[Top 5] Apex Legends Best Crypto Loadouts

Apex Legends Best Crypto Loadouts
11 Oct 2023

5. R-301 + Peacekeeper

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Crypto himself isn't a great legend, so he needs some help. His abilities are pretty good in certain situations, but most of the time they are useless, and gets himself killed. So, the best thing to do on Crypto is to make sure you use great weapons. 

One combination to try out is the R-301 and Peacekeeper Combination. The R-301 is an easy-to-use weapon with great stats, and the Peacekeeper is like an Atom Bomb in your pocket…. If you can land the shots that is.

Loadout Details:

  • R-301
  • Peacekeeper
  • Red Armour
  • Shield Batteries
  • Medkits
  • Shield Cells
  • Syringe
  • Gold Bag, Helmet and Knockdown

What the R-301 +  Peacekeeper Loadout Excels In:

  • Simple-to-use set-up, limited recoil and easy-to-use guns
  • High damage per shot with the Peacekeeper works well playing around his stun
  • Finally, you can burst down targets and then rush in thanks to the R-301 and its insane damage and ease of use

4. CAR SMG + Peacekeeper

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When Crypto throws out his drone, he wants to make a play on his scanned enemies. Because of this, it's a good idea to run close-range weapons as an option on him. With a set-up like the CAR SMG and Peacekeeper, not only can Crypto deal with his enemies at close range, but he also has the versatility to carry on sweeping up teams.

The CAR is an insane SMG with the option to use either Light or Heavy ammunition. This means it's an extremely versatile weapon and allows little downtime between fights if you can fight either ammo type. It fits Crypto well as you need to keep up with your team and push those fights thanks to his drone scan or EMP usage.

Loadout Details:

  • Peacekeeper
  • Red Armour
  • Shield Batteries
  • Medkits
  • Shield Cells
  • Syringe
  • Gold Bag, Helmet and Knockdown

What the CAR SMG + Peacekeeper Loadout Excels in:

  • Insane close-range damage potential
  • Very versatile when it comes to ammo as the CAR can use both light and heavy
  • Finally, both guns are super easy to kit out thanks to having limited attachment choices between them

3. Volt + Mastiff

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This combination is extremely similar to the last but uses a set of guns that are much easier to use. Though the CAR and Peacekeeper are great guns, they are relatively hard to use. The Volt and Mastiff on the other hand are extremely easy to use in comparison. 

The Volt is a fantastic low-recoil SMG with great damage that can be used over range, and the Mastiff is an extremely forgiving Shotgun with a high magazine size. The two guns allow Crypto to slay his enemies after his team has gone in, or after he has EMP’d them. They are great clean-up weapons and are easy enough to use.

Loadout Details:

  • Volt SMG
  • Mastiff
  • Red Armour
  • Shield Batteries
  • Medkits
  • Shield Cells
  • Syringe
  • Gold Bag, Helmet and Knockdown

What the Volt SMG + Mastiff Loadout Excels in:

  • The Volt has extremely low recoil making it super forgiving and easy to use
  • The Mastiff can be used as a pop shooting weapon but also works super well upon a team rush
  • Insane close-range damage potential

2. R-99 + Volt

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It might seem weird to use two SMGs as a set-up, but it works surprisingly well with Crypto. The strongest part of his kit has to be the Drone. Not only can you scan nearby enemies, but you can also launch an EMP with his ultimate.

This means enemies are more than likely already damaged before you enter a fight against them. This is why the double SMG set-up works so well as you can run in, spray and pray, and hopefully clean the rest of them up. A combination of the insane burst potential of the R-99 and the ease of use the Volt provides is fantastic for Crypto to get the most out of his abilities.

Loadout Details:

  • R-99
  • Volt SMG
  • Red Armour
  • Shield Batteries
  • Medkits
  • Shield Cells
  • Syringe
  • Gold Bag, Helmet and Knockdown

What the R-99 + Volt SMG Loadout Excels In:

  • The R-99 has insane burst damage, whilst the Volt allows you to consistently deal damage at all ranges
  • These two guns provide a massive magazine between them, which is great for cleaning up enemies after an EMP
  • You have all ranges covered, which is great for Crypto as he needs to be versatile.

1.Alternator + Peacekeeper

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The best set-up in the game right now also works extremely well on a legend like Crypto thanks to its shield-damaging abilities. Crypto’s EMP is the best part of his kit, and it not only damages shields but slows enemies.

This makes using weapons like the PK easier to hit with and also makes use of this set-up's double Disruptor Rounds. Both guns have the insane Hop-Up available to them, and it makes Crypto a beast in combat. Use these guns to push enemies after an ultimate and watch them crumble. The shield damaging Hop-Up should defeat them insanely quickly, just remember the EMP can hit you as well.

Loadout Details:

  • Alternator 
  • Peacekeeper
  • Red Armour
  • Shield Batteries
  • Medkits
  • Shield Cells
  • Syringe
  • Gold Bag, Helmet and Knockdown

What the Alternator + Peacekeeper Loadout Excels In:

  • Use both guns with Disruptor Rounds to destroy enemy shields for an easy kill or to instigate a game-winning push.
  • The Alternator is a great all-around weapon so it can be used at longer ranges
  • The Peacekeeper is a great gun if you are ever caught off guard as it does insane damage in one shot

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