[Top 5] DbD Best Executioner Builds That Are Pretty OP

25 Jun 2022

In Dead by Daylight, there are many different builds that you can do on any killer but here are a couple of the best builds for the killer The Executioner or Pyramid Head. These builds are tailored to Pyramid Head’s specific skill set and based around his abilities. Though some of these builds have common elements they are insanely useful on Pyramid Head and can be valuable to those who wish to use them


5. Chase and Defense

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This build has really good elements to it that will make it useful for any player who is willing to use it. It gives you good information as well as helps you with generator defense. This build also protects the ability to protect your generators and as long as you are constantly engaging in chases and damaging generators. 


Chase and Defense’s details:

  • I’m All Ears (The Ghost Face) helps you with chases as often while in chases survivors will do rushed actions and when they do that within 48 meters of you their aura is revealed to you for 6 seconds. This is useful as one of Pyramid Head’s abilities is a ranged attack called Punishment of the Damned where he is able to hit survivors even through walls. That means that I’m All Ears helps you with being able to see where they are so that you are able to hit them if you are not good at predicting where survivors are, as well as knowing where to go in a chase.
  • Hex: Undying (The Blight) protects your hex totem, in this case, Hex: Ruin, making that if the survivors find ruin and cleanse it Hex: Ruin transfers to Hex: Undying’s totem, making Ruin stay in the game longer.
  • Hex: Ruin (The Hag) helps save time as it will automatically start making the generator regress as soon as it stops being worked on. They will regress 100/150/200% of the normal regression speed helping you keep generators from being done, especially if you scare survivors off of generators. 
  • Surveillance (The Pig) paired with Hex: Ruin is wonderful as Surveillance gives you information on what generators are currently regressing and when they have stopped regressing. Regressing generators are highlighted in white, when the regression has been interrupted they are highlighted in yellow for 8/12/16 seconds. This gives you the ability to see that the generator is being worked on.

Why Chase and Defense is Great:

  • Gives you good information about what to do and where survivors are
  • Helps you defend generators
  • Helps you know where to use your power

4. Fun but Practical

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This build is fun but covers a lot of different aspects that will make this useful even though it is not focused on a singular trait. This helps you in chases, when you get stunned, and become stealthy. 


Fun but Practical’s details: 

  • Nemesis (The Oni) changes who the obsession is and when it switches obsession the survivor who is now the survivor is inflicted with the Oblivious status effect for 40/50/60 seconds and their aura is revealed for 4 seconds. This activates when a survivor stuns or blinds you.
  • Dark Devotion (The Plague) puts your terror radius on the obsession when you hit them. The terror radius is 32 meters and lasts for 20/25/30 seconds and you are granted the undetectable status effect making you able to sneak up on survivors.
  • Enduring (The Hillbilly) reduces pallet stun duration by 40/45/50%
  • As said before, I’m All Ears helps you with finding survivors, especially within chases, and helping you use Punishment of the Damned to injure or put a survivor into the dying state. It activates when a survivor does a rushed action within 48 meters of you for 6 seconds showing you their auras.

Why Fun but Practical is Great:

  • Helps you get the upper hand on survivors
  • Helps you sneak up on survivors
  • Helps you within chases

3. Gen Defender

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This build focuses on defending generators and chasing survivors near them as well as locating survivors as soon as possible after. It can tell you when a generator is nearly done, regress it as well as track down survivors after hooking one. This is valuable to those who want to use it.


