[Top 5] Dead By Daylight Best Quentin Smith Builds

02 Jul 2021

[Top 5] Dead By Daylight Best Quentin Smith Builds

So, you are looking for some Quentin Smith builds. Unfortunately,you are going to be in for a tough time. Quentin Smith has some of the least used, and most underwhelming teachable perks out of all of the survivors. Nevertheless, let’s jump into some builds for our sleepy friend, Quentin Smith.

5. “Infinite” Sprint Burst

The Infinite Sprint Burst Build - Dead By Daylight

The “Infinite” Sprint Burst build is going to be a pretty cookie-cutter build for most builds trying to utilize Quentin’s perks, so you should get used to seeing at least a few of these perks in the rest of the builds.

The idea of this build is to use Quentin’s teachable perk, Vigil, to get rid of the exhaustion status effect as fast as possible. Any time you use an exhaustion perk, such as Sprint Burst in this build, you will become exhausted. The tricky part is that you can not recover from exhaustion if you are running. That is where Fixated comes in.

With Fixated, you can walk around up to 20% faster, allowing you to walk between objectives so you can allow your exhaustion timer to go down. Also, if you have Sprint Burst ready to go, you can walk around faster if you want to save Sprint Burst for when the killer spots you and starts to chase.

The use of Iron Will is to try to sneak away from the killer while you are injured. Unfortunately, Quentin Smith has marginally louder cries of pain than other survivors, making it easier to spot him, so the choice of Iron Will is mostly to mitigate that as much as possible.

What the “Infinite” Sprint Burst Build Excels In:

  • Having Sprint Burst available as much as possible.
  • Faster walking while recharging Sprint Burst.

Perks Used:

Sprint Burst: When starting to run, break into a sprint at 150% of your normal running speed for a maximum of 3 seconds.

  • Sprint Burst causes the Exhausted status effect for 60/50/40 seconds.
  • Sprint Burst cannot be used while Exhausted.

Vigil: You recover 10/15/20% faster from the Blindness, Exhaustion, Haemorrhage, and Hindered Status Effects.

  • This effect also applies to all other Survivors within 8 meters of you and lingers for 15 seconds.

Fixated: You walk 10/15/20% faster and can see your Scratch Marks.

Iron Will: When injured, Grunts of Pain are reduced by 50/75/100%. 


4. “Unlimited” Dead Hard

Unlimited Dead Hard With Vigil

The “Unlimited” Dead Hard build is generally the same idea as the “Infinite” Sprint Burst build. You use Vigil to lessen your exhaustion time allowing you to use Dead Hard more often.

Unlike the “Infinite” Sprint Burst Build, you do not need to walk around trying to save your exhaustion perk. You will only ever be able to use your exhaustion perk, Dead Hard, while you are in a chase, so if you aren’t in danger at all and aren’t exhausted, you are free to run between objectives as much as you please.

The use of Resilience somewhat incentivizes you to stay injured. However, I would argue if you have the opportunity to heal, it would be better to do so, unless you are up against a killer with a one-hit down ability. If you do decide to stay injured, however, you have the extra action speed from Resilience allowing you to do objectives quicker, as well as having Dead Hard available to you whenever, as long as you aren’t exhausted.

Iron Will has a better use here rather than in the previous build if you intend on staying injured for a majority of the time to take advantage of Resilience.

What the “Unlimited” Dead Hard Build Excels In:

  • Having Dead Hard available as much as possible.
  • Lessens the need to be healed by giving you incentives for being injured.

Perks Used:

Vigil: You recover 10/15/20% faster from the Blindness, Exhaustion, Haemorrhage, and Hindered Status Effects.

  • This effect also applies to all other Survivors within 8 meters of you and lingers for 15 seconds.

Dead Hard: When Injured, tap into your adrenaline bank and dash forward quickly to avoid damage.

  • Press the Active Ability button while running to dash forward.
  • Avoid any damage during the Dash.
  • Dead Hard causes the Exhausted Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds.
  • Dead Hard cannot be used when Exhausted.

