[Top 5] DbD Best Sadako Builds That Are Pretty OP

Sadako Dead by Daylight
01 Dec 2022

Sadako is a difficult but powerful killer, it takes time to master her. Creating powerful builds for her helps a lot as it can help you know when to use her abilities. These builds can help you become even stronger.


5. Generator Oppressor

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This build is entirely focused on generators, information, and regression. This build is valuable on Sadako/ The Onryo because due to her ability she is able to teleport to TVs which are often located by generators.


Generator Oppressor’s details:

  • Dragon’s Grip (Blight) is great on Onryo, it activates when you kick a generator, for the next 30 seconds, the first survivor that interacts with the generator will scream, revealing their location for 4 seconds and are inflicted with the exposed status effect. Dragon’s Grip has a cool down of 120/100/80 seconds. This works on Onryo as TVs spawn near generators, meaning when this activates you can get to the generator rather quickly and put that survivor into the dying state.
  • Call of Brine (Onryo) is like a manual Hex: Ruin and works insanely well with the perk Dragon’s Grip. It activates after damaging a generator and lasts for 60 seconds, the generator regresses at 150/175/200% normal regression speed and its aura is revealed to you. A loud noise notification goes off each time a survivor completes a good skill check. This gives you information and tells you where you can go as well as regresses the generators giving you more time to chase survivors.
  • Discordance (Legion) gives you information on what generators are being repaired. When 2 or more people are repairing a generator within 64/96/128 meters of you a loud noise notification goes off and the generator is highlighted in a yellow aura. Due to the TVs being so close to generators this gives you a perfect opportunity early game and throughout the game to get ahead of stopping generator repairs and finding where survivors are throughout the map.
  • Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance (Artist) helps with destroying generators. This perk turns four random hooks into scourge hooks which are highlighted in white to the killer. Each time a survivor is hooked on a Scourge Hook the generator with the most progress explodes instantly losing 9/12/15% of progress and starts to regress. Survivors working on that generator will scream revealing their locations. This helps you regress generators as well as be able to track survivors if there are survivors to scream.

Why Generator Oppressor is Great:

  • Great generator destruction
  • Gives useful information
  • Helps you know when to use her power

4. Hooked on You

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This build focuses on information from carrying survivors and hooking them. It gives you an advantage when carrying survivors as well. This is insanely useful on Onryo.


Hooked on You’s details:

  • Thrilling Tremors (Ghost Face) activates after picking up a survivor and all generators that are not currently being repaired are blocked off by the Entity for the next 16 seconds and are highlighted to you in white. It has a cool down of 100/80/60 seconds. This is useful because any generators that are being worked on will not be blocked off and therefore will not be highlighted in white so you know exactly where to go and which TV to teleport to.
  • Starstruck (Trickster) activates while carrying a survivor, survivors within your Terror Radius are inflicted with the Exposed status effect. The status effect lingers for 26/28/30 seconds after they leave your Terror Radius and it persists after hooking a survivor for 26/28/30 seconds for any survivor within your Terror Radius. It has a cool down of 60 seconds. This is useful as often survivors like to stay together to rescue those who are being picked up, giving you the perfect opportunity to put another in the dying state immediately.
  • Scourge Hook: Floods of Rage (Onryo) turns four hooks into Scourge Hooks and their auras are highlighted to you in white. Each time a survivor is unhooked from a Scourge Hook all other survivors auras are revealed to you for 5/6/7 seconds. Though it doesn’t seem like a lot it is insanely useful. When in chase you are able to see where the survivor is going and where to go to find another survivor or what direction they are going in.
  • Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance (Artist) as said before turns four hooks into Scourge Hooks and are highlighted to you in white. Each time a survivor is hooked on a Scourge Hook, the generator with the most progress will explode and instantly lose 9/12/15% of progress and starts to regress. Survivors working on that generator will scream revealing their locations. This helps you regress generators as well as be able to track survivors if there are survivors to scream

Why Hooked on You is Great:

  • It helps you with information
  • Tells you where survivors are
  • Helps with generator destruction

3. Information and Destruction

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This build focuses on destruction as well as information, therefore giving you the advantage against unknowing survivors. It works well to keep you informed and know that you are able to cause delays to the survivor objectives.