Gen Defender’s details:

  • Tinkerer (The Hillbilly) activates when a generator is repaired up to 70%, and a loud noise notification goes off and you are granted the undetectable status effect for 12/14/16 seconds. This not only shows you when a generator is almost done but helps you sneak up on survivors who are repairing it. It is insanely useful to do that.
  • As said before, Hex: Undying (The Blight) helps keep your other hex totem safe, in this case, Hex: Ruin. This makes sure that if Hex: Ruin is cleansed it goes to Hex: Undying’s spot and remains in play for the game.
  • As said before, Hex: Ruin (The Hag) automatically causes the generator to regress as soon as it is let go by the survivor making sure that you are able to fully defend generators. It can regress from 100/150/200% of normal regression speed.
  • Barbecue and Chilli (The Cannibal) is insanely valuable for this as it activates after you hook a survivor. It shows the aura of survivors outside of a 40-meter range of you for 4 seconds as well as gives you extra 25% BloodPoints for each stack leading up to a maximum of 50/75/100% BloodPoints. This can show you where to go next in order to find another survivor. The only downside is that if survivors are within the 40-meter range, you will be unable to see them.

Why Gen Defender is Great:

  • Gives you useful information on what generators are being worked on
  • Helps generators regress
  • Tells you where survivors are

2. Aura Reader

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This build focuses mainly on aura reading with a small amount of generator defense in there. Three of the perks in this build show you the auras of survivors after they do certain actions or you do a certain action. It also has a really good generator defense perk in the use of Hex: Ruin. This build is useful for those who like to know where survivors are.


Aura Reader’s details:

  • As shown with I’m All Ears (The Ghost Face) previously this perk helps you know where to aim your Punishment of the Damned and where to go to make sure the survivors don’t escape. I’m All Ears triggers when a survivor does a rushed action within 48 meters of you and reveals their aura for 6 seconds. This helps you, especially within chases as you will be able to see where survivors are and where they are going.
  • A Nurse’s Calling (The Nurse) is a good perk for aura reading and can be used very well with the Punishment of the Damned ability that Pyramid Head uses as well as giving you useful information on where survivors are and to prevent them from healing. A Nurse’s Calling activates when survivors are healing within 20/24/28 meters of you. This makes it easy to find those who are healing and prevents them from recovering a health state. If you use Punishment of the Damned you can down the injured survivor and injure or down the one healing them.
  • As said earlier, Hex: Ruin (The Hag) automatically makes generators regress from 100/150/200% of the normal regression speed if they stop being worked on. The only downside is that if a survivor finds the hex totem it can be cleansed and once that is done Hex: Ruin will no longer be in play for the rest of the match.
  • As said previously, Barbecue and Chilli (The Cannibal) activates after you hook a survivor. It reveals the aura of all other survivors outside of a 40-meter range for 4 seconds. It also gives you 25% more BloodPoints depending on the stack to a maximum of 50/75/100%. This can tell you where to go next after hooking a survivor in order to find the next survivor to put into the dying state.

Why Aura Reader is Great:

  • Being able to see survivors makes life easier for those who struggle to find survivors
  • Helps with generator defense
  • Gives useful information

1. Gen Chaser

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This build is fully focused on Generator defense and is one of the most popular ones that I could find. It makes sure you are able to find generators that are being worked on and make sure that they will regress when you do.


Gen Chaser’s details:

  • As said earlier, Hex: Undying (The Blight) protects your other hex totem that is in play, in this case, Hex: Ruin. That means that if Hex: Ruin is cleansed it moves to where Hex: Undying is and therefore keeps it in play.
  • Discordance (The Legion) helps you find generators that are being worked on, specifically with 2 or more people on it. When it is being repaired within 64/96/128 meters of you and is marked with a yellow aura. When it is first highlighted it will trigger a loud noise notification. When the generator is no longer in range or is being repaired by only one survivor it will stay highlighted for another 4 seconds.
  • As said earlier, Hex: Ruin (The Hag) automatically causes a generator to regress when a survivor lets go of the generator. This causes it to regress 100/150/200% of normal regression speed.
  • As said before, Tinkerer (The Hillbilly) activates when a generator is repaired to 70% giving you a loud noise notification, and you are granted the undetectable status effect for 12/14/16 seconds. This is useful to help you sneak up to those working on the generator and know where to go.


Why Gen Chaser is Great:

  • Gives you good information
  • Helps you protect generators

These are just a couple of builds that you can use on The Executioner or Pyramid Head, however, they are not necessary to have fun within Dead by Daylight or even using the character Pyramid Head.

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