Resilience: When injured, your Action speeds in Repairing, Healing, Sabotaging, Unhooking, Vaulting, Cleansing, Opening, and Unlocking are increased by 3/6/9%.

Iron Will: When injured, Grunts of Pain are reduced by 50/75/100%. 


3. Exit Gate Speed Build

The Ultimate Exit Gate Speed Build

The Exit Gate Speed Build is somewhat of a joke idea, and that is to open the exit gate as fast as possible, which is already a relatively quick task. However, this build does have other uses, other than Quentin’s teachable perk Wake Up.

First, let’s talk about the goal of the build itself and how it works. With Wake Up, you see the aura of all of the Exit Gates, and while you are working on it, other survivors can see the aura as well, which can be helpful to people who may have not paid attention to the quick flash when all the generators were finished, as well as letting people know that the door you are working on will probably be open by the time they get to it. Finally, Wake Up also makes you open the exit gate 15% faster. That mixed with the extra 9% speed from Resilience and the possible 6% speed from Spine Chill, that is a potential of 30% faster opening of the exit gate. However, more likely to have 24% as you typically won’t have the killer staring at you while opening the gate.

Now, let’s get into the added benefits of running the Exit Gate Speed Build. This is a build-on of the Fast Vault Build, as some people call it. The Fast Vault Build consists of Spine Chill and Resilience. While you are being chased by the killer, if you are injured, which is bound to happen at some point, you will be able to vault through windows 15% faster, considering that the killer will be looking at you while chasing you to give you Spine Chill. While 15% may not sound like much, it can save you from being hit through the window fairly often.

Along with the benefits of faster vaulting, you also still have Sprint Burst as an option for you. Whether you want to use that to get to objectives faster, or when the final generator finishes, to get to the exit gate as fast as possible, or for getting more distance from the killer when they spot you, it is just a great perk to have. Which ends up making this build fairly well-rounded.

What the Exit Gate Speed Build Excels In:

  • Opening the Exit Gate as fast as possible.
  • Some quick action speeds with Spine Chill and Resilience.
  • Reasonable safe chases with Sprint Burst, and fast vaulting from Spine Chill and Resilience.

Perks Used:

Sprint Burst: When starting to run, break into a sprint at 150% of your normal running speed for a maximum of 3 seconds.

  • Sprint Burst causes the Exhausted status effect for 60/50/40 seconds.
  • Sprint Burst cannot be used while Exhausted.

Resilience: When injured, your Action speeds in Repairing, Healing, Sabotaging, Unhooking, Vaulting, Cleansing, Opening, and Unlocking are increased by 3/6/9%.

Spine Chill: Whenever the Killer is looking in your direction when within 36 meters of you, Spine Chill activates:

  • Skill Check Trigger odds are increased by 10%.
  • Skill Check Success zones are reduced by 10%.
  • Your Action speeds in Repairing, Healing, Sabotaging, Unhooking, Vaulting, Cleansing, Opening, and Unlocking are increased by 2/4/6%.

Wake Up: Once all Generators are completed, Wake Up activates:

  • The Auras of the Exit Gate Switches are revealed to you within 128 meters.
  • When opening an Exit Gate, your Aura is revealed to all other Survivors within 128 meters.
  • You open Exit Gates 5/10/15% faster.

2. Item Hunting


The Item Hunting Build’s main purpose is, you guessed it, hunting for items while in the game. Whenever you spawn into the game, there are at least 3 chests throughout the map. This build makes it easier to find those chests, faster to open them, and provides you with more, and better quality, items.

Plunderer’s Instinct helps you find the chests you are looking for, otherwise, they may be hard to spot without it. Ace in the Hole allows you to have Add-Ons on those items you find (normally the items you get do not have add-ons included with them), as well as keeping those add-ons if you escape (while without it you will keep the item but lose the add-ons.) Quentin’s teachable Pharmacy helps you open those chests faster, as well as guaranteeing a green med-kit on your first chest search.

