A professional and passionate individual, James loves RPG's and approaches his favourite genre with an open mind and a critical eye, loving nothing more than to get lost in his favourite worlds and leave no stone unturned or cave unexplored. His excitement of talking about these vast and beautiful landscapes and stories has resulted in a love of writing about them, hoping to excite others about them too.

This love of magical worlds and distant lands grew to include sci-fi and fantasy literature and you can always find a book by his side, and the sheer volume of tales consumed has made him an expert on all things fantasy - from the cultural nuances of the Aiel to the brutality of the shield walls of The Banished Lands.

James is a huge DC fan as well as a lover of geek culture in general and is using all of these influences to help pen his first novel.
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Immortals: Fenyx Rising