[Top 10] Apex Legends Best Weapon Combos That Wreck Hard! (2020)

Apex Legends Best Weapon Combos
01 Mar 2020

Weapon Combos Make a Difference

Think about it. If you use 2 guns that do not complement each other at all, it's gonna be a disaster. Making sure you've got the right combinations is a huge determining factor when it comes to how well you're going to do.

10. R301 Carbine + Peacekeeper


This is gun is a rock-steady lead slinger. Almost zero recoil.

R301 Stats

  • Body Damage: 14
  • Headshot Damage: 28
  • DPS (Body): 336
  • DPS (Head): 720
  • Reload (Not empty): 2.4 s
  • Reload (Empty): 3.2 s
  • Mag Capacity: 18
  • Ammo Type: Light


If it fails to keep the peace, then you must be a bad shot!

Peacekeeper Stats

  • Body Damage: 110
  • Headshot Damage: 165
  • DPS (Body): 110
  • DPS (Head): 165
  • Reload (Not empty): 2.5 s
  • Reload (Empty): 3.5 s
  • Mag Capacity: 6
  • Ammo Type: Shotgun

What makes this an awesome combo:

  • The R301 has very little recoil and can easily hit medium to long-range targets, especially in single fire mode.
  • The l Anvil rounds hop-up allows the R301 to be used to snipe in single fire mode. And admit it, even you sometimes struggle to choose a good range / close-up combo!
  • The Peacekeeper is insane at close range and can do over 100 damage on a solid close-range hit.
  • The PK barrel choke reduces the pellet spread tremendously when you aim down sight (ADS), which means all your pellets will hit. (Or miss, if you’re not a great shot !)

9. Prowler SMG + Charge Rifle


Ever wish you were a predator? Well this could be your ticket!

Prowler Stats

  • Body Damage: 14
  • Headshot Damage: 21
  • DPS (Body): 186
  • DPS (Head): 279
  • Reload (Not empty): 2.0 s
  • Reload (Empty): 2.6 s
  • Mag Capacity: 20
  • Ammo Type: Heavy

Charge Rifle

The perfect laser beam for mowing anyone down halfway across the planet.

Charge Rifle Stats

  • Body Damage: 45
  • Headshot Damage: 56
  • DPS (Body): 31.5
  • DPS (Head): 63
  • Reload (Not empty): 3.6 s
  • Reload (Empty): 3.6 s
  • Mag Capacity: 12
  • Ammo Type: Sniper

What makes this an awesome combo:

  • The Prowler has a blistering rate of fire (provided you equip the select-fire receiver and switch to full auto). So even if your aim is not great you can still do damage when you do happen to aim at an enemy.
  • The Charge rifle melts your enemies at range and has literally no bullet drop. It is practically a laser beam after all!

8. Devotion LMG + Longbow


If you're a devoted gamer then this one is gonna pay off. All it takes is practice.

Devotion Stats

  • Body Damage: 17
  • Headshot Damage: 34
  • DPS (Body): 225
  • DPS (Head): 510
  • Reload (Not empty): 2.8 s
  • Reload (Empty): 3.63 s
  • Mag Capacity: 44
  • Ammo Type: Unique


Feel like hunting? Well, with this gun the enemy won't even see you!

Longbow Stats

  • Body Damage: 55
  • Headshot Damage: 110
  • DPS (Body): 55
  • DPS (Head): 110
  • Reload (Not empty): 2.66 s
  • Reload (Empty): 3.66 s
  • Mag Capacity: 5
  • Ammo Type: Heavy

What makes this an awesome combo:

  • The Devotion is a care-package weapon.
  • It has a huge magazine, which gives you more time to get onto your enemy and melt them.
  • The Sentinel makes up for the Devotion’s lack of effectiveness at a great distance.

7. R99 + Sentinel


Ever wondered what it would be like if your hose sprayed bullets? Well, this is pretty much the same thing.

R99 Stats

  • Body Damage: 12
  • Headshot Damage: 18
  • DPS (Body): 216
  • DPS (Head): 324
  • Reload (Not empty): 1.8 s
  • Reload (Empty): 2.45 s
  • Mag Capacity: 18
  • Ammo Type: Light


The perfect gun to keep watch over a large area. Must be a reason they called it a Sentinel...

Sentinel Stats

  • Body Damage: 55
  • Headshot Damage: 111
  • DPS (Body): 65
  • DPS (Head): 120
  • Reload (Not empty): 2.5 s
  • Reload (Empty): 3.6 s
  • Mag Capacity: 4
  • Ammo Type: Sniper

What makes this an awesome combo:

  • The R99 is insane at close range, and can even be used for close-medium range if you’re a good shot. Especially with a gold barrel stabilizer on.
  • The Sentinel allows you to engage distant enemies. This combo allows you to fight at literally any range you prefer.
  • You can charge the Sentinel with shield batteries to get up to 100 damage on a body shot. The charge up does dissipate over time though.

6. R301 Carbine + Sentinel


This is gun is a rock-steady lead slinger. Almost zero recoil.

R301 Stats

  • Body Damage: 14
  • Headshot Damage: 28
  • DPS (Body): 336
  • DPS (Head): 720
  • Reload (Not empty): 2.4 s
  • Reload (Empty): 3.2 s
  • Mag Capacity: 18
  • Ammo Type: Light


The perfect gun to keep watch over a large area. Must be a reason they called it a Sentinel...