Other than this, there isn’t much to the build. The whole point is to just find items, if there is one you don’t want, you can drop it and leave it, or try to find another survivor and drop it off for them to use. Since Plunderer’s Instinct allows you to find higher rarity items in chests, you have a better chance of finding a Key, which can open the hatch if it is spawned, allowing you to escape the match prematurely, which is a pretty solid strategy.

What the Item Hunting Build Excels In:

  • Finding high-quality items.
  • Keeping add-ons after escaping the trial.
  • Possibility of finding a key for an easy escape.

Perks Used:

Plunderer’s Instinct: The Auras of closed Chests and dropped Items throughout the Trial Grounds are revealed to you within 16/24/32 meters.

  • Grants a considerably better chance at finding an Item of a higher Rarity from Chests.

Ace in the Hole: When retrieving an item from a Chest, there is a chance an Add-on will be attached to it.

  • 100% chance for an Add-on of Very Rare Rarity or lower.
  • 10/25/50% chance for a second Add-on of Uncommon Rarity or lower.
  • Ace in the Hole allows you to keep any Add-ons your Item has equipped upon escaping.

Pharmacy: You have a knack for finding medicine.

  • Unlocking Chests is 40/60/80% faster.
  • Unlocking your first Chest guarantees an Emergency Med-Kit.
  • Pharmacy reduces the audible range of your Chest-unlocking noises by 8 meters.

*Appraisal: Start the Trial with 3 Tokens:

  • When a Chest has already been opened, consume 1 Token to rummage through it for an item.
  • Rummage through Chests 40/60/80% faster.
  • Rummaging is only available once per Chest.

*In the video instead of Appraisal they used Up The Ante. However Up The Ante does increase luck, we eventually learned that luck itself does not affect items you find in chests. So for the purpose of the build, we took the perk out for Appraisal, which allows you to get even more items from chests.


1. The Quentin Smith

The Return of Quentin Smith

Let’s be honest here, finding good synergies with Quentin’s perks is a challenge, to say the least. Maybe we need to take a step back and figure out what makes Quentin tick. So I went to visit a fellow Quentin enthusiast, Yerv. While watching Yerv’s videos I started to ask myself, why are we trying to find builds that work with Quentin, when we can just be Quentin?

That is why for The Quentin Smith we are using all 3 of his teachable perks; Pharmacy, Wake Up, and Vigil. For the last slot, we just throw in a Sprint Burst because, well we need to show off Vigil somehow! Also, it helps us get to that Exit Gate even sooner for us to open.

Overall, is this the best build you can run? No, not by a long shot. But you do get some decent options with it. You get a free med-kit, which gives you points for searching a chest, and then a fast heal. A quicker escape with Wake Up which can come in clutch some matches. And lastly, you get some more uses of Sprint Burst which has never hurt anybody. Do you want to be a meta perk gamer, playing the same 4 perks over again, or do you want to be the sleepy boy himself, Quentin Smith?

What The Quentin Smith Excels In:

  • Having Sprint Burst available as much as possible.
  • Open Exit Gates fast.
  • A fast heal with Pharmacy.
  • You get to be THE Quentin Smith.

Perks Used:

Pharmacy: You have a knack for finding medicine.

  • Unlocking Chests is 40/60/80% faster.
  • Unlocking your first Chest guarantees an Emergency Med-Kit.
  • Pharmacy reduces the audible range of your Chest-unlocking noises by 8 meters.

Wake Up: Once all Generators are completed, Wake Up activates:

  • The Auras of the Exit Gate Switches are revealed to you within 128 meters.
  • When opening an Exit Gate, your Aura is revealed to all other Survivors within 128 meters.
  • You open Exit Gates 5/10/15% faster.

Vigil: You recover 10/15/20% faster from the Blindness, Exhaustion, Haemorrhage, and Hindered Status Effects.

  • This effect also applies to all other Survivors within 8 meters of you and lingers for 15 seconds.

Sprint Burst: When starting to run, break into a sprint at 150% of your normal running speed for a maximum of 3 seconds.

  • Sprint Burst causes the Exhausted status effect for 60/50/40 seconds.
  • Sprint Burst cannot be used while Exhausted.

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