Information and Destruction’s details:

  • Pop Goes The Weasel (Clown) activates after hooking a survivor and lasts for the next 35/40/45 seconds. The next generator you kick instantly loses 25% progress and regresses normally, then it deactivates. This is useful to keep generators from being progressed and works well with another perk in this build.
  • A Nurse’s Calling (Nurse) all survivors who are healing or being healed have their auras revealed to you within 20/24/28 meters of you. This helps you be able to interrupt healing and hopefully put a survivor into the dying state.
  • Call of Brine (Onryo) as said previously works like a manual Hex: Ruin and works after you kick a generator. After damaging a generator and lasts for 60 seconds, the generator regresses at 150/175/200% normal regression speed and its aura is revealed to you. A loud noise notification goes off each time a survivor completes a good skill check. This gives you information and tells you where you can go as well as regresses the generators giving you more time to chase survivors.
  • Thrilling Tremors (Ghost Face) as said previously gives you useful information while carrying survivors. All generators that are not currently being repaired while carrying a survivor are blocked off by the Entity for the next 16 seconds and are highlighted to you in white. It has a cool down of 100/80/60 seconds. This is useful because any generators that are being worked on will not be blocked off and therefore will not be highlighted in white so you know exactly where to go and which TV to teleport to.

What makes Information and Destruction Great:

  • Gives you good information
  • Helps you prevent generator progression
  • Helps you know when to use her abilities

2. Generator Chaser

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This build is for making sure that generator progress is halted or even delayed for a long time. This focuses on tracking down generators being worked on and making sure that you are able to find survivors as well during this endeavor. 


Generator Chaser’s details:

  • Discordance (Legion) as said before gives you information on what generators are being repaired. When 2 or more people are repairing a generator within 64/96/128 meters of you a loud noise notification goes off and the generator is highlighted in a yellow aura. Due to the TVs being so close to generators this gives you a perfect opportunity early game and throughout the game to get ahead of stopping generator repairs and finding where survivors are throughout the map.
  • Hex: Ruin (Hag) makes any generator that is no longer being repaired immediately start losing progress without kicking it. It is tied to a totem that can be cleansed by survivors making it no longer be in play for the rest of the match. The generators will regress at 100/150/200% of normal regression speed. This is valuable especially if you are able to keep survivors off generators as before they know it, they will be fully regressed.
  • Tinkerer (Hillbilly) helps you locate a generator that is about to be completed. When a generator becomes 70% repaired a loud noise notification will reveal its location and you will be granted the Undetectable status effect. Though Onryo doesn’t need the Undetectable status effect, this gives you useful information as to which generator to teleport to so you can get a good hit.
  • Thanatophobia (Nurse) causes a penalty to all survivors depending on how many are hooked, injured or dying causing a stackable 4/4.5/5% penalty to all survivors repair, sabotaging, and cleansing speeds up to a maximum of 16/18/20%. This slows the survivors down giving you more time to locate them as well as preventing them from doing actions they would normally be fast at.

Why Generator Chaser is Great:

  • Great to prevent generators from being repaired
  • Gives useful information

1. The Hooker

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This build relies solely on hooks and hooking survivors to give you information as well as regressing generators. This helps you locate survivors and down them as well.


The Hooker’s details:

  • Scourge Hook: Floods of Rage (Onryo) as said before turns four hooks into Scourge Hooks and their auras are highlighted to you in white. Each time a survivor is unhooked from a Scourge Hook all other survivors auras are revealed to you for 5/6/7 seconds. Though it doesn’t seem like a lot it is insanely useful. When in chase you are able to see where the survivor is going and where to go to find another survivor or what direction they are going in.
  • Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance (Artist) as said before turns four hooks into Scourge Hooks and are highlighted to you in white. Each time a survivor is hooked on a Scourge Hook, the generator with the most progress will explode and instantly lose 9/12/15% of progress and starts to regress. Survivors working on that generator will scream revealing their locations. This helps you regress generators as well as be able to track survivors if there are survivors to scream
  • Make Your Choice (Pig) triggers when a survivor unhooks another survivor when you are at least 32 meters away. The survivor that unhooked the other survivor screams and suffers from the Exposed status effect for the next 40/50/60 seconds. Make Your Choice also has a cool down of 40/50/60 seconds. This is useful as you will be not only able to see the other survivor but down them quickly if you are able to. This makes it very useful within this build.
  • Barbecue and Chilli (Cannibal) activates after hooking a survivor. Once you have hooked a survivor all other survivor’s auras are revealed to you for 4 seconds if they are 40 meters away from the hook. This gives you information about where to go next in order to get another survivor or at least gives you details of where to teleport. It also gives you an extra 25% BloodPoints stackable each time you hook a survivor up to 50/75/100%.

Why The Hooker is Great:

  • Gives you great information
  • Helps regress generators
  • Helps you use her ability more effectively

Though these builds are good, they are not important to have a good time playing as Sadako. She is a strong killer in her own right and once you find a way that you like to play, that is all that matters. It is all up to your own personal preference and what works for you.

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