Sentinel Stats

  • Body Damage: 55
  • Headshot Damage: 111
  • DPS (Body): 65
  • DPS (Head): 120
  • Reload (Not empty): 2.5 s
  • Reload (Empty): 3.6 s
  • Mag Capacity: 4
  • Ammo Type: Sniper

What makes this an awesome combo:

  • The R301 has good reach and can make up for the slower rate of fire of the Sentinel in medium-range situations where you need rapid fire.
  • The Sentinel pays for hitting shots and gives you greater long-range ability. Obviously, it won’t pay if you miss!
  • The R301 can be used effectively at close range when the Sentinel becomes too clumsy.

5. Peacekeeper + Wingman


If it fails to keep the peace, then you must be a bad shot!

Peacekeeper Stats

  • Body Damage: 110
  • Headshot Damage: 165
  • DPS (Body): 110
  • DPS (Head): 165
  • Reload (Not empty): 2.5 s
  • Reload (Empty): 3.5 s
  • Mag Capacity: 6
  • Ammo Type: Shotgun


As long as you don't miss, he'll drop faster than a sack of potatoes!

Wingman Stats

  • Body Damage: 45
  • Headshot Damage: 90
  • DPS (Body): 135
  • DPS (Head): 270
  • Reload (Not empty): 2.1 s
  • Reload (Empty): 2.1 s
  • Mag Capacity: 6
  • Ammo Type: Heavy

What makes this an awesome combo:

  • The Wingman can be used for both close and long range.
  • The PK provides backup which packs a punch once the enemies get in your face and your Wingman goes “Click, I’m empty!”
  • The Wingman allows much freer movement than other long-range weapons, even when you ADS.

4. R301 Carbine + R99


This is gun is a rock-steady lead slinger. Almost zero recoil.

R301 Stats

  • Body Damage: 14
  • Headshot Damage: 28
  • DPS (Body): 336
  • DPS (Head): 720
  • Reload (Not empty): 2.4 s
  • Reload (Empty): 3.2 s
  • Mag Capacity: 18
  • Ammo Type: Light


Ever wondered what it would be like if your hose sprayed bullets? Well, this is pretty much the same thing.

R99 Stats

  • Body Damage: 12
  • Headshot Damage: 18
  • DPS (Body): 216
  • DPS (Head): 324
  • Reload (Not empty): 1.8 s
  • Reload (Empty): 2.45 s
  • Mag Capacity: 18
  • Ammo Type: Light

What makes this an awesome combo:

  • The R301 is rock-steady, which is a bonus and especially useful if you are still getting to know the game.
  • The R99 allows more mobility than the R301 when things get too close and you need to do some rapid tracking.
  • Both use light ammo, which means that you don’t need to carry any half-stacks which waste space.

3. Peacekeeper + Kraber


If it fails to keep the peace, then you must be a bad shot!

Peacekeeper Stats

  • Body Damage: 110
  • Headshot Damage: 165
  • DPS (Body): 110
  • DPS (Head): 165
  • Reload (Not empty): 2.5 s
  • Reload (Empty): 3.5 s
  • Mag Capacity: 6
  • Ammo Type: Shotgun


The only way this beast makes the playing field even is by levelling everyone around you!

Kraber Stats

  • Body Damage: 145
  • Headshot Damage: 250
  • DPS (Body): 125
  • DPS (Head): N/A
  • Reload (Not empty): 3.2 s
  • Reload (Empty): 4.3 s
  • Mag Capacity: 4
  • Ammo Type: Unique

What makes this an awesome combo:

  • The Peacekeeper deals explosive damage up close and personal.
  • Being hit with a PK for 100 damage causes instant hesitation. And hesitation gives you just the split second you need to finish things off…
  • Having a medium to long-range weapon with a PK is essential. And the Kraber just happens to be the best in that field… It’s the best or nothing, right?

2. R99 + Kraber


Ever wondered what it would be like if your hose sprayed bullets? Well, this is pretty much the same thing.

R99 Stats

  • Body Damage: 12
  • Headshot Damage: 18
  • DPS (Body): 216
  • DPS (Head): 324
  • Reload (Not empty): 1.8 s
  • Reload (Empty): 2.45 s
  • Mag Capacity: 18
  • Ammo Type: Light


The only way this beast makes the playing field even is by levelling everyone around you!

Kraber Stats

  • Body Damage: 145
  • Headshot Damage: 250
  • DPS (Body): 125
  • DPS (Head): N/A
  • Reload (Not empty): 3.2 s
  • Reload (Empty): 4.3 s
  • Mag Capacity: 4
  • Ammo Type: Unique

What makes this an awesome combo:

  • The R99 uses light ammo, which is a picknick to find.
  • The R99 shreds with an insane rate of fire.
  • The R99 has almost no horizontal drift as you fire, meaning you only need to control vertical recoil. Whew!
  • The Kraber destroys at range and it’s unique “Crack!” is the ultimate intimidation factor.

1. Mastiff + Kraber


Feel like cutting 3 enemies in half at once? This is the gun to use!

Mastiff Stats

  • Body Damage: 144
  • Headshot Damage: 288
  • DPS (Body): 144
  • DPS (Head): 288
  • Reload (Not empty): 1.03 s
  • Reload (Empty): N/A
  • Mag Capacity: 4
  • Ammo Type: Unique


The only way this beast makes the playing field even is by levelling everyone around you!

Kraber Stats

  • Body Damage: 145
  • Headshot Damage: 250
  • DPS (Body): 125
  • DPS (Head): N/A
  • Reload (Not empty): 3.2 s
  • Reload (Empty): 4.3 s
  • Mag Capacity: 4
  • Ammo Type: Unique

What makes this an awesome combo:

  • Both are care-package weapons.
  • The Mastiff obliterates anything at close range.
  • The Kraber can 1 shot headshot purple and gold armor. It is insane at long range but can even be used at medium-close range.

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