Ember is a very experienced gamer with years of gaming under her belt. Her favorite games are Skyrim, Oblivion, and Overwatch. She mainly plays RPGs, strategy games, and horror games. She has extensive knowledge of Elder Scrolls lore and has an eye for small details in games, making her an amazing fit for GamersDecide.

Ember also has skills in reading, writing, punctuation/grammar, and spelling. She has landed 10th place out of 600 participants in a statewide English exam that included college-level grammar and writing questions, she was in 7th grade at the time. Now a Sophomore in high school, her skills have improved and she has become better at writing than ever before.

Ember loves to write about games to express her passion for them. She adores the thought that goes into creating lore, plotlines, characters, and the little details in games. She admires game developers like Bethesda who put a great deal of effort into their games. She also loves Indie games such as Limbo and has great respect for the people who create them.
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Skyrim, Oblivion