The 10 Best Virtual Reality Games you can play right now

A VR Headset
14 Jun 2018

As a big fan of the virtual reality extravaganza Ready Player One (both the book and film), it’s no surprise that I have a healthy interest in virtual reality gaming. From its earliest incarnations in the 1990s, through the Nintendo Virtual Boy and the Oculus Rift, VR has captured the public’s imagination in ways very few other technologies have. But VR gaming can also be extremely confusing and difficult to navigate. There’s a lot of mediocrity out there, which can further turn off potential VR gamers. Luckily, we've played both the good and the bad and are here to help you find a great VR game to play on your HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, PSVR, or whatever your VR device may be. So, strap on your goggles, login to the Metaverse and get ready to learn about the ten best VR games you can play on your device right now.

10. Space Pirate Trainer

X marks the spot!

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Pillaging Deep Space Nine...

Pillage worlds and seek intergalactic treasure! Learn how to use a blaster while navigating a dangerous galaxy. You’ve always wanted to be a space pirate, right? Well, now you can enter the elite training program for yourself with Space Pirate Trainer!

Wield your blasters, obliterating every spheroid and celestial object into cosmic dust! Deploy your hex shields and fight off an onslaught of alien craft. Infiltrate your target and fight off wave after wave of enemies. Harkening back to the days of retro shoot-em-up arcade titles, Space Pirate Trainer takes you into a virtual SCHMUP across the stars.

And, for only $15, this game provides hours of VR fun!

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How about a little target practice?

9. Gal Gun VR

For anyone who's ever wanted to star in their own anime series

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Please pay attention in class

You've always wanted to be the most popular guy around, right? You love shooting games and anime, too? Well, Gal Gun VR lets you enter the world of anime and helps you earn love through unique shooting gameplay. While it sounds like a weird concept, it’s actually quite fun!

Learn how to make the girl of your dreams fall in love with you in this highly rated game from Inti Creates! Run through beautifully rendered environments while blasting pheromones to those around you. It's weird! It’s quirky! And most of all, it's fun!

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Meet the girl of your dreams

8. Batman Arkham VR

A better Batman Returns...

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I'm Batman...and so are you!

Prepare yourself, caped crusader! Don your cape and cowl and prepare to face off against the most dastardly villains! Outwit the Riddler, bash the Penguin and flush Killer Croc down the drain in this epic VR adventure in the Arkham series!

Get ready to enjoy a deep dive into Batman’s world with a first-person view! Navigate the dimly lit, terrifying halls of the asylum as you fight for justice. Interrogate your foes in only the way the Dark Knight can, then perform an autopsy with your advanced technology. There’s so much to do here, you’ll keep busy for hours. And don't forget to pack a baterang or two! Or perhaps some shark repellent…

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 The Joker Resurrected

7. Fallout 4 VR 

Ooooone is the loneliest number…

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Honey, I'm home!

It’s the end of the world as we know it (again) and you’re the only one left! Roam, blast and fight your way through a post-apocalyptic, virtual Massachusetts in Fallout 4 VR! The game takes everything that was fun about the first three games and turns things up to 11!

Following a flashback to life before the bomb, you awaken in a dead world. Alone except for the horribly mutated beasts around you, you struggle to survive. Argue with robots and shoot a raider or two before taking on the challenge of this post-apocalyptic nightmare! The array of weaponry available and the massive variety of foes will keep you coming back again and again.

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Bullets are flying and everyone’s dying to know…what is that thing? Pip Boy?

6. Serious Sam The Last Hope VR

Let’s get serious, Sam!

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Blast the killer crabs!

Battle swarms of devious enemies across several stages in the fantastic Serious Sam VR! Guide Sam across four planets of hectic action in wondrous virtual reality! It’s everything you loved about the original and its sequels, but with you experiencing the action in full-immersion virtual reality.

From the central hub, you can choose five different planets upon which to battle. Choose to take down flying beasts in the biodome of one world or fight through an industrial complex in another. But, wait, there’s more! Engage your blasters and fire away with high octane, non-stop action. You'll feel like you're truly walking on another world as Sam himself in Serious Sam the Last Hope VR!

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You can even use a chainsaw if you wanna!

