[Top 10] Apex Legends Best Crypto Skins That Look Freakin' Awesome!

[Top 10] Apex Legends Best Crypto Skins That Look Freakin' Awesome
11 Oct 2023

Wanna Make The Apex Legends Tech Guy Look Lit?

If you're the kinda guy or girl that cares about looks then you might wanna take a peek at this... Believe it or not, the tech guy CAN also look totally lit! So check out this list of the greatest Crypto skins of all time. Unless you're the "Don't care about my looks" phenomenon...

10.  Hype Beast (ok)

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Hype Beast is an intensely colored punk-themed skin with a combination of yellow, purple, and white. White dreadlocks are accompanied by red-framed glasses.

What makes Hype Beast awesome:

  • This is a great skin for folks who love punk-style.
  • The hairstyle looks like an ear of wheat. Dunno who’d want that on their head though…
  • The color scheme is very cheerful.

How To Get Hype Beast:

Go to Legends. Select skins. Click on Hype Beast and craft it for 1200 crafting metals.

See Hype Beast in action: 

Hype Beast in action.

9.  Seeker of Knowledge (ok)

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Seeker of Knowledge has black shoes and kneepads, with beige pants and an ivory-white jacket with matching shin-pads. It has a golden, red-lensed monocle, black straps, and golden buckles. And to top off the classy look, a walrus mustache.

What makes Seeker of Knowledge awesome:

  • The golden monocle can’t but belong to some super-smart guy… Wanna be the walking encyclopedia?
  • The color scheme is pretty well suited to someone of a high degree of knowledge.
  • Gold always glitters… but all that glitters is not gold. So watch out!

How To Get Seeker of Knowledge: 

This skin was available only during the Lost Treasures event and can thus no longer be bought.

See Seeker of Knowledge in action:

Seeker of Knowledge in action.

8.  Azure Gaze (ok)

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Azure Gaze is a blue-themed skin with turquoise-soled grey and white boots, navy-purple pants. The jacket is ocean blue, turquoise and white. Crypto has an Avatar-like blue face, red-orange neck, and white hair.

What makes Azure Gaze awesome:

  • Blue is an icy color and is often associated with a cold, calculating approach. Or perhaps a heartless one… Take your pick!
  • The blue face with shiny blue eyes is bound to be creepy in the dark!
  • The color scheme is well suited to the snow-clad slopes of Epicentre in World’s Edge.

How To Get Azure Gaze: 

Azure Gaze was only available for purchase during the Old Ways Bloodhound event.

See Azure Gaze in action: 

Azure Gaze in action.

7.  Deadly Byte (ok)

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Deadly Byte has black leather pants and a jacket with pink and red lining for the boots, cuffs and collar. There are ivory-gold buckled straps around Crypto’s legs and his face is a light pink tinge. He has vampire teeth as this is a Halloween-themed skin.

What makes Deadly Byte awesome:

  • The creepy vampire Halloween theme is great as an intimidation factor. In the end  it’s all about convincing them they can’t win right?
  • Black and red is always a great color combo for anything aggressive or violent…
  • Crypto is a hacker, data is measured in bytes, vampires bite… Get it?

How To Get Deadly Byte: 

Deadly Byte was only available during the Halloween event.

See Deadly Byte in action: 

Deadly Byte in action.

6.  Hack Frost (good)

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Hack Frost is winter-themed and has a blue, grey, and yellow color scheme. The pants are stripy blue and white, with golden yellow bands below the knees. Crypto is wearing elf-shoes which relate to the Christmas theme. His hair is spiky icicles, and his face is pure white. He has a yellow clown’s collar.

What makes Hack Frost awesome:

  • The spiky icicle hair is totally badass… I mean, who wouldn’t want fine hair?
  • The golden-yellow jester’s collar kinda reminds me of the clown in a horror movie? Am I the only one who sees something creepy in this skin?
  • You can’t get any cooler than ice, right?

How To Get Hack Frost: 

Hack Frost was only available to buy during the Holo-Day Bash event.

See Hack Frost in action: 

Hack Frost in action.

5.  Masked Dancer (awesome)

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Masked dancer is white with a yellow jumpsuit. It is themed after a dancing dragon and has a red facemask and white wig.

What makes Masked Dancer awesome:

  • Red masks always inspire fear. And as a certain Mr. Snow once said… The only thing more powerful than fear is hope. And hope isn’t so easy to feel if you’re scared, or maybe that’s when it shines through? Mr Snow died by the way.
  • This is themed after a Korean dance dragon… Let THAT sink in.
  • Yellow is a very hopeful color. So maybe YOU get the hope and your enemies get the fear…

How To Get Masked Dancer:

Go to Legends. Select the skins tab. Click on Masked Dancer under the legendary section and craft it for 1200 crafting metals.

See Masked Dancer in action:

Masked Dancer in action.

4.  Whitelisted (awesome)

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Whitelisted is a cybergenic skin with Crypto having a black and white mechanized body and cybergenic implants in his head. He has a white jacket with a red-rimmed collar.

What makes Whitelisted awesome:

  • Cybergenics are the way to go for masters at anything techy… including great gamers.
  • Crypto’s cybergenic body looks like a skeleton. Imagine THAT coming after you in the dark recesses of Singh’s lab!
  • If something is in white and black, it’s usually pretty well-proven, right?

How To Get Whitelisted: 

Whitelisted was only available during the cybergenic-driven Overdrive event.

See Whitelisted in action: 

Whitelisted in action.

3.  Rising Phoenix (legendary)

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Rising Phoenix is similar to Masked Dancer, but it has an orange and yellow jacket with black lining and faded jade pants. The facemask is white with a black wig.

What makes Rising Phoenix awesome:

  • If you want a fiery version of the Korean Masked Dancer, this one is for you.
  • Orange and black are really reminiscent of fire which is HOT…
  • The black lining around the eyes in the mask really makes this something to run from… Looks like a skull. YIKES!

How To Get Rising Phoenix: 

Go to Legends. Select Rising Phoenix under the legendary section under the Skins tab. Craft it for 1200 crafting metals.

See Rising Phoenix in action: 

Rising Phoenix in action.

2.  Hired Gun (legendary)

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Hired Gun is an all-black outfit with a touch of gold on the cuffs, buttons and shoe linings. Crypto has matching black hair combed back and a black cybergenic lower jaw.

What makes Hired Gun awesome:

  • A black suit on a killer can only mean one thing… Professional.
  • Golden buckles and lining does suggest a certain degree of class, don’t you agree?
  • An all-black outfit is always badass, especially with that black hair combed back like that!

How To Get Hired Gun: 

Go to Skins under Legends. Select Hired Gun and craft it for 1200 crafting metals.

See Hired Gun in action: 

Hired Gun in action.

1.  Devil’s Advocate (legendary)

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Devil’s Advocate is the red and black version of Hired Gun. It has red flames on a maroon pants with a red jacket and black flames. The hair white with a black rim.
What makes Devil’s Advocate awesome:

  • The red and black is PERFECT for an aggressive fighter.
  • The flames on the pants and jacket are really cool… or is it hot?
  • Red and gold are royal colors. Does that make you feel great?

How To Get Devil’s Advocate: 

Go to Legends. Select Devil’s Advocate in the legendary section under the Skins tab and craft it for 1200 crafting metals.

See Devil’s Advocate in action: 

Devil's Advocate in action.

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