Jomari is an aspiring High Fantasy novelist who takes inspiration from books, history, and, most of all games. His love for writing began after reading Brandon Sanderson's Steelheart novel at the age of fifteen. Over the course of ten years, he started writing his own stories to develop his skills. After completing an online creative writing course at Oxford University to fine-tune those skills, he learned that he has yet more to learn to become a successful writer.

Video games are one of his biggest inspirations. He became something of a loremaster himself after having immersed himself in the lores of Warcraft, The Elder Scrolls, Warhammer (Fantasy and 40k), and many more. Beyond being a humble loremaster of games, he also competed in Dota 2 tournaments with his buddies and had a lot of fun in the process.
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Dota 2