5. Onward 

This ain’t The Sims

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An Ambush awaits…

Have you always wanted to improve your marksmanship and participate in online infantry missions in a simulation of military combat? Are other military sims bringing you down? Well, check out Onward, a cutting-edge military sim available for virtual reality. Onward boasts realistic situations and combat, making it one of the best military sims on the market today.

In a small village in the middle of nowhere, you crouch, awaiting your target. Hidden from the enemy while your team communicates and coordinates the mission, you slowly crawl across a desert landscape. Suddenly, ambush! Gunfire breaks out and the mission truly begins…

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The team stalks and surveys their next target

4. Gorn

 Taking gladiator games to the next level

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Ah, bloody hell…a mace destroys an opponent in the arena

Violently destroy your opponents in a virtual gladiator arena with Gorn. Take control and battle your way through these deadly games in the bloodiest game since Mortal Kombat. Unlike the MK series, Gorn satisfies your need to engage in bloody battle and ads a bit of a collecting element to it. It’s a simple departure, but an amazing one. That’s not to mention the insane amounts of cartoon violence and blood depicted in the game make Mortal Kombat look like a Fischer- Price cartoon game in comparison.

Choose between an array of weaponry—claws, maces, swords and more—as you fight your opponents to the death. Feel the wrath of the champion as he blocks you with his mighty shield! Loot the fallen warriors and become the best of the best in this combat simulation!

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Badgers? BADGERS? We don't need no stinking badgers!

3. Raw Data

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Ninja Robots? I’m in!

Move over William Gibson! Forget about Shadowrun! The real cyberpunk future is upon us with this virtual reality extravaganza. In the stark darkness of a cold, mechanical future, the Eden Corporation rules with seeming benevolence. But something sinister lies beneath their happy façade, as players will find out. Join an elite team of hackers to take down the corporation once and for all! But watch out for robot ninjas.

 Grab your laser, duck behind a console and prepare for action as you battle the minions of the Eden Corporation! Burn the enemies to a crisp and blast apart the chambers of the corporate office. Make your way to the end…where a surprise awaits. Extreme action and smooth controls make Raw Data one to check out today!

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Blasting your cyborg enemies…in a tight space

2. Arizona Sunshine

A zombie apocalypse shouldn’t be this much fun

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Just another sunny day in Arizona with an undead tourist

What do you get when you mix House of the Dead with The Walking Dead and sprinkle in a bit of mystery? I don’t really know, but if you’ve gotten this far with virtual reality, then you've probably heard of Arizona Sunshine. While fighting the undead in a post apocalyptic Arizona, you find a radio broadcasting a human voice. Now, you'll fight your way to its source…or die trying.

Explore the wreckage of the town and pillage the useful items left behind at an abandoned campsite. Beneath the hot Arizona sun and through the red clay mountains, you'll shoot your way through a zombie horde. When you get to the radio tower, the fun is only beginning. Gorgeous graphics and simple, addictive gameplay will keep you coming back for more sunshine. Arizona Sunshine even has a fantastic twist that I won’t spoil for you here. You’ll just have to play it and find out!

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I think I'll take the next train…

1. Star Trek: Bridge Crew

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Looking into the heart of the sun Onboard the Starship Enterprise

Red alert! Captain to the bridge. There’s Klingons on the starboard bow! You’ve seen the television shows and movies, and perhaps even read the novels, but have you ever wanted to be part of a Federation starship crew? Sure you have! If you've ever dreamed of being an officer on a Starfleet bridge, now is your chance! See what it takes to be part of the Enterprise crew in Star Trek: Bridge Crew.

Take control of the console and set us on course to our next mission, warp five. Steer the ship and be sure to watch your speed! Warp 5? I don’t think so! How about Warp 8? And don’t forget to keep an eye on the system during routine operations. We wouldn’t want a system intrusion now, would we? Prepare to man your battle station and lock on phasers as you experience Star Trek: Bridge Crew on your VR device.

Watch for a Star Trek: the Next Generation patch in the near future.

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Battle stations! Lock on phasers!

So, there you have it—the ten best VR games available now. I'm holding out for a real-life OASIS one day, but these are a blast for now! These days, it’s becoming easier to jump into other worlds with the modern evolutions of VR gaming and we hope this list will help you select a few new VR games for your collection! Until next time, be sure to comment and tell us about your favorite virtual reality games!

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