10 Awesome Games Like League of Legends: Page 9 of 10

10 Awesome Games Like League of Legends
Tired of dropping in ranked? Try some of these games instead

2. Heroes of the Storm

Arthas vs Diablo, now that's a matchup we're dying to see!

Blizzard decided to take all of their most famous video game characters and throw them in a blender. This created the masterpiece that is Heroes of the Storm!

In this game you can play your favorite Starcraft, Warcraft, or Diablo hero and battle on several different maps. Blizzard focused heavily on map objectives as all of the maps contain important points and mechanics that need to be fulfilled. One map has a ship that will shoot several barrages at your opponents structures if you get it enough gold. Another map has you morph into a massive siege plant golem if you can gather enough seeds.

These mechanics move away from the traditional moba structure and allows for diverse and fun gameplay. That and also the fact that you can play your favorite childhood game heroes is pretty awesome! Imagine what it would be like if you could take control of Baron and assault the enemy base in League. That is what you can do in Heroes of the Storm.

Whack away at the opopnents structures in traditional moba fashion

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Gamer Since: 1997
Favorite Genre: RPG
Currently Playing: Diablo 3, League of Legends, Dragon Age Inquisition
Top 3 Favorite Games:League of Legends, Diablo, Dark Souls II

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MJuarbe's picture

MJuarbe 9 years 1 week ago

im sad to say i havent played any of those games but i will now :)

All Comments (10)

yourskinisacanvas's picture

yourskinisacanvas 8 years 8 months ago

Will definitely be trying out some of these very soon.

Jamie_Hall's picture

Jamie_Hall 8 years 11 months ago

Will be adding a number of these to my list to check out soon!

MJuarbe's picture

MJuarbe 9 years 1 week ago

im sad to say i havent played any of those games but i will now :)

James Lightning's picture

James Lightning 9 years 1 week ago

Infinite Crisis looks kinda fun. Its like LOL but with superheroes. Check out the gameplay https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJLIMCmpBkk

MJuarbe's picture

MJuarbe 9 years 1 week ago

im playing DC Universe now and i like it

PERIL's picture

PERIL 9 years 1 week ago

Aww, I was surprised to not see Dead Island: Epidemic on that list since all my DIE friends play those other games when not playing DIE. :)

James Lightning's picture

James Lightning 9 years 1 week ago

Isnt that a beat em up? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVs-_GIi024

PERIL's picture

PERIL 9 years 1 week ago

In some ways yes, but the gameplay is definitely MOBA-style. The video you linked is just showing the tutorial. The multiplayer mode is 4v4v4 so it's a big skirmish but it's all based on skills and top-down gameplay. It's very much like other MOBA's. The player base is dwindling though so I'm not surprised it's falling through the cracks.

James Lightning's picture

James Lightning 9 years 1 week ago

4v4v4 - interesting... so you just wait for the other 2 teams to kill themselves and then jump in while they're about to die lol.

PERIL's picture

PERIL 9 years 1 week ago

Precisely! And then wait for the rage to ensue. Seriously, never have I met a meaner crowd in a PvP oriented game. I think that's why the playerbase is dying. :(

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