yes, please reconsider your life decisions. But if you’re willing to suffer you can acquire this sword. Sola’s Scar is a Caster Frame sword, meaning you can shoot fire projectiles at everybody because that’s what swords do. While we will only list the curated roll for this sword, it can randomly roll with Chain Reaction, which creates explosions on final blows. This makes it a monster at clearing enemies.
Weapon Stats:
Swing Speed: 46
Impact: 60
Range: 70
Ammo Capacity: 64
Caster Frame: [Heavy Attack] Launch a heavy projectile attack. Heavy attacks are stronger with full energy.
Balanced Guard: Sword Guard has balanced overall defenses.
Tireless Blade: Sword ammo granted for every other powered sword kill.
Thresh: Killing combatants with this weapon generates a small amount of Super energy.
What makes Sola’s Scar good?
- Great at enemy clearing
- Surprisingly good against majors
- Fire sword baybee haha lmao
- Can roll with Chain Reaction
Weapon Details:
How to Get Sola’s Scar:
Sola’s Scar in Action:
8. Bequest
A single word etched on the guard: "Lusia-1."
This saber-style sword is too great to be contained, by that I mean it couldn’t fit inside the in-game display as you can see by the above image. Bequest is a reward from the Deep Stone Crypt raid that performs well and has good guard stats and damage.
Weapon Stats:
Swing Speed: 46
Impact: 70
Range: 40
Guard Efficiency: 100
Guard Resistance: 80
Ammo Capacity: 64
Adaptive Frame: [Heavy Attack] Launch a heavy uppercut attack. Heavy attacks are stronger with full energy.
Heavy Guard: Sword Guard has high overall defenses, but lowers charge rate.
Energy Transfer: Guarding while receiving damage generates class ability energy.
En Garde: Quick attacks immediately after swapping to this sword do additional damage.
What makes Bequest good?
- Good guard efficiency and guard resistance
- Decent damage
Weapon Details:
How to Get Sola’s Scar:
Sola’s Scar in Action:
9. Temptation’s Hook
A finger of death from which to hang.
Temptation’s Hook is a caster frame sword that shoots Arc projectiles and it makes for an effective weapon against majors and bosses.
Weapon Stats:
Swing Speed: 46
Impact: 70
Ammo Capacity: 64
Caster Frame: [Heavy Attack] Launch a heavy projectile attack. Heavy attacks are stronger with full energy.
Balanced Guard: Sword Guard has balanced overall defenses.
Tireless Blade: Sword ammo granted for every other powered sword kill.
Surrounded: This weapon gains bonus damage when three or more enemies are in close proximity.
What makes Temptation’s Hook good?
- Good guard efficiency and guard resistance
- Decent damage
Weapon Details:
How to Get Temptation’s Hook:
Temptation’s Hook in Action:
10. The Lament
The last thing the Vex ever heard—the grinding wails of a vicious Banshee.
Oh shoot, bro, it’s the chainsaw sword. Bro, it cuts through bosses and anything else once you rev its engine. YOOOOO it cuts through shields too?! It also heals you when you damage enemies? This junk is broke lol you’re literally Doomguy rip and tear until it’s done lmao.
Exotic Weapon Stats:
Swing Speed: 46
Impact: 78
Guard Resistance: 70
Ammo Capacity: 58
Exotic Perks:
Banshee's Wail: Rev to empower; bypasses shields.
Enduring Guard: Sword Guard has maximized efficiency and high endurance, but low resistance.
Tireless Blade: Sword ammo granted for every other powered sword kill.
Revved Consumption: Damaging a combatant heals the wielder.
What makes The Lament good?
- Great exotic perks
- Heals you
- Shreds majors and bosses
- Haha chainsaw sword go brrrrrr
Weapon Details:
How to Get The Lament:
The Lament in Action:
Liked our list? Let us know what you think in the comments